Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1401: End battle

"The enemy has retreated, the generals, keep moving forward." Mancang shouted loudly, lifting Helian's body up. This was a deterrent to the wolf cavalry, who had lost command and had no ability to organize power. Large-scale charge, while playing back, one of the few archers wanted to release the arrow to delay the advance of the Qin Army, but the poor arrow did not shoot through the shield, let alone the first row of shields The sergeant was still the "Qin Ruishi" just trained.

The armour of the armour is fine and heavy, and the arrow can only scratch a white mark at most, and the lance of the wolf clan is not so long at all. Once it rushes into the army array, it will be stabbed into a sieve by random guns three or four meters away.

With the well-coordinated army formation, it seems that it is no longer a bulldozer, but a mobile meat grinder.

The crowd slowly pushed forward, the space of the wolf army was compressed smaller and smaller, step by step compressed to the inner side of the city wall, and lacked a shield. They could only fall to the ground with arrows, one by one, long before the battle, Ye Shikai was here. A clearing was cleared, and without obstruction, it was a living target for the crossbowmen on the city wall.

"Lao Ye, we are back, quickly open the gate." At this time, the shout of Shang Guanjian came from outside the city gate.

Ye Yekai turned around and looked at it. It was Han Hao and Shang Guanjian. Four thousand sergeants were all there and they gathered outside the city gate.

"It's great." Ye Shikai was a joy in his heart, which is of course one of their plans. Han Hao and Shang Guanjian did set off, but not to sneak into the wolf tribe's supply camp. They just went out and "walked" around. The purpose of this is naturally to confuse Mapen and the wolf tribe, so that they can enter the fortress with peace of mind.

Now the return of 4,000 sergeants is undoubtedly adding more insurance to the plan. Even if the wolves lifted the gate, the 4,000 sergeants were "blocked" by the outside.

"Your retreat has been broken, there is no reinforcements, and you are still unwilling to surrender." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, Shang Guanjian asked the sergeant to raise his spear and pierced through the small holes between the gates. Sergeant of the wolf tribe Keeping back, crowded, even several people have been squeezed "stick" to the gate, unable to move, watching the spear piercing the body ...

"This ..." The Sergeant of the Wolves looked at each other. At this time, less than half of the 4,000 people who came over were mostly still alive. The most important thing was that they had no other way of life except to surrender.

The most desperate for the sergeant was not the current inferiority or the perilous situation, but the battle without hope of survival, and the death of meaninglessness.

"Stop all hands." Ye Shikai shouted, hundreds of crossbowmen immediately closed their hands, and the full position also stopped the army forward. Fear had written on the faces of the Wolf Sergeants, even the limbs were shaking, although Qin The army stopped the offensive in their hands, but they did not fight back, but stood idly in place, looking around like a bow-struck bird.

I can also say that the remaining soldiers of the wolf clan are only "front line" from the collapse.

Now is a good opportunity to persuade.

"Brothers of the wolf tribe, if you are stubborn and stubborn, it is a dead end. Put down the weapon in your hand, and I will spare you with the honor of the Qin Army." Ye Shikai continued, "At this moment, if I do not want to stay alive, I only need a cup of tea Time, you will become a dead body on the ground. "

Ye Shikai spoke word by word and was powerful. Every sentence was chiseled into the heart of a wolf sergeant like an awl. For those on the edge of despair, even if a straw was found, they would be as tight as a twine. Hold fast.


Suddenly, a wolf sergeant stepped out of the crowd, dropped the long knife in his hand, and covered his face with a coarse cloth. It seemed to be worried about being recognized, and then slowly raised his hands toward the full army. Go on.

"Full warehouse, let the sergeant make way for him." Ye Shikai exclaimed.


"The sergeant in the front, give him a way." Mancang greeted the front row Qin Ruishi to split up and gave way directly from the middle. The wolf soldier was still hesitant. Seeing this situation, he just left. Go in.

"Let's ... surrender too."


With the first person taking the lead, the remaining wolf soldiers also lowered their weapons one after another. This effect was a large one. Soon, almost everyone put down their weapons and raised their hands to line up.

"Open the gate." Ye Shikai said faintly, Xue San and others opened the heavy gate. Han Hao and Shang Guanjian took the 4,000 sergeants into the fort to assist Mancang to guard the captives.

"Brother, see it. This wolf is not invincible. There is no unbeatable battle, only a stupid commander." Ye Shikai patted Mapeng's shoulder. At this time, his face was full of fear. And shocked, in the past battles with the wolf tribe, both sides played indiscriminately and lost both. However, today's battle, Qin Jun was completely "rolled over."

"Brother Ye is commanding like a god, admiring him, I hope you can abide by the previous agreement and let ..."

"Rest assured, UU reading I will release your family. As for your punishment, you still need to discuss with Han, but rest assured, I will try to say something good for you, if not this time you Wear guilt and make achievements, I'm afraid ... the wolf can't be fooled. "


"This battle was really beautiful." In the camp, Han Hao had made a celebration party.

"This time, we captured 800 horses, captured more than 1,000 people, wiped out nearly 3,000 enemies, and killed the warrior Helian, the Wolf Clan. This is a great victory."

"Yeah, I have been in the army for so long, and for the first time I find it so easy to fight."

世 Ye Shikai was undoubtedly the first person to win this time. From beginning to end, from planning to commanding, he handled it all by himself, and the rest could even be said to have touched his light.

"I have reported this to General Meng. It won't be long before the awards will be issued. At that time, everyone here will be able to get military merit." Han Hao also laughed and joined the army for so many years, he did not fight After such a victory, Ye Shikai, however, has already established this "magic skill" with more than a month of coming to Qin Army, and his future is limitless.

"Brother Ye, this time you have done a great job."

"It just wants to end the war as soon as possible, and this will also allow more brothers to return home triumphantly." Ye Shikai said faintly, the credit is not very attractive to him, he wants to protect every brother who accompanied him.

"With these horses, we can form a cavalry team, and we can also charge on the battlefield in the future."

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