Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1396: Companionship

Mapeng is stationed here all the year round, and his 2,000 sergeants have also received a lot of his favors. In addition, Mapeng also shows a "dutiful commitment". He has a good reputation in the army, and his reputation is naturally high. Moreover, Mapeng made a lot of money by selling arrows to the wolves in private, and many of them must have rewarded their soldiers and soldiers, making them willing to die for them.

A military order issued by General Meng Tian made Mapeng and his men obey Han Hao as a "stranger", which originally made these garrisons dissatisfied. If they rashly executed Mapeng, they would even cause "mutation". Although the number of two thousand sergeants is not dominant, once they are killed, it is the worst situation that Ye Shikai wants to see, but it is the wolf that they want to see most.

"If we understand the truth and show affection, the two thousand sergeants should be right or wrong, reselling ordnance. This is a capital crime of beheading. I see who dares to stand by him." Xue San somewhat I don't quite understand. He was a bandit on rivers and lakes. He naturally knew the laws of the Qin Dynasty. The thief was a little petty. Mapeng sold his arrows to the wolf clan. If the wolf clan broke the fortress, it would be Treason, but if they are going to be killed by the tribe, their followers will also be seated. Xue San believes that as long as the garrison understands that Mapeng has committed the felony of the "three tribe", they naturally dare not follow, and they will even fight against it. Come and report it.

"I don't care if they will rebel or not, but I worry about the wolf." Ye Shikai looked dignified and stepped back 10,000 steps. If there was a real rebellion, even if it was annihilated, what if the wolf attacked the fortress at this time? Sergeants who had fought **** battles could not withstand their onslaught. At that time, the fortress was completely lost, and everyone could not escape the slaughter.

"No matter what, you have to tell Han Hao and Shang Guanjian first." Ye Shikai looked at the bamboo slips in his hands and said with a sigh, "I am afraid that it would be difficult for any ordinary person to refuse this price."

Main barracks.

"What did you say, Ma Peng actually did this kind of thing." After Shang Guanjian heard it, he re-taped his palm on the table, suddenly stood up, and shouted loudly, Han Hao was also dignified, staring at the copy. Bamboo slips, long silent.

"I didn't expect this Mapeng, but dared to collude with the wolves." Han Hao hit a hammer on the table, looking very sad, and turned to Ye Shikai.

"Brother Ye, this is what you discovered. Do you have any plans?" Han Hao asked.

"If we fight against the grass, it will most likely lead to the rebellion of 2,000 sergeants under Mapeng, so we want a plan."

"Report, Mapeng was outside and asked to meet with Han." Before Ye Shikai finished speaking, a guard rushed in and reported to the three.

"Okay, I'm still trying to clean him up. He was delivered to the door. I took someone ambush on both sides of the barracks, and as soon as the kid came in, I straightened him on the spot." Ma Peng shattered 10,000 corpses at once, but was stopped by Ye Shikai.

"If this is the case, I am afraid it will make things worse, Shangguan, and I will all listen to me." Ye Shikai advised.

"Shangguan, let's listen to Brother Ye's arrangements." Han Hao did not agree with the sharp knife, otherwise no one can afford the consequences.



"General Ma Peng, see Master Han."

Ye Shikai took the opportunity to wink at Han Hao, and the two immediately understood.

"Haha, Brother Ma is here. Sit and sit." Han Hao immediately "changed his face", put on a enthusiastic appearance, stepped out of the position himself, and helped Ma Peng up.

"Brother Shang, Brother Ye is here."

"Yeah, I came to report the military situation. I just met during a meal. I can't expect to meet again so soon."

"Brother Ma, is there anything you are doing this time?" Cut back to the subject, Han Hao asked, in general, the more guilty people, the more afraid to be too close to people, but Mapeng on the contrary, alone One came to the barracks, but maybe ... he hadn't found out that everyone knew his secret.

"The general will get an intelligence, which may be helpful for tactics." Mapeng said with a smile, took out a cloth from his arms, and handed it to Han Hao.

"I got the news from a vendor I knew. There was a wolf tribe supply camp not far from the fortress. There were many grains and forages sent there for the winter. I think it ’s time to wait with them, Master Han. It is better to take the initiative to burn all their supplies, so that they will definitely retreat. "

Han Hao didn't expect that Ma Peng was actually proposing a plan. With a look of embarrassment, Ye Shikai's brain was fast, and he seemed to feel something strange.

"Ha ha, of course this is a good thing." Ye Shikai laughed suddenly, everyone was shocked.

"Brother Ma is really my Qin Junliang Liangcai. I just don't know ... the news must be inaccurate." Ye Shikai went to Mapeng and said with a smile.

"It's true that the merchant who provided the information is my old acquaintance ~ ~ While doing business between the prairie and the Central Plains, I have also given me a lot of information." Ma Peng firmly said.

"Mr. Han, Brother Ma is sincere and hopes to adopt his opinions." Ye Shikai turned around and said to Han Hao Zuozhuan.

"Cough, since Brother Ma already has a plan, you might as well tell it to everyone." Han Hao coughed twice. Ye Shikai said that there must be his plan. Of course, Han Hao knew that Ma Peng was uneasy. But he also understood that Ye Shikai was counting on his plans, so he went along with his words.

"The day after tomorrow, a batch of supplies came from this supply battalion, but there were very few guarded wolf soldiers. We could send thousands of people and attack them, beating them by surprise."

After an hour.

After Mapeng left, Shang Guanjian could not help but turned his head to question Ye Shikai immediately.

"Lao Ye, what do you mean, he obviously wanted to design to harm us, and you actually agreed so simply."

"Shangguan, do you think I'm the kind of person who trades at a loss?" Ye Shikai smiled slyly, obviously, he was ready.

"It sent 4,000 people and raided the wolf tribe supply camp guarded by less than 500 people. It sounds like a surefire victory, but this must be Mapeng's trick. If we really go, we must go back or not, only afraid of It's not just as simple as reselling arrows to the wolf, I'm afraid now he has taken refuge in the wolf. "Ye Shikai said coldly.

"What are you waiting for? Let's catch him immediately." Shangguan urgently "hands on", and for anyone, there is such a time bomb buried around him, I am afraid there will be anxiety, I want to get rid of it soon Right.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan. The night after tomorrow, when our entire army set off without a show, how could we get the big fish hooked."

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