Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1476: Fidget

"President Su, please don't be excited." Elena quickly grabbed Su Qingyu's hand. Chen Yuxin was far more terrible than she thought. Although Su Qingyu was also icy and snowy, although she was not humble and indifferent to outsiders, she was extremely cold and charming, but her nature Kindness, especially that Chen Yuxin is Ye Shikai ’s first love. In addition, Ye Shikai concealed many things about Chen Yuxin from her before, so Su Qingyu did n’t know how high Chen Yuxin ’s means were. If she went to question, the two women would quarrel. One, the most important ... if Chen Yuxin's anger is unstoppable, she will even endanger Su Qingyu.

One of Elena's responsibilities, and the most important task, is to protect her safety.

Su Qingyu didn't know how strong Chen Yuxin's jealousy was, and once she was out of control, she would do something unexpected ...

"Ye Shikai is missing, she must know the situation." Su Qingyu was very stubborn. This time, unlike in the past, Ye Shikai has been missing for a month or two, and there is no news or news. Chen Yuxin can stay in Yanjing with peace of mind. If this is the case, Su Qingyu may have regretted his decision.

"President Su, even if she knows, I'm afraid she won't tell you. On the contrary, she will still be jealous of you." Elina took a lot of effort to persuade Su Qingyu. The woman in front of herself dared to enter alone. The sacred mountain is looking for someone, even if it is in front of the sword and the sea of ​​fire, as long as it is for Ye Shikai, she is willing to do it.

"You and Miss Chen have a special relationship, and it is not appropriate if you go to ask now." Elena said what Su Qingyu heard. Speaking, she and Ye Shikai are no longer husband and wife, but now they are going specially Looking for Chen Yuxin for Ye Shikai's affairs, what a matter.

Su Qingyu was too anxious to stamp her feet. She is just an "ex-wife" now.

"You don't need to worry too much about the president. The grown-up is just missing. Ms. Ji has led people to find a lot in the sacred mountain. No one has found the body of the grown-up. I believe that he has his own auspiciousness. Elena whispered comfortably, and finally dispelled Su Qingyu's thoughts.

"I'm not going to Chen Yuxin, but I'm also going to ask Miss Ji for a clear message." Su Qingyu spoke sharply. Ji Qian has been helping Ye Shikai silently, and the relationship between the two women is pretty good. I believe she will be able to explain the situation. say clearly.

"All right, president, I'll tell her right away."

At the same time, Yanjing base.

"Master God of War, what's wrong with your injury." These days, Wang Kai's henchmen did not dare to rest. They sat outside the room day and night. After treatment by Dugu Tianke, Wang Kai fell into a coma and passed. It took three days to wake up, and besides that, it also needed to rest.

"Relax, it's a life." Wang Kai's face was still a little pale, and he looked like he was recovering from a serious illness. It was really uncomfortable to think about it. He hadn't been so embarrassed in the **** battle with Zeus at the beginning. The woman ended the old nest, but the more severe the injury, the stronger his determination. When he was in the Temple of War, he watched with a few cronies who died under Doris's hands to cover him, so he stood Oath, do not revenge, do not swear.


Suddenly, the door of the room was slowly opened, and it was Ji Qian who came.

"Master Luna."

"Master Luna."

A few people saw the people and said in succession that if it was not for Ji Qian's help this time, I am afraid they would take Wang Kai to sleep on the street ...

"How's it going?" Ji Qian asked.

"It's seven, seven, eight, and it's okay to even let me go up now." Wang Kai waved his arm, still looking fearless, but everyone present knew that if it was about combat power, in his current state, Even the usual three Chengdus are difficult to reach.

"Okay, you still need to heal yourself." Ji Qian waved her hand and motioned for others to exit the room first.

"Do you have anything to say?" Wang Kai asked.

"Um." Ji Qian didn't deny it, and she opened her eyes. "Do you know what the ruins of the Kunlun Mountain in China are about to open?"

"You mean this thing, I heard about it long ago." Wang Kai nodded.

"It is rumored that there is an energy that can travel through time and space in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, and there is a similar secret realm in the rumor of the holy mountain, so ..."

"Don't you want to say that Lao Ye crossed the sacred mountain?" Wang Kai couldn't wait to say before Ji Qian finished speaking.

"This is just a guess. In addition to this, I can't think of any other explanation. We searched in the sacred mountain for so long without any clues." Ji Qian's idea did sound "crazy", but Wang Kai mentioned it. With the spirit, they could not accept the result of Ye Shikai's disappearance, so if there was a little chance, he would try it out.

"So, are you planning to go to Kunlun Mountain to investigate." Wang Kai asked tentatively.

"Well, yes, as long as there is a chance, I won't give up."

"Okay, let's talk directly, when will I be ready at any time." Wang Kai walked out of bed and dressed well, and Ji Qian came to him, hoping that he could help, although he was suffering now Severe injuries, but there is the treatment of Dugu Tianke, it is only a matter of time to fully heal. There is a main **** to help, even if Ji Qian has a strong support, she has a heart in her heart.

"A week later ~ ~ A week ... No problem, the injury should be fine at that time, and I will take my brother with you." Wang Kai agreed quickly, saying that Ye Shikai had an accident in the Holy Mountain He is also responsible, and if he can save people, he will be able to deal with Doris in the future. Moreover, this time the war in the Hades will also be accompanied. absence.

"That's good, you should heal yourself these days."


Qin Dynasty, military camp.

"In these days, Ma Yao successively transferred a lot of garrison troops, saying that it was for us to deploy training." Shang Guanjian looked at the sergeants from all directions and could not help but feel a headache. More, the army is difficult to manage.

"How many people are here," Ye Shikai said lightly, without showing a trace of discomfort.

"Probably ... more than 3,000 people, our barracks are almost full, but Ma Yao has sent someone over to expand." Shang Guanjian turned his head and complained. He obviously wants to exhaust us. "

"I don't think so." Ye Shikai shook his head. From ancient times to the present, soldiers at the grassroots level have been the driving force for all rule. These days, he has thought a lot. If he wants to stand in this troubled world, he must have an army in his hand.

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