Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1488: Congratulations on Butterfly Love

"What about the robbers, have they all run away?" Ye Shikai asked. There were no traces of robbers nearby, only many footprints.

"Brother Ye, rest assured, I have sent cavalry to chase them, and I will never let these people go." Han Hao replied, "No wonder I was negligent. I didn't expect that there were so many thieves lurking here, so Brother Ye was shocked. "

"Fortunately, nothing happened." Ye Shikai explained that although hundreds of stone grains were lost, no one was killed or injured. This is the best result.

"Brother Ye, I will immediately ask someone to replenish a batch of grain. This is my responsibility." Han Hao was very blame. More accurately, he was worried. Ye Shikai is now a well-known person in Dongjun County. It was Ma Yao's number one general. If there was an accident in Hanoi County, this crime alone would be enough for him.

"No, it ’s also an accident to meet robbers. Adult Han does n’t need to blame himself, let alone the rest of the food is enough." Ye Shikai waved his hand. What can be solved with money is not a problem. It is OK to burn the food. Buy it again, but if you lose your life, you will never come back. In this troubled time, a high-power person will treat the people like grass and grass. If you change a commanding general today, you may choose to sacrifice your husband to protect food. .

"So, I'll let the cavalry **** Brother Ye to return to Heyang County." When encountering such a thing, Han Hao naturally felt sorry for being "host", especially Ye Shikai also refused his compensation, so he now wants to do his best to make up for it.

"Yeah, then there will be labor." Ye Shikai considered that there would still be a hundred or two hundred miles back, and that he might still encounter many robbers and escorts by sergeants, at least to prevent this from happening. In addition, the previous robberies The bandits should have sneaked into the mountains and forests to avoid hunting by officers and men, but this does not mean that they are willing to give up the remaining thousand stone grains.

"Sir, these robbers are really abominable. If our people are here, they will be guaranteed to kill one." On the way back, Mancang complained, and his words were full of resentment. Ye Shikai knew that he was not Hate these robbers, but out of inner self-blame, he blame himself for not fulfilling the responsibility of protection just now.

"Okay, don't think about it that much. The robbers didn't grab the food. They even killed dozens of people in vain. They also failed." Ye Shikai said with relief, he didn't really care about what happened just now. Robbers, he has a hundred ways to deal with it, what he cares about is the wedding banquet with He Linghan after returning.

"It's true, the subordinates just couldn't swallow the breath."

"Full position, you remember, as the commander of the army, the only thing to do in the battle is to get the greatest results with the least cost. Once you get angry, it will not only be detrimental to the war situation, but will also bring more brothers to The edge of death. "Ye Shikai said faintly. He led the army to fight with the wolves and the insurgents dozens of times. The reason why he can win many battles is that he is good at thinking and planning, especially in the face of the wolves who have no plan. Fighting fiercely will only result in a loss.

"Subordinates must keep in mind."

After the battle just now, many civilians were scared away. Only a small part was left. Ye Shikai even used the guards. This was barely enough. Fortunately, Han Hao had the cavalry **** them. Otherwise, if he encounters a robber again, it will be true. Can only leave food.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai suddenly understood some of the reasons why the county had to pump up the grain in the village. Even the food robbers escorted by the army dared to grab it, let alone the people ...

In this environment, once the people are out of town to transport food, it is equivalent to being taken into the pockets of robbers, and the people's supplies will immediately become enemy funds, and the robbers will also use these supplies to attract more people to join. In this way, the forces of these robbers are like snowballs. They are getting bigger and bigger, and it is more difficult to annihilate them.

"Am I wrong?" Ye Shikai muttered to himself.


Sheung Shui Village.

"I'm going, where did this come from?" Ye Shikai looked at the village-carriage-carriage-carriage, his eyes widened, and there were about 2,000 grains of stone, as well as fine wine, cloth and other supplies. The most important thing is that there are hundreds of heavily armed guards. They are all wearing uniform clothing, wearing light armor, and using crossbow and long sword as weapons. The only thing Ye Shikai knows can do this, only A person……

"How are you satisfied with the wedding gift I sent you?"

Ye Shikai turned around and Hua Liandie came slowly. Sure enough, who can do such a big job besides her, no wonder, when Ye Shikai asked her for help, she sold Guanzi and said she wanted to After waiting to see her wedding gift, Ye Shikai now understands that Hua Liandie had already guessed that he would seek help, so she had already prepared these supplies.

"Very well, thank you." Ye Shikai didn't know what to say for a while, but ... if she didn't sell Guanzi, Ye Shikai wouldn't buy so much food from the county, let alone ... meet a robber. .

Therefore, it is better to speak directly.

"Is this just a sentence, I thought you would be grateful to me." Hua Lian Die muttered, it seemed to be a little bit resentful ~ ~ Ye Shikai really wanted to complain, but Hua Liandie was Sending charcoal in the snow, just because of this friendship, Ye Shikai is grateful, how can he go to the trough?

"Where do you get this grain of food from?" Ye Shikai looked at the bag full of grain on the car and asked curiously.

"I have industries in several counties nearby, and it is not a problem to want to collect thousands of stone grains." Hua Liandie said faintly, deserving of being a "big businessman", rich in wealth, but also a prince of Chu and a distinguished status.

"Recently there have been many robbers and pirates, as well as Zhanshan's insurgents. Are you afraid of being robbed when you send food from so many counties?" Ye Shikai asked.

"I have a lot of people. It is not a problem to guard these foods, not to mention, many of my confidants have some friendships with people from the rivers and lakes, and they will not grab.

"That was the case." Ye Shikai took a deep breath, and he still underestimated the power of Hua Liandie.

"I heard that you were attacked on your way back, didn't you?"

"Well, some robbers are just fine," Ye Shikai replied.

"I also heard that you took your husband with you and made jars with wine jars, didn't you?"

"How do you know so much, isn't that full position to tell you."

"Fortunately, I've brought you a few carts of wine, otherwise I'll see what you are going to entertain the guests."

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