Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1437: Sneak into barracks

Ye Shikai once saw those princesses who walked thousands of miles in a TV show, but this time, he could really see it. From Yang County to Xianyang, thousands of miles away, Hualiandie was sitting on a sedan chair, and eight big men carried it. On the four sides, there are more than two hundred guards behind him. In this posture, even if the robbers and pirates really have an idea, I am afraid they have no such ability.

But even with so many guards around, Hualiandie spent two thousand gold and entrusted Han Hao's troops to protect her safety. This is nothing but giving Han Hao two thousand gold in vain. There is no reason for him to refuse this stable profitable transaction. Not only him, including Ye Shikai, will not refuse.

Who doesn't want to get more money for their sergeants, even if it is to improve their lives.

Ye Shikai is very clear that Hualiandie wants to follow the troops "reasonably", but he really can't figure out what Hualiandie wants to do. Speaking of, who would take the name, Hualiandie, it sounds more Like the name of a "firework woman", maybe this is because she got a pseudonym for herself.

"Master, the one in the sedan chair is really a rich owner." Xue San came suddenly on a horse, laughing proudly, and holding a cloth bag in his hand, the bag looked heavy.

"what is this."

"Haha, nothing, just a little reward from that woman, so I talked to her, and gave so much money." Xue San is from a Jianghu origin, the poor, thieves, and Liu Kou have done everything. Someone suddenly It is of course very happy to give him so much money. As the so-called soft hands, he naturally will not say bad things about Hua Liandie.

"You, so greedy and cheap, bad things sooner or later." Ye Shikai couldn't help blame.

"Sir, this is not a small bargain, just the money in this bag, if it is placed in the village, the top tavern will be running for half a year." ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

If you use modern words to describe it, then Hualiandie is a "rich woman", oh no, it should be said as "white rich beauty".

"Anyway, this woman is very dangerous. You pay close attention to me, otherwise don't say you can't get the money, and you don't know when you will lose this little life." Ye Shikai warned.

"Relax, sir, I know everything."

"Xue San, how do you say it is also an old river and lake? This woman has a monopoly on the grain store in Yangxian. Do you think she is just an ordinary woman? Isn't it guilty to hold this money?"

大 "Master, are you nervous?" Xue San asked curiously, Ye Shikai looked very alert, and even a little "nervous," he said more than usual.

怎么 "How come, you quickly hurry up."


Da Jun's army stopped at all times. In the middle of the night, Han Hao let the sergeant rest for two hours, and waited until dawn to continue.

Ye Shikai was really tired. In the morning, the sergeants were resting in the camp, saving energy for the late night march, but he took people into Yangxian to sell food. He never rested, ran for a day, and had no internal strength, feeling tired. It is also normal.

"Sir, please take a break first. I will take someone around to guard." Man Cang took his guard outside Ye Shikai's barracks. Speaking, Ye Shikai is now a military officer, and his barracks is naturally better than ordinary sergeants. Much more.

"Okay, if you're tired, take turns patrolling."

"Oh, please be assured, sir."


"Hua Liandie is really a strange woman." In the barracks, Ye Shikai put her armor aside and lay on a wooden bed beside her, thinking about this mysterious woman in her head.

"Mr. Military Officer, what is strange about the little girl? Please enlighten me." Suddenly, a faint sound came out, and Hualian Die appeared in the middle of the barracks, and was sitting on Ye Shikai's wooden chair.

"I'm going." Ye Shikai was scared and almost scolded, instinctively reaching out to take down the sword.

"How did you show up here?" Ye Shikai asked. There were Mancang and guards patrolling the outside. He was heavily guarded. How did Hua Liandie, a girl, enter the room, even he didn't find it. It was a "ghost." . New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

I can silently bypass so many guards without being discovered, either as a thief who can fly off the wall like Xue San or as a cultivator.

Ye Shikai suddenly felt a sense of sudden realization. Things that she couldn't figure out before, all of a sudden. If this flower love butterfly is really a cultivator, then she is indeed capable. Even her people may be cultivating. It is very likely that there were practitioners in the Qin Dynasty. Compared with now, the practitioners in the Qin Dynasty were stronger and deeper, but unfortunately, Ye Shikai's Dan Tian was destroyed by Chen Yuxin and her internal strength was lost. Otherwise, he can detect the repair of Hualiandie.

"The doorway is there, of course I came in from there." Hua Liandie looked like "aggrieved", but made Ye Shikai embarrassed and cried.

"Nonsense, I'm asking you how the guards let you in."

"Okay, Ye Junhou, don't ask so much ~ ~ I'm not here to kill you, you are so nervous about what to do." Hualiandie poured a glass of water from the table, Drink it on my own.

"What are you doing then?" Ye Shikai asked.

"You took out my granary yesterday and sold it cheaply, so that I didn't sleep well all night. As a retribution, you don't even want to sleep tonight." It turned out that she came here tonight to "revenge" Ye Shikai.

Okay, you win.

Ye Yekai acknowledged that he was completely scared by Hua Liandie.

"Okay, then you go back quickly, I guess it is difficult to fall asleep tonight, your goal has been achieved." Ye Shikai put on clothes a few times, and quickly stood up.

"Don't, I finally came here. Now that you have no sleepiness, it would be better for us to talk all night long, what?" Hua Liandie said, taking off the white veil in front of her.

怎么 样 "How's this look? It should be considered sincere."

行 "Okay, what do you want to talk about, will it be impossible? Would you tell me those damaging things that I did before, I'm not interested." Ye Shikai said angrily.

"Military, in fact, I still know you quite well. Although I was in a hurry, my people have collected your information roughly. It is strange. Before 25 years old, why did you not have any records?"

"What can this show, at best it can only explain your incompetence." Ye Shikai was startled, but still pretended to be calm.


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