Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1371: Battle of Daizong

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"She has a name on the newspaper," he asked indifferently.

"Yanjing Chen family, Chen Yuxin."

Upon hearing the name of the person, Ji Qian's complexion changed. For the most part, Ye Shikai has not returned to Chen's house for a long time. Since the last time Ye Shikai in North America had a big deal with Chen Yuxin, Chen Yuxin has temporarily “relieved” for a while, but not On behalf of her, she changed, but she was worried that it would irritate Ye Shikai. She probably did not agree with Ye Shikai's affairs, but because of the situation, she did not dare to speak out. Now Ye Shikai's life and death are unknown. Chen Yuxin must not sit still. That's why I came to see Zong Qian.

"No words, she came to me, and I'm going to see her." Although Ji Qian didn't wait to see Chen Yuxin, or even resent her, she is now Ye Shikai's legal wife, and she has children in her belly, and Ye Shikai is indeed It disappeared after Ji Qian went to the sacred mountain. For reason, Ji Qian was the wrong party, so even though her body was not healed, she still insisted on getting out of bed.

"Okay, you don't have to meet her. Let me go. Based on your current situation, if you meet her, you will inevitably fight in Jiuzong. I don't want you to disturb Jiuzong's purity." Wuyan is still consistent. It's cold, but she can see that she still cares about Ji Qian's safety.

"Go tell her and let her in." He said silently.

"Head, the opponent is more than one person, but a group of people, only let her in, or ..."

"This is interesting. If there are many people who can scare our Zongzong, then it will be divided up." There was no word of coldness, and the true strength of Zongzong, let alone Ye Shikai and others have not seen it, even Wu Mu such a gifted woman is difficult to control.

ten minutes later.

"The visitor is a visitor. Please drink tea. It is good for raising a child." In the meeting room, Wu Mu came in alone, and only Chen Yuxin was in it. Members of the "Shadow Agency" and the leaders such as Li Mei stood outside. , Of course, this must be ordered by Chen Yuxin.

A disciple of Zongzong slowly poured a cup of tea for Chen Yuxin. At this time, she was cold and turned a blind eye to the hot tea.

"Where is Ji Qianren?"

"She is poisoned and is being treated. It is not suitable for seeing guests." Wuyan did not lie, but she did not want Chen Yuxin to see her directly.

"She took my husband, and now he is still dead. He has no idea of ​​life or death. Does she have nothing to explain?" Chen Yuxin slammed the tea cup to the ground, as if a gunpowder was directly detonated by a Martian.

"Then why didn't he want to go home with you, but instead went to Europe." Ji Qian couldn't refute. In fact, she sent him to the Temple of the King regardless of Ye Shikai's feelings. The behavior was described as "outrageous", and Chen Yuxin couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Even at this moment, she still worried whether Ye Shikai had forgiven.

"Mute, this matter is my family affair, and it's a private matter between me and Ji Qian, please don't worry about it." If you change someone else, I'm afraid Chen Yuxin won't talk so well, but she's a different word. The door, here is the site of Yanzong. No one dares to pretend here. Even if it is not necessarily the opponent of the film agency, there are at least a dozen species of tapeworms in her hands, which can easily take the lives of these people, and The whole body was festering and beyond recognition, which made people unable to bear the huge pain.

"If this is just a private matter between the two of you, then naturally I won't intervene, I won't even bother to ignore you." Said murmuringly with a small mouth.

"That being the case, you tell me where she is. I will go to her in person, rest assured, I will never fight."

"But ... I can't ignore this matter, and it looks like it's not a private matter for the two of you anymore." The words turned sharply.

"What do you mean?" After Chen Yuxin's color changed after listening, of course she heard the meaning of speechlessness. It seemed that she would not let Chen Yuxin and Ji Qian meet.

"Because ... I also like Ye Shikai. Speaking of which, this is not a matter for the two of you, but a matter for the three of us. Do you think this is something that is not about me?" The speechlessness was astonishing. Facing Ye Shikai with Chen Yuxin's confession, it looks more like she is deliberately provoking Chen Yuxin.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Qian heard the expression, her face flushed with anger, she never expected that she would answer like this, but she seemed to guess something, and she has always been an indifferent person. Zong has never been invincible, but why is Wu Yan willing to help Ye Shikai over and over again for free? The original unrequited love was also speechless. If it were not for her, maybe Ye Shikai is now a "love" of Chen Yuxin ".

"The milky smell is still dry. If you stop me again, don't blame me." Chen Yuxin was upset and took out the pure Jun sword directly. The sword was sharp. She had been pregnant for a long time. She was not going to use force, which shows that she is now How angry.

"You can try it, frankly, you are the first person to dare to do something in Daizong."


Qin Dynasty.

"From the map, the total county should be less than ten miles away from us, and the whole army is advancing at full speed." Shang Guanjian pointed to the northwest ~ ~ There are several counties at the same time in Hanoi County. This is a tricky thing, especially now that this "eventful autumn", a large number of young people have already entered the battlefield, and the rest are also farmers. It can be said that the rear is empty and the insurgents are powerful. If it is not critical, the county guards will not be. Orders will be issued directly to subordinates.

The people rushed to the lower part of the county. This is already a medium-sized battlefield. Thousands of insurgents attacked the county with a simple siege weapon. If they had been in the past, these people were just robbers, bandits, and assaults. The village is okay. Attacking heavily guarded counties is simply a dream. But now, the insurgents are powerful and the guards on the city are uneven. There are even many old people and children. Where is this army? .

"Chong, smash the city, and the gold and silver jewelry in it are all ours."

"Shangguan, the situation is in crisis now, let's hurry up and support it." Ye Shikai said anxiously.

"No, don't be so anxious, this time we're going to wipe them out in one fell swoop." Shang Guanjian looked at the terrain outside the city.

"Lao Ye, I led the cavalry forward and defeated the enemy. You took the infantry and cut off their retreat. You must not let go of one." Shang Guanjian ordered. The latest chapter of the president ’s wife of personal soldiers Address: The president ’s wife of personal soldiers Read the full address: The president ’s wife of personal soldiers txt Download address: The president ’s wife of personal soldiers Mobile phone reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click below \ "Favorites \" Record this (Chapter 1346: Zong Zong's Controversy) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "President's Wife", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! !! ()

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