Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1470: Sekisui

"My lord, now you want to cheer up, build up your confidence, and lead us again. Right now, among the three temples, although there are no dragons in the Hades, but all four Hades will be there. Although the vitality is lost, the foundation can be saved, and They have also left the headquarters, and went to Yanjing with Lord Luna, and now we go to Yanjing. Even if the three temples are reunited together, then Doris and Aphrodite ca n’t help us, we You can build up energy and rebuild. "

"Yes, sir, we can contact the old ministry and scattered personnel in Yanjing."

"Master, please cheer up."

Wang Kai looked at the confidants in front of him, and was very shocked. Although Kratos died, he still had these brothers around him, for revenge, for those who are willing to swear to follow him, for himself, even if there are more in front of him Wang Kai must also overcome his suffering.

"I will not be a man if I do not retaliate."

Qin Dynasty.

As the old man in the local area said, the rain did not decrease for a few days. During the day, the sky was gray, let alone at night. The thunder and lightning continued, and it was very depressing to watch. Tianye Shikai visited the barracks, and the morale of the troops dropped a lot. Even the sergeants who stood guard were absent-minded. Because of the heavy rain, the training could only be put on hold. It was hard to say. These sergeants squeezed into the camp every day and were about to "mold". Already.

The order soldiers from Liyang County were also wave after wave. Encountering this kind of "extreme weather" was not good for the march. Ye Shikai's leader entered the mountains and did not move slowly. He was naturally worried and sent many people. Inquire about the status quo, and then Pegasus returns to the county to report.

"Mr. Ma Junwei just meant that he didn't trust us both. If he was worried about our defeat, I wouldn't need him to urge him to go by himself." The waves of heralds made Shangguanjian, who had a better temper, feel. The most critical thing is the feeling of being doubted. It is really hard to say. It is natural to be angry.

"Don't complain, just change the situation, sit down and look at the information." Ye Shikai was calm and calm, and he did not hesitate to answer the sergeant sent by Ma Yao, but he answered truthfully, but every time he answered They are basically the same, because ... there is really no movement of the troops.

"No, aren't you angry, Lao Ye? In Hanoi County, who would dare to doubt us so much? As a result, we are unhappy at this place now." Shangguanjian cursed and sat in a position, and kicked The basin in front kicked.

"Asshole, I will be transferred back when these thieves are destroyed." Shang Guanjian looked at Ye Shikai and was quite confused when he saw him.

"Lao Ye, last time you said that this heavy rain can help us a lot, what does this mean?" Shang Guanjian asked.

"Since you asked, I'll tell you." Ye Shikai picked up the map from the table and placed it in front of Shang Guanjian.

"You show me what this is doing." Shang Guanjian asked curiously. This map is a topographic map of the mountains drawn by Xue Sandai. It is also marked with several camps of the insurgents, but the difference is that Some areas of the map were painted with blue dye.

"What does it mean."

"Last time, the transport team reported that the roads for transporting food were full of standing water and could not pass through, so I thought of it, because those roads are low-lying, and once they encounter continuous heavy rain, they will inevitably flood and become muddy. It ’s difficult to move forward, but it ’s because of this that it inspired me. ”Ye Shikai pointed to the map and said,“ Many of the insurgents ’strongholds are in low-lying areas. Imagine that such a heavy rain came down. What would it look like. "

"These strongholds will be flooded with water, or even half a meter deep, so that the strongholds can no longer be stationed." Shangguanjian suddenly realized.

"The answer is correct." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder and said.

"We were not sure where the insurgents were before. Now, these heavy rains have helped us to rule out a few options. These insurgents would never have thought that they thought the heavy rain could stop the Qin army's attack. , But unexpectedly exposed their location. "

"In order to facilitate escape, the insurgents generally built their bases in low-lying areas. This is where they are deadly." Ye Shikai said firmly. "After analyzing these days, I have ruled out five or six insurgents that may be stationed. Now , Only these two. "Ye Shikai marked two circles on the map.

"These two strongholds are located on the mountainside, and the water flows downwards, so no standing water will form."

"If you have two words, it will be easy. We have 3,000 troops. We have two branches. They will definitely lose." Shang Guanjian said excitedly.

"Yes, that's right, I've been letting Xue San go out for investigation these days, everything is as I expected." Ye Shikai nodded.

"When do we start and annihilate them early, we will leave this broken place early ~ ~ Shangguanjian can't wait, but Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned him not to get excited.

"Isn't the old man in the local area saying that this rain needs to last for about five days, and it is not the best time yet." Ye Shikai wants to get the rebels in one fell swoop, he must wait for the best time, not only this time "Cut the grass" and "kill the roots".

"What, isn't that to say, I still want to listen to those courier's 唠叨, but I've had enough." Shang Guanjian almost cried when he heard this.

"Be patient, I bet you, and now Ma Yao is anxious that we quickly win." Ye Shikai relieved.

"No, I'm afraid that old boy has been watching our jokes."

"He sent an ambassador to urge us. The most important thing is to explore our current situation. Imagine if we were defeated, it was nothing more than to be transferred back to Hanoi County without any loss. But in the future, Ma Yao will not have our horses. By that time, What to use to resist the insurgents, if this continues, his position as the county captain will sooner or later be unreliable. "Ye Shikai explained.

"This is also true that these days, more and more food and weapons are being sent from the back, and there are still many rain gears. If you really want us to fail, you will not be so troublesome." Shang Guanjian nodded and asked "When will we send troops?"

"Several times in the county, the generals were sent out of Bingshan, but the generals changed one after another, and the momentum of the insurgents was growing. I think this time, they will definitely think that the generals sent are wine bags, the more proud they are. The more flaws will be exposed. "

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