Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1405: Martial arts study

The fortress is a very narrow place. Helian is a veteran of the wolf clan. He has been playing in the field for more than 70 times. It is also because of the importance of the Shifeng fort that the wolf clan sent him to take over the fort. It is precisely because he wins more and loses less, so he was negligent, and easily stepped into the trap set by Ye Shikai. Even after fighting the trapped beast, he still couldn't escape. If he can be a little cautious, This will not happen.

"I already understand the matter of Mapeng. He resells arrows, commits rebellion, and cannot escape the crime of death. As for his family, he can spare his life." Meng Tian nodded, frankly, this time he undoubtedly met " "Bad news, good news" situation, a general wants to give up the fortress, but is dealt with by another general, but also annihilates the enemy three thousand, captives one thousand, Meng Tian is also quite afraid after the event, if the fortress falls Letting the patriarch of the wolf drive straight in and sending 50,000 more will not help.

"The general of Mongolia is wise." Ye Shikai nodded.

"By the way, I heard that your martial arts are very high, aren't you?" Meng Tian turned around and continued to ask.

"This ... is just a trick, not worth showing off." Ye Shikai was modest, and he couldn't understand why Meng Tian asked, but ... it's better to be a low-key person.

"You don't have to be too humble, it's better to discuss this with you, General." As soon as Meng Tian's words fell, the generals present were all stunned. Meng Tian was not only a well-known warrior, he was also a warrior in charge. Throughout Qin Kingdom, No one has the confidence to single out Meng Tian easily.

"General Meng, you have a heavy responsibility, how can you do such a thing as a duel, what's more, your martial arts reputation is unknown to everyone in Daqin, how can a thousand captain become your opponent. Han Hao said with a smile, but anyway, moving the sword is hurtful, not to mention the other side is the general of the Qin Dynasty, Meng Tian.

哈 "Haha, since you are in the Qin Army, no matter you are a soldier or a soldier, you should not be afraid of swords. If even I am afraid of swords, how can we establish prestige?"

"Well, Ye Xiaozi, would you like to discuss it with me?" Meng Tian pointed to Ye Shikai. For him, this was a dilemma. If he didn't want to, Meng Tian would invite him several times. There will still be a count of disrespect, even resistance. If he is willing, he will have to fight with Meng Tian. Among the Qin Army, he can be singled out with the commander of the army, I am afraid he is the only one. First https: // https: //

既然 "Since General Meng insists, he will no longer refuse."

"Okay, let the sergeant set down the platform in the open space, let's go out." Meng Tian quickly took a photo of the table and pulled Ye Shikai's hand out of the barracks.


"Brother Ye, you must not do your best." Outside the barracks, Han Hao specially pulled Ye Shikai into the corner, reminding nervously, "General Mongolia is a great general of the empire and has a distinguished status. He raised it, but if he was really injured, we would all lose our heads. "Han Hao said and stretched out his hand and gave a slight gesture on the neck.

"General Meng may be tempting you, but it may also be a whim. If you lose without shame, and still save his face, this is a win-win situation. If you try to follow him with all your strength, you will win. There is no benefit, maybe he will be charged. "

"Okay, Master Han, I know all of this, I will only order until now, what?"

"That's good, that's good, don't forget it."

"Ye Xiaozi, are you ready?" On the side of the platform, Meng Tian has replaced light armor. Originally, Han Hao wanted the two sides to replace them with wooden swords and swords, but Meng Tian rejected them.

"Okay." Ye Shikai also changed his clothes and took the sword to the ring. Both sides used swords instead of long guns or long swords.

"Did you choose to be a sword, is it because you intentionally let this general." Meng Tian asked.

"The generals are not good at using spears, but this saber is suitable in length and can be used freely. General Mongolia invites it." Ye Shikai wrote 揖.

"I am older than you. If you let the trick go, some people will inevitably say that I am invincible. So, you go ahead and I let you do three tricks." Meng Tian really is not an ordinary person. If you change to an ordinary person to hit the stage, if not Eighty percent of the odds are never proactive.

"Then the general will be disrespectful." Ye Shikai also understood that Meng Tian was the commander in chief of the army after all. Naturally, he had to show a "god of war" in front of the generals. If he lost face, the morale of the entire Qin army would be low.

So Ye Shikai must lose, but Meng Tian must think that he is doing his best ...

Ye Shikai suddenly stabbed a sword, and the sword's edge was slightly to the left, which was easily avoided by Meng Tian. Ye Shikai's backhand waved the sword and was also easily blocked by him. The sword's collision wiped out the spark, Ye Shikai kicked another kick and Meng Tian's body A retreat, kicked directly.

Twenty-three moves have passed.

"Ye Xiaozi, if you release water again, this general will be merciless ~ ~ Come out with all your skills and fight with me." Meng Tian said softly, Ye Shikai was quite surprised. He did release the water on purpose, but he was sure he could "deceive" everyone, but he did not expect to hide it.

"The first move was a stabbing. You deliberately moved the sword to the left, and the second move was a sword. Your target was not me, but the sabre in my hand. Obviously, I blocked it. As for the third move, although I was kicked by you, but I saw that you finally pulled off the power, even if you hit me, it was painless. "

说 All said.

Ye Shikai's turn was shocked, but the fight was only in the blink of an eye, and Meng Tian had clearly seen the flaws in it. I am afraid that even if Ye Shikai went all out, he could not help Meng Tian. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Next, you have to be careful." Meng Tian reminded, as soon as he finished speaking, he rushed straight up, chopped down with a sword, Ye Shikai blocked with a horizontal sword, only felt a strong pressure, which didn't seem to be a sword blade. On the contrary, it was more like a mountain. Ye Shikai even knelt down.

"it is good."

"it is good."

"Meng general is mighty."

The unanimous shouts on the stage are cheering for Meng Tian. Ye Shikai also has to admit that Meng Tian's martial arts are indeed strong. If he has no internal force, he is definitely not Meng Tian's opponent. The attack just now is enough to prove that he is weak And Ye Shikai feels that Meng Tian still keeps his hands, otherwise he would not just be as simple as "pretentious block".

"Ye Xiaozi, keep fighting."


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