Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1463: Complain

"I have already made this plan since the day we entered Dongjun and arrived in Liyang, but the timing was not mature at that time, but nowadays, the training of 3,000 sergeants has been quite effective. Various parts The cooperation is also practical, and it is enough to cooperate with the plan I made. "Ye Shikai said faintly. After two weeks of getting along, he also knew about Ma Yao. As the captain of a county, he counted as Such people as "don't seek merit, but seek nothing" are conservative in behavior and content with the status quo. Naturally, they do not have any powerful measures against the insurgents' activities. Finally, they wait and see how they develop and grow.

In the face of such a "boss", after Ye Shikai's plan was submitted, he would hesitate in his mind, but judging from the current brow eyebrows, he would definitely choose to agree, otherwise, if the news reaches Xianyang, maybe He will be convicted on the charge of "poor repression and sluggish affairs."

"If I expected it well, this plan will be delivered within an hour, and Ma Yao will send the soldiers over." Ye Shikai is very firm.

"Well, I'll send the plan right away." Shang Guanjian nodded and personally led someone to the county government house.

"Full of positions, I ordered all officers above 100 generals to come to the camp, and I have a battle plan to announce." Ye Shikai didn't even wait for Shang Guanjian to return, and immediately ordered a troop transfer.


After a scent of incense.

"Are all officers here?" Ye Shikai looked at the dozens of officers in front of him, including several hundred generals and five hundred masters of the cavalry, these were his close relatives, and three thousand garrison officers. These days of training, they also fully obeyed Ye Shikai, after all ... no one wants to be beheaded.

"Report the general, all the officers of the army have assembled, waiting for your order," Mancang replied.

"Presumably you have made it clear that this time we are going to wipe out the insurgents stationed in the mountains ..."

"Report, Ma Junwei arrives." At this time, the outside guard shouted loudly, and everyone made way, Ma Yao quickly walked in, while Shang Guanjian followed him.

"Ma Junwei." Ye Shikai stepped forward and said.

"Brother Ye Xian, you have solved my great trouble." Ma Yao stepped forward excitedly, holding his hands. "Xian Brother sent troops to destroy the thief army, it is everyone's hope, I believe you will succeed."

"Come." Ma Yao shouted, and the relatives around him immediately handed a wooden box over.

"This is Bingfu. From today on, all these people will obey Ye Xiandi's order. After the mission is over, you will keep the Bingfu yourself. In the future, you do n’t need to talk to me about these plans. You can just send someone to inform me. I totally agree. Ma Yao said in the presence of the generals that he trusted Ye Shikai so much, which also added a bit of morale, and Ye Shikai was very pleased.

"Thank you, Lord Ma, for your trust, I will bow my head." Ye Shikai took the soldiers' hands with both hands.

"Ye Xiandi is a great general who is a great general in Mongolia. I have recently learned of your training. It is very effective. It really is a young hero who can serve as a great office." Ma Yao took out the plan written by Ye Shikai. "I have read it carefully. Now, with Ye Xiandi's strategy, the thief army will be destroyed. "

"All of you, united in heart and soul, and I wish Ye Xiandi success."

"I wish General Ye success."

"I wish General Ye ’s success." ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм


"Lao Ye, as you expected, Ma Junwei not only agreed, but even personally came to send soldiers." After Ma Yao left, Shang Guanjian said immediately.

"I didn't expect him to come in person, or he wouldn't let all the officers gather." Ye Shikai sighed. The soldiers had already given orders before they could get the hands. This made Ma Yao think that he must be out of power. Command, even if he supports him by mouth, I am afraid I will think more.

"Lao Ye, no matter how, we are the most important way to destroy these insurgents. I have read your plan. In this battle, you will only dispatch the 3,000 sergeants. After the cavalry ’s palace, will it be irritating? Ah. "Shangguanjian's face was dignified, and his brows were twisted together.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shikai asked coldly.

"Isn't this obvious, the two thousand siege iron rides we brought are not used, and only the three thousand sergeants will go to war. Others will obviously think that you are retaining your strength."

"I thought about this for a long time." Ye Shikai said coldly. "Strength is based on playing. If everything needs to rely on those two thousand iron rides, what is the meaning of our training, as for those who love to gossip and chew their tongues? No need to bother them, Ma Yao handed over the soldiers to me, then I have 100% right to move, there is no need to question others. "

"Well, I see. The officers under this plan have already seen it."

"That's enough. According to plan, tonight, the cavalry and all 3,000 garrison members gather to go to their destination."

Late at night.

"Have you heard that this battle, only we went to ~ ~ The cavalry are all left behind to watch the battle." Starting https: // https: //

"What, this is too eccentric. Who knows that the cavalry is the line of General Ye, this is not the intention to let us die, let the cavalry to take credit."

"Yes, it is so obvious, obviously we want us to be cannon fodder, and also say that there are clear rewards and penalties, obviously we are calculating us."

Before Ye set off, the battle plan had spread wildly and passed to the ears of all sergeants. Ye Shikai was expected. After all, the officers of the garrison received this plan, and they naturally felt unfair.

"Brothers, some of you may be wondering why the cavalry did not participate in this mission, did you?" Above the stage, Ye Shikai also heard the whisper of the sergeant below.

报告 "I do n’t understand the generals. I do n’t understand all the brethren. Please explain the reasons to the generals, otherwise ... forgive us," shouted a sergeant below.

"Well, I'll tell you." Ye Shikai pulled out his sabre and pointed to the cavalry team ready to go on one side.

"This cavalry was previously a garrison in the county. They are just like you. They are also afraid of strong enemies, afraid of death, and thought of defeat and escape. The crisis you dare not imagine, in my cavalry, almost all the sergeants have cut off the first rank of the wolf soldiers, and each cavalry has military merit. If I have to say one reason, it is that these insurgents are not worthy of Be their opponent. "Ye Shikai shouted.


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