Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1388: Han Hao was injured

Armor is the first life of a sergeant on the battlefield. Ye Shikai is a bit worried. If he meets the quartermaster like that last time, it will be troublesome. Heyang is Han Hao ’s place, even if the quartermaster is hit, Han Hao will not punish him, not to mention that it was his fault originally, but it is different here. This is the base camp on the front line. It is a solid city. The garrison is no less than 50,000. If you make trouble here, I am afraid that Military law is engaged ...

"This is your barracks. There are enough two thousand people stationed. The war has begun. There are many troops from all over the country. So you better not get in trouble, share some peace and wait for the general's order." An officer brought everyone into After the camp, along the way, Ye Shikai found that some of the dwellings and markets were closed. Sergeants were stationed in it. People who met on the way to Lenovo, presumably the people in Jixian heard that there would be a war, so they left early.

"Is this adult, do all the sergeants who go to Jixian live here?" Ye Shikai asked.

"What do you think, there are still some people in the city, and so many troops, where can they live."

"Where does the other person live?" The crowd was puzzled.

"Others were stationed outside the city, and General Montaigne had orders. So the troops coming in were treated equally, first come first served, and the first sergeants were stationed inside the city. Later, they could only be stationed outside the city." The officer patted Ye Shikai's shoulder "You came early, so you are stationed in the city."

"Thank you, Lord." Ye Shikai rejoiced in the heart, of course he is not the kind of "gloat" villain, but as the leader of these two thousand people, of course he hopes that the army will not blow the cold wind outside the city ...

"Sir, the new weapons and armors, when do you want to arrange them?" What Ye Shikai cares about most is whether he can get new weapons. Along the way, many sergeants' clothes were scratched. Some people He was also wearing straw shoes, which had been worn so long that he could no longer use them.

"Relax, it will be arranged naturally, but now that there are so many troops, I am afraid ... it will take some time."

When Ye Shikai heard this, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. What he was most worried about was the lack of military supplies. Without good weapons and armor, the sergeant would die in vain on the battlefield. procrastination.

"Then why the garrison army needs equipment, we don't have it. Do we look down on us?" Mancang heard that he couldn't get the new equipment immediately, and immediately resentful, he said directly, Ye Shikai was afraid that he would cause trouble, and quickly pulled him Come back.

"This little brother has misunderstood me." Ye Shikai thought that the officer would be angry. He did not expect that he was not angry, but was very interested in Mancang.

"This time a total of 200,000 sergeants came as soldiers. Even in the warehouse of Xianyang City, it is impossible to store enough weapons and armors for 200,000 people." The officer explained it first, and then slowly walked to In front of Mancang, the tone is meaningful. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"But in the second half of the sentence, you are right. I really do n’t care about the defenders in your counties. In terms of combat effectiveness, you are still far behind. Usually you only face some robbers and can fight with the wolves. Compare them. "

"You ..." When Mancang heard this, his anger suddenly came up, and Ye Shikai quickly stopped him.

"You don't need to be so angry. This is a fact. When you meet the wolf on the battlefield in the future, you will understand my words."


"Master Tun, why did you stop me just now, when I dropped this old boy on the ground to see if he could amplify the words." In the camp, full of anger still remained, but only five or six sergeants had just He pulled down.

"If you can throw out the equipment of two thousand people, I'll let you kill him." Ye Shikai shook his head helplessly, Shangguanjian also looked dignified, he could not do anything with anger, and worse with anger, reality The situation is that if a full warehouse really hits that officer, it will only make the equipment come later.

"Okay, Lao Ye, we are not worried about the equipment now, but it is the words of the officer, which makes people feel a bit." At this time, Shang Guanjian spoke.

"With our sergeants, it is a big question whether they can be the opponents of the wolf cavalry." Everyone heard what Shang Guanjian meant. At least three-quarters of the two thousand sergeants did not hurt anyone. , Let alone killing, in other words, people who want to be a peasant in the last second or instantly become a warrior who is not afraid of life and death, it is simply a dream.

"I know Wei Wuzu's training methods ..."

"But not all of us are Wei Wuzu." Ye Shikai knew what Mancang wanted to say. Wei Wuzu's combat power was indeed strong. Even the regular army of the Qin Army was difficult to resist, but Wei Wuzu was not an ordinary sergeant. Everyone is carefully selected before entering. As long as the strong men are strong, the basic physical quality cannot be trained overnight. With reference to Mancang and his brothers Wu Weizu, these two There are only two or three hundred people who can meet the standards of Wei Wuzu ~ ~ let alone find a thick armor like Wei Wuzu ...

The only thing that pleases Ye Shikai is that Qin Jun ’s strategy is mainly to defend the Great Wall, supplemented by timely attacks, and the Wolves are good at guerrilla field battles, not good at attacking the city defense, and the equipment is simple. Less than a little advantage.

报告 "Report, Lord Han is here." Suddenly, a sergeant rushed in excitedly.

什么 "What, Lord Han came here, why so fast." According to their plan, Han Hao would take at least twenty or thirty days to carry out the **** of escorting food, but now it is only more than half a month.

"Master Han was injured, and most of the sergeants accompanying him were also injured, and their morale was very low."

"How is this going."

"Okay, not much to say, let's go and have a look." The two took a few guards on the horse and rode to the city gate.

Looking from a distance, Ye Shikai found a group of "disabled soldiers" successively entering the city gate. Many sergeants were seriously injured, supported each other, stepped forward with a spear, and some were seriously injured. They were all brought in, and it looked like they had gone through a **** battle. Starting

"Master Han, are you okay." Shang Guanjian found Han Hao at a glance. He was walking in with some soldiers to help the wounded, and Shang Guanjian immediately asked for help.

"Relax, minor injuries, it doesn't matter." Han Hao was relieved when he saw the people, his armor was broken, and his right arm was bandaged.

"What exactly is going on."


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