Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1458: Expected

"Don't worry, in Donghai, I entrusted a friend to help, Gu Xin would be fine with him." Ghost said lightly.

"It's Zheng Gongzi of the East China Sea." Ji Qian had already guessed. On the land of the East China Sea, it was only Zheng who could shoot her chest to keep Gu Xin safe. This is a cultivating family who is the only one in animation. Zheng Xie has a good relationship with Ye Shikai and Ji Qian. To help the ghost with such a smooth human relationship, Zheng Xie hesitates.

"That's good, but the movie agency is different from ordinary practitioners. They are an ace in the hands of the Chen family. I have played against several leaders in them, and they are very strong." Ji Qian clearly remembers Hades He and the film agency have played several times. Not only are they numerous, but the strength of each member is also very strong. The wind chime that is one of the leaders is not inferior to Ji Qian himself.

"Speaking of it, Chen Yuxin is also pregnant for four or five months." Ji Qian murmured, time passed quickly. At the time, Chen Yuxin was pregnant, forcing Ye Shikai and Su Qingyu to divorce. This was almost half a year ago. Already.

"Ghost, I'm going to the Chen family." Ji Qian said suddenly.

什么 "What, Lord Luna, I am not worried about the superfluous character. If you go to the mansion of Chen's house, you might be afraid of breaking her," the ghost advised.

"Relax, I'll be fine." Ji Qian said lightly.

I sat in the prepared car and Ji Qian came to the Chen's house alone. Ji Yu's information previously said that Chen Yuxin had stayed at home these days and did not go out.

"You're Miss Ji from the Ji family, I know you." A guard stepped forward and asked.

"Well, please inform Miss Chen."

"OK, just a second."

Wu Jiqian stood alone at the door. Within a few minutes, a woman in black came out.

"Miss Ji, the owner has invited me." The visitor was Chen Ruoya, and there was a woman standing next to her. Ji Qian recognized it at a glance. She was the wind chime. When she was at the gate of the Temple of the King, she took someone from Ji Qian. Rob Ye Shikai.

"You lead the way." Ji Qian said lightly.

Chen's house, the hall of the mansion.

"I didn't expect that you would come to me." Chen Yuxin sat on the main seat in the living room and looked at Ji Qian in front of her.

Tong Jiqian looked at Chen Yuxin's abdomen, and she had a significant bulge. This is her and Ye Shikai's child. Chen Yuxin will definitely protect it.

"You are already pregnant, do you want to go to Kunlun Mountain?" Ji Qian opened the door and asked the mountain, "He is missing ..."

"You shut up." Before she finished, Chen Yuxin shouted, "He will disappear, it's not your fault. Why, obviously, only my arrangements are perfect, but there are women like you." If it wasn't for your instigation, how could Xiao Kai and you go to the meeting of the Lord God. "Chen Yuxin gritted her teeth, and the wind chimes behind her were vaguely ready for action.

Wu Jiqian didn't want to argue with Chen Yuxin. This woman had too much possessiveness. If it wasn't for what she did, how could Ye Shikai "run away from home" or even be unwilling to meet Chen Yuxin.

"I'm not here to fight with you," Ji Qian said coldly. "You are pregnant now, I don't want you to go to Kunlun Mountain."


Qin Dynasty.

老 "Lao Ye, we're almost at the school grounds in Donggun."

"Well, the army is speeding up."

"No, there is a monster killing in front of me." Suddenly, a man ran from a distance and ran towards the cavalry. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Some adults, front ... there are monsters in front of me, help me." The man ran to Ye Shikai, panting heavily, his face full of panic, and a wound on his chest. The clothes before were stained red.

"Slow down, what's going on." Shang Guanjian dismounted and asked, before the man finished speaking, he fainted. Ye Shikai reached forward and put his hand in front of his nose. There was no breath, it seemed to be bleeding. Many died.

"He is dead." Ye Shikai was startled. Although time had passed, he recognized at a glance that the wound was caused by the weapon of the elves, and everything was the same as Mona said.

"Pass me a command, everyone is moving forward towards the woods at full speed." Ye Shikai knew what was going to happen next, and hesitated to take the lead.

In the woods.

"Mona, this is the last human." In the woods, the ground was full of corpses. A humanoid man trembled with the weapon in his hand and looked at the "monsters" in front of him.

"Let me solve him." The leading elf stepped forward slowly, just the mona Ye Shikai had seen in the misty forest.

"Stop it." At this time, Ye Shikai and his subordinates arrived on horseback. Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. Only Ye Shikai, however, didn't change his face. He already knew ...

"Let the Lord save the villain." The man saw Ye Shikai and immediately stepped forward for help. Most of the corpses on the ground had weapons in their hands, and they seemed to be nearby insurgents. In addition, there were twenty. Multiple elf soldiers.

"Lao Ye, it turns out to be an elf." Shang Guanjian was shocked. He also learned from the old people in the clan, but he had never seen it, and no one had even caught an elf ~ ~ so these also Have become "rumors". First https: // https: //

"Mona, a human general, be careful."

"This is the territory of Da Qin, you all put down your weapons." Ye Shikai shouted.

"A tribal general, just look at it." Mona said nothing and drew up her dagger and rushed up. The elves had internal strength, and they were flexible and quick, but Ye Shikai had already expected it and jumped off the horse. , Mona stabbed in the air, angry and angry, turned around and wanted to stab another knife, but Ye Shikai also responded, pulled out his sword, the dagger stabbed the sword body, wiping out a spark.

Although Ye Shikai is superb in martial arts, she has no internal strength after all. Although Mona can't hurt him, he can't hurt Mona. At least, if she wants to run away, she might be hard to catch up.

"Damn, I can't think of your general, you're pretty good."

Suddenly, there was a faint drum sound from deep in the woods.

"Mona, the rally is ringing, let's go quickly." An elf persuaded.

"Huh, man, I remember you, see you later." After that, Mona quickly left with a group of elves, jumped up to the tree with her little toes, and everyone was shocked.

"Lao Ye, we can't chase, this is a big thing." Shang Guanjian asked afterwards.

"No, we can't keep up. Tell the brothers that what you see today must be kept secret, and if someone leaks it, the military law will deal with it."


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