Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1399: Catching

Since the last rebellion in Longshan, Ye Shikai has kept this "special squad" in order to complete the task under special conditions, including he asked Xue San to "map" his wife to Shi Feng The fortress also used team members to infiltrate Mafu, assassinate missions, and lurking missions. It can be said that it was tried and tested.

"Old boy, how about it, now your life is in my hands." Mancang was already fierce, and now holding a short knife holder on Mapen's neck, he suddenly collapsed.

"Ye ... Ye Ye, I was forced." Ma Peng almost cried, and the matter was revealed, and he could not escape, and even his family would sit on it.

"Because of the wolf tribe, you sell arrows to the wolf tribe. In Daqin, this is a crime of death. The wolf tribe threatens you with a transaction between you. If you do n’t trust them, you will give all your actions to you. Meng Tian. ”Ye Shikai had already expected that Mapeng was not the kind of bold and brave person, and even his mental quality was very poor. For example, just now, he had collapsed and cried out. If he was in the wolf family, there was only one possibility. Coercion. First https: // https: //

"Yeah, Ye ... Ye Brother, please give me a chance to commit crimes and let go of my family." Mapeng cried and asked Ye Shikai for mercy.

"Brother, otherwise I'll be nice to you, even if I have the chance ready for you, I don't know if you want it."

当然 "Of course, of course, as long as I can forgive my family, I am willing to be a cow or a horse." Mapeng nodded immediately and agreed.

"If it is not unexpected, the wolf will come over later. I want the two thousand garrison soldiers in your hand, and you will cooperate with me for a play."


Sure enough, Ye Shikai didn't expect it. It did n’t take long for the wolf tribe to stand in the city. It was dark and Ye Shikai did n’t panic. He did n’t worry about what Ma Peng dared to do “surprisingly”. In the hand, only one word will fall on the head ...

Ye Shikai carefully observes that there are about 2,000 wolf cavalry below, and some infantry and archers with long swords. The total number is about 4,000. It is indeed a large number, but to be honest, the Shifeng Fortress is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If Han Hao's 5,000 people and Mapeng's 2,000 garrisons work together, even if they come to 50,000 wolf rides, they can't be broken.

The city walls of the Shifeng Fortress are only seven or eight meters long, with cliffs on both sides. The wolf clan also lacks siege equipment. If they attack hard, they can only be up to five thousand people at a time. The other people have no place to play fists. Being able to wait for the people in front to die on the top is undoubtedly the death of Qin Jun who has the geographical advantage.

The most important thing is the location of the fortress. This is the throat that connects the Central Plains and the grassland. Through this, you can bypass the Great Wall defense line and go straight to Jixian County, and then from north to south, annex the entire Central Plains.

"Brother, don't panic, after the incident, your family will be fine. Even with the consent of Han, you may be able to save your life, but you can't stay here." Ye Shikai stood beside Mapeng, softly Reminded.

"Understand, I understand, I must cooperate." Mapeng settled himself, he could not panic, otherwise how could the wolf triumph.

"Ahem, is General Helian?" Mapen yelled, standing on the wall.

"General Mapeng, according to our agreement, will you dedicate the plug to us, is there a problem?" Ye Shikai looked down, a bearded general riding a war horse and holding a long knife. According to Mapeng's previous disclosure, this "General Helian" is the commander of these wolf soldiers. As long as he takes him down, these people will not have command.

"No problem, no problem, I will open the city gate now." Mapeng immediately agreed, and asked his dozen or so sergeants to pull up the gate and then open the gate.

"Haha, Qin Jun is known as the division of tigers and wolves. I don't think so, the army came with me." General Helian sighed and slowly brought the cavalry behind him into the fortress.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Everyone, get ready." Ye Shikai watched as the wolf soldiers entered the fortress on the city wall, turned and whispered to the sergeant beside him, the fortresses were flanked by cliffs, there was only a north-south passage, and the north was solid. Since Ye Shikai deliberately let the wolfs come in to "catch in the middle", naturally he is fully prepared. Eighty archers have been arranged on the wall. Ye Shikai personally sits on the town.

Ye Yekai has been watching, he is waiting for everyone to come in ...

"Strange, why are there no one here?" Helien rode on a war horse, looking left and right, and the small camp was empty.

马 "Ma Peng reports that there should be 3,000 troops here, but except for the soldiers on the wall, why am I invisible?" Helien turned the horse's head and turned to the direction of the wall.

马 "Mapen, where are the remaining soldiers, where are they all?" Helen roared loudly at the wall.

"Brother ~ ~ Leave the rest to me." Ye Shikai sneered and waved his hand. Xue San immediately pulled the iron gate with a dozen sergeants and lowered the iron gate. This gate It is extremely heavy and very sturdy. It is almost impossible to punch hard.

"The whole army obeyed the order and killed the wolf tribe." Ye Shikai pulled out his long sword and yelled at the sky, and his voice echoed throughout the valley. The archers on the wall immediately stood up, and thousands of arrows were fired immediately. , Instantly shot down a wolf tribe.

"Abominable, there was an ambush, we are going to retreat." Herlian's face changed greatly, turning his horse head to leave, but the gate had completely blocked the retreat. There was no "jack" in this era.

"Continue shooting arrows, don't stop."

At the same time, the crossbowmen on the city wall are high above the ground, with a strong bow and hard crossbow on their hands. Below are wolf cavalry mostly wearing leather armor. This is simply a massacre. Ye Shikai had already The access to the ramparts was destroyed, so the wolf can't come up at all, and can only be shot from below. The wolf cavalry is characterized by fast movement and fierce charge, but trapped in such a small area, the war horse can't perform The response is slow, not even as good as the infantry.

"Abominable, everyone, rush forward with me." Helian saw this, and was furious in his heart. Now the east-west direction is the cliff, and the north wall can't get out. It can only go south, that is, inside the fortress. , The cavalry of the wolf tribe charged at an instant, and the speed was very fast. If they could break through the gate to the south, they might be able to escape.

"Next, I will see the full warehouse." Ye Shikai stared at the south, and the smile of steady victory gradually appeared on his face.


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