Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1482: Dominate

Hua Liandie stretched out her slim fingers, erected on Ye Shikai's lips, motioned him not to speak.

"Cough." Suddenly, there was a light cough at the door. The two turned to look at each other. He Linghan was standing at the door, looking at the two "loving" people. The faces were shocked, and the three looked at each other. Ye Shikai Awkward.

"Let's continue talking." He Linghan hurriedly lowered the teapot in his hand, and blushed back to the room. Ye Shikai hurriedly pushed the delicate hand of the flower and butterfly.

"Ah, you are really miserable." Ye Shikai could not help complaining.

"I'm not ready to explain it to your new wife." Hua Liandie sneered and said lightly.

"You ... will come back to see you later." Ye Shikai was also speechless, hurried into the room, and explained what happened just now to He Linghan.

"Linger, actually ... that was just an accident. I was talking to her about some very important things." Ye Shikai didn't know how to explain it, so that it seemed reasonable and reasonable, and He Linghan didn't think too much.

"There is a shortage of food in the village, and now only Hualian Die can help the village ..."

"Okay, you don't need to explain anything, I believe in you." He Linghan said with a smile. Ye Shikai felt relieved immediately. She chose to believe unconditionally. This made Ye Shikai very pleased. Speaking of ancient women, it is indeed different. Ye Shikai may have to explain to Su Qingyu for a long time, but also to look at her "white eyes".

"And if Hualiandie really has such a great ability, I think she's a good thing to stay with you, isn't she?" He Linghan turned sharply and suddenly said, Ye Shikai was almost shocked to spray the tea in his mouth. Unexpectedly, He Linghan would say this.

"Linger, what do you mean, it won't be ... angry." Ye Shikai said why Ling Han was still angry in secret, otherwise, how could a woman persuade her husband to accept another woman.

"Of course not, but haven't you said that Hua Liandie is a very powerful person. If she is by your side, she can help you, even when you are helpless. As a wife, of course I hope you OK, so if she stays, why would I refuse. "He Linghan's tone was very flat, as if he was talking about something very ordinary, even with a smile.

Ye Shikai was shocked. He couldn't think of Xiaojiabiyu usually, and the gentle and kind He Linghan had a "belly black" side. It seemed that he was "redefining" the newlywed wife around him, but then, what she meant Ye Shikai heard it. After all, Hua Liandie had money, things, news, and connections, especially she was a nobleman of the Chu Kingdom. She must know many nobles of the Six Kingdoms. After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, although these The aristocracy has lost its original privileges, but after all, it is a big family and they still have many industries in their hands, and they have inextricable relationships with the local county guards, so there must be a hand in Hualiandie Zhang "network of relationships".

Having said that, the ancient man had three wives and six concubines, but many of them were for inheritance. In other words, even if Ye Shikai actually accepted the concubines, there was no problem. Of course, he would not do this ...

In the evening.

"There is nothing good in the village, please forgive the girl." At dinner, He Linghan brought the dishes to the table. Indeed, during the Qin Dynasty, there was nothing delicious in the people's home, even many modern vegetables and fruits. Times do not exist at all.

"It doesn't matter, Mrs. He is so kind. How could I be disgusted." Hua Liandie smiled slightly, Ye Shikai felt vaguely that having the two women sitting at a table was definitely the biggest mistake after coming to Qin Dynasty.

"Hua Liandie, the living conditions in the village are not very good, you are okay." Ye Shikai asked. There were no luxury hotels in this era. Even well-decorated inns are in the county seat. How can it be near Shangshui Village? Have.

"You look down on me too, of course there is no problem, not to mention, I usually do not have such experience at all, while I get married this time, I also appreciate it." Hua Lian Die said faintly.

He Linghan took out the meat and fine wine brought by Mancang from the kitchen. There was a shortage of food in the village. Ye Shikai has ordered that the rations of the soldiers and guards are strictly prohibited to buy from the village. They can only be bought in Heyang County. Food and wine.

From this point of view, at least He Linghan still welcomed Hua Liandie. Ye Shikai breathed a long sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered that this afternoon, Hua Liandie once said that her congratulations were special. Then, why did n’t she put Here comes the congratulations.

"Girl He, I respect you." Hua Liandie poured herself a glass of wine, and He Linghan poured a glass of wine, and pushed it to her. Generally, the host toasted the guests, but there were few guests. Taking the initiative to toast the host, this will inevitably lead to the suspicion of "noisy guests taking over the master". He Linghan first glanced, and turned to look embarrassed, turning his attention to Ye Shikai.

"Oh, don't forget it, Linger never drinks alcohol, and I read it, but I bought it in the warehouse, but Linger was so overwhelmed, if I got drunk, I would be in trouble." Ye Shikai immediately understood Got her meaning ~ ~ said grabbing the wine glass.

"Let's drink this glass of wine for Linger."


Hua Liandie toasted one after another, and Ye Shikai took one after the other, all taken off, and finally, he had felt dizzy and swollen.

Looking up at Hua Liandie, she just turned red and didn't get drunk at all. She didn't know whether the woman was "made by water" or "made by wine". The amount of alcohol was so good.

If it was drunk by a woman, wouldn't it be very shameless, and still in front of He Linghan.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first, and the two leave." Suddenly, Hua Liandie lowered the wine glass, slowly stood up, and made a speech to the two.

He Linghan also stood up to give away, Ye Shikai wanted to stand up, but his legs were just hardened and he collapsed. It seems that the wine's stamina is really great.

"Okay, just stay. There are my guards outside, and they will **** me back." Hua Liandie glanced at Ye Shikai in the house and said lightly.

"Well, is she gone." Ye Shikai leaned on the table and slowly stood up, just as He Linghan came in from outside the house, hurrying forward and supporting him when he saw the situation.

"Well, I just left." He Linghan glanced at the several altars on the table and couldn't help complaining. "You don't drink much, and you still drink so much."

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