Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1428: Suddenly realized

Counting the supplementary soldiers at the rear, at this moment, the garrison at Shifeng Fortress has reached 10,000, of which 2,000 are cavalry, and the rest are heavy armored infantry and crossbowmen, and some siege equipment, such as bed crossbow With the trebuchet, the arms are complete, the supplies of grain and grass are sufficient, the morale is high, and the wolves have played many times, and they have become a strong brigade.

"Anyway, this is the order of General Mengda. Lao Ye, you don't want to face him in the face, let alone, we are not going to return to Xianyang. After we leave Xianyang, we will return to Heyang." Shang Guanjian advised.

"That being the case, I have no opinion. It is a good thing to go to Xianyang to get more military rewards for the brothers." In the end, Ye Shikai chose to agree, and from another perspective, at least went to Xianyang. Thousands of brothers pulled away from the death line, and they could finally rest for a while.

Three days later.

"Captain Han, at the end will be the deputy general of the Metropolitan Guards. Now, in accordance with the command of General Mengda, he is now defending the Shifeng Fortress." In the early morning, a team of elite Qin troops came from the south gate of the fortress. The plan, today is the day of changing defenses, and all the sergeants are very excited. Leaving the fortress means staying away from death.

"Then there are laborers, please come in. I have renovated the sergeant's facilities and can use it directly."

"Thank you, Mr. Han, for your thoughtfulness."

It doesn't take long for the two armies to change defenses. It has ended in the morning. Shifeng Fortress is a strategic place and a throat place connecting the Central Plains and the grassland. Whether you are defending yourself or not, you can't neglect it. Han Hao is almost The commander was told everything he knew, but he was fortunate that the defense was not the ordinary county and county defense forces, but the most elite troops of the Qin country, the Guards, with them to guard and fortresses. Can't lose it.

"How about, are you ready?" Han Hao asked.

"According to the military order, one month's worth of crops were prepared three days ago, and various weights were already prepared. If it goes well, in more than 20 days, we can go to Xianyang." Shangguan sister reported.

"Okay, all the brothers killed in blood for so long, and it is finally over." Han Hao suddenly showed a relieved smile and turned to look at the sergeant.

"Let's go, brothers, I'll take you to see Xianyang City."

"Let's go."


March ninth.

"We have now reached Hedong County and arrived at Yang County." Han Hao said with a map. "I didn't think it would be more than halfway in nine days, faster than I expected."

"It is true that the morale of the sergeants is high, and they are not tired of traveling for hundreds of miles."

"This is the hinterland of Qin Dynasty. There are no wolf attacks. The soldiers also want to come to Xianyang one day earlier." Ye Shikai nodded and said that this time they will be rewarded by Emperor Qin Shihuang. Many soldiers are looking forward to it.

"Report to Captain Han, Yang County is ahead. Does the army enter the county to rest or pass directly?" At this time, the scouts sent back came to report.

"Brother Ye thinks."

"Yangxian is a small county with a small population. We have 10,000 troops here. I'm afraid the barracks in the city can't even get so many places. It's better to live outside the city and leave tomorrow." Ye Shikai suggested, In the Qin Dynasty, the population was far less than that in modern times, and the entire Hedong County was only a million people, not to mention that this was just one of the counties. In contrast, they were indeed a "army".

"Yeah, find a flat ground close to the water, and the army camps and camps for a rest day."

Yangxian was near the river. After the army was stationed, people from many counties came to watch.

"Lao Ye, while we have time now, let's go and buy something in the county seat. Although Yang County is far less prosperous than Xianyang, we can buy some food and reward the sergeants. Look at the local customs here." Shangguanjian Suggested.

"It's a good suggestion." The two took dozens of guards on horseback, and as soon as they left the camp, they were "stopped" by many people in Yang County.

"Two military grandpas, how is the military situation ahead?"

"Whether we won or lost."

Everyone, you said something to me, and caused a headache for both of them. Rather than caring about the war, it is better to say that they want to know when the war sergeants will return by understanding the situation of the war. Hedong County and Hanoi County also send a lot of The young adults went to the front as soldiers, and their families waited for their return at home. Today, it was difficult to see an army passing by, so they came to ask.

"Everyone can rest assured that the Wolves have been defeated by us. This time, we are going to Xianyang to be sealed." Although it is not clear what the specific situation is, Ye Shikai explained the general situation to them to appease everyone.

"So, that's great."

"Yeah, if you win, you can come back."

"Don't worry about the folks. The Great Wall we are building is stretched for thousands of miles. It is not that the wolf tribe can easily break through." Shang Guanjian also comforted everyone, so that they need not worry.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

"Okay, everyone, go home quickly. It won't be long before the youth in the county will return." Ye Shikai motioned to everyone to spread out. The sudden "small episode" made both of them feel heavy, in various counties and counties. There are also many young and middle-aged families on the battlefield. They are all waiting for the return of their loved ones at home.

"Lao Ye, I now understand why you want to go back so much." The two walked in the Yangxian market, and Shangguanjian said suddenly.

"What if you could come back alive without receiving rewards."

"This is indeed the case ~ ~ Ye Shikai smiled comfortably, patted his shoulder and said, in Heyang County, every family is waiting for the youth to come back. When they go to Xianyang, their hometown elders have to wait another two months For them, it was a torment. Shang Guanjian hadn't thought of it before, so he didn't understand why Ye Shikai was not willing to go to Xianyang to receive the reward. I saw so many anxious people just now, and Shang Guanjian suddenly understood the reason.

"You guys, what are you doing here? You are going to die."

"Hurry up."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of the bazaar. I saw many people running back, and many people gathered in front, and some people wearing Qin Jun costumes could be seen there.

"There seems to be something wrong, let's go and see." Ye Shikai said immediately.

"Okay, come with me." Shang Guanjian rode forward.


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