Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1431: Unclaimed

"I sue Lord Han. I and Shangguanjian passed by the bazaar here and found that the grain stores here are hoarding, wanting to make a huge profit, and they have gained everything. As a result, these garrison troops rushed out and wanted to take me down. Ye Shikai explained.

"It's really upset. There are two troops here, and there are a few five hundred masters. You still want to take them down, Xiaoming doesn't want it anymore." Han Hao roared, "Come, drag out, just Dhamma. "

"This ... my life is terrible. I don't know how many adults came here, offended you, please forgive the villain's life." Being so frightened, the officer immediately persuaded the soldiers behind him. Trembling, for fear of losing his life.

"It's not impossible for me to let you go, but you must explain to me whether you have any collusion with this grain shop." Ye Shikai has already seen that this grain shop is not ordinary and can be armed to look at the shop. Guards, and as soon as Ye Shikai was about to check, so many garrison troops came. It must have been the shopkeeper's ventilating report. However, I did not expect that Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian had such high military positions and so many men.

"This ... where is there anything wrong? The villain just heard that a sergeant was making trouble in the bazaar, so he led the team to inspect it, all of them were blind-eyed, and I hope the adults will be magnanimous. horse."

"To this day, you are still lying, it seems that you really don't want to die." Ye Shikai shouted, "It doesn't matter if you dare not admit it, if you will find out, you will be punished."

If Ye Shikai did not expect it, the shopkeeper is not the real boss. Some people just said that the small and large grain stores in the county are opened by one person. In other words, a large county has so many people's rations. Being monopolized by one person, in this case, hoarding and selling grain at high prices is "sucking" the blood of the whole county.

"It's the magistrate's order." Suddenly, there was another "noisy" from the crowd. The sergeant dispersed and made way, and saw a man in an official uniform come over.

"Several military grandfathers, I am the county magistrate of Yangxian, Cao Wenzuo, and your army entered Yangxian. If there is any conflict, I hope you will raise your noble hand." A middle-aged man walked in front of Han Hao and said as a concubine.

The so-called "stretching hands and not laughing at people", as Cao Xianling said, Han Hao naturally took heart, but fortunately they arrived in time, otherwise whether it was Ye Shikai or Shang Guanjian, if they were injured a little, Even if this Cao County deputy knelt down to ask for forgiveness, I am afraid that the officer of the reserve army could not escape.

"Yan Bai, you're really tired, right? You dare to bump into a few military grandpas and beg your pardon." Cao Wenzuo walked to the officer and slaps angrily.

"Yes, yes, all the villains are blind-eyed, and they collided with a few, and the villain was willing to apologize, please forgive me, military officers."

"I also asked the military grandfather to be generous and forgive this person. I am willing to set a drink and entertain your army." Cao Xianling said so much good words, and Han Hao was naturally unwilling to be aggressive.

"Lieutenant General, let them go."


Han Hao ordered the sergeants to retreat, which was considered to spare them.

"Cao Xianling, my men clashed with the local garrison, all because of this grain store. They hoarded it. According to Qin law, this is a capital crime. I wonder if Cao Xianling knows this." Ye Shikai was most concerned about This is the grain shop, and he is most accustomed to seeing these traitors.

"This ... this county magistrate will surely investigate thoroughly."

"Really, I really hope that Cao Xianling can make a decision in front of the people in the county." Ye Shikai noticed Cao Wenzuo's expression and seemed to understand some things. He has been hoarding for so long that the county magistrate should have known , But never care, why is this.

"Brother Ye, we are not a local garrison. We should not care too much about this, otherwise there will be more suspicions." Han Hao said quietly in Ye Shikai, this is Yang County after all, and Han Hao's army is just passing by It was because he heard that Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian were in danger, so he led his soldiers into the city, but the local grain store violated the Qin Law, which was not under their jurisdiction.

"If the adults think so, then I have nothing to say, but the next thing I want to say is related to us." Ye Shikai let everyone enter the deserted shop, pointing to the tunnel.

"There is a lot of food hidden in this tunnel, and I asked the shopkeeper just now, this deserted shop is not hiss, right?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"This ..." The shopkeeper was speechless. After all, he just vowed in front of everyone that this shop had nothing to do with him.

"Cao Xianling, I would like to ask, this shop, including these grains, is not registered, is it?"

"It's true. There is no record of a batch of food in the government ..."

"That said, there is no owner of these grains, do they?"

"It's ... that's true."

"So since I first discovered these grains without a" master "~ ~ then according to the Qin law, these belong to me." Ye Shikai's words are amazing, but it is true. One of these grains is not claimed, two No one had discovered it before, and San hadn't registered it in the government. That was naturally the first person to be discovered, namely Ye Shikai.

At this moment, even Han Hao was shocked. There was so much grain under the ground, which was “picked up” by Ye Shikai for no reason. It was incredible.

"Come, go down and move all the food out." Ye Shikai ordered that dozens of sergeants immediately went down the tunnel. Soon, the moved out food filled the entire store, and this was just the "tip of the iceberg." There are regulations in the Qin law that the amount of grain, whether it is public grain or "private grain" sold at the market, must be registered on the plane, otherwise it is "black grain", which is equivalent to the grain sold in the black market. But these grains are more "special". They are not even found or claimed. It is like a piece of "gold" lying on the ground. Whoever picks it up has good luck.

In fact, Ye Shikai certainly does not think so. These grains are new grains at first glance. If they are not claimed, they will rot long. Since it is new grains, it means that someone has recently stored them here and can be in Yang County With so much food, it must be the traitor who monopolized the food bank behind him. As for why he did n’t dare to claim it, the reason is very simple. Once admitted, it is a felony of hoarding. "Don't admit it."

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