Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1492: Go up

"Sir, you go back. Brothers are outside, not to mention 500 people, even if it is 5,000 people, I will not let them even step on one foot." Mancang said firmly, in the ancient concept, Marriage was a big day, and Mancang didn't want Ye Shikai to be disturbed when he got married.

"Yes, general, please rest assured, these robbers and thieves, we do not look at them, absolutely guarantee the safety of the generals and folks."

"Yes, we were all fighting with the generals. After hundreds of battles, even the wolf on horseback couldn't help us, let alone these little hair thieves, we will never let them in, please Rest assured here. "

"Please rest assured."

"Please rest assured."

The brethren of the Guard said in unison, that this courage alone is enough to move. They have battled with Ye Shikai on the battlefield, so it goes without saying.

"My brothers’ friendship is my heart, but how can there be soldiers desperate in front, generals drink and eat meat behind? As a general, you should be a soldier first. This was the case before, this is the case now, and it will be the same in the future. Now the village There are robbers eager to move outside, of course, I have to go in person, you are waiting here. "Ye Shikai returned to the hospital, He Linghan was waiting in the room, with a red hijab on his head, Ye Shikai slowly walked into the room, shocked several women. excitement.

"General Ye, we haven't entered the cave house yet. It's not suitable to meet Linger now."

"I have a few words to say to her, you go out first." Ye Shikai said lightly. Although some women were not clear about the situation, they did not dare to disobey and could only walk out of the room.

"Is something happening?" He Linghan stood up and asked, she had a vague feeling of prejudice, if it was not urgent, Ye Shikai would not come in now.

"Linger, you sit down." Ye Shikai walked to her, gently pressing her shoulders, and they sat next to the bed.

"What's going on, you can say it directly."

"There was a full warehouse just now, and he said that there were a group of robbers out there who seemed to want to attack the village." Ye Shikai didn't conceal. Since he had to go, instead of lying to He Linghan, it would be better to directly explain the reason, at least, to give her a mentality ready.

"Then you hurry up." After a few seconds of silence, He Linghan said suddenly.

"Rest assured, they are not my opponents." Ye Shikai comforted, but he couldn't help but blame himself. After all, today is not only his happy day, but also He Linghan's happy day, but now ... the situation is a little bad.

"I'll be back soon, without too long."

"Wait a moment." Suddenly, He Linghan stretched out his hand and held Ye Shikai's wrist.

"Linger, do you have anything else?" Ye Shikai asked.

"I'm going to the village entrance with you." He Linghan uttered an astonishment. How could a bride who didn't even open her red hijab go to the village entrance, and there were robbers outside, how unsafe it was.

"What, how can this be." Ye Shikai's first reaction was of course refusal, not to mention how much it affected her, there were so many robbers outside, what to do if there was an accident.

"Now that I am married to you, I will follow wherever you go, not to mention, shouldn't I go out if the robbers want to attack our village." He Linghan's firmness was beyond Ye Shikai's. Unexpectedly, she didn't expect her to look weak, but she had a tenacity in her heart.

"Not only that, you should also tell all the villagers about it and let everyone know, don't you?" He Linghan finished and walked out of the room. The villagers in the courtyard saw He Linghan coming out of the house and turned around, several The woman in the village was afraid that she could not see the road with her head covered, and hurried forward to support her.

"Girl, why are you out?"

"Yeah, why did General Ye come out?"

"Are you going to worship?"

Every villager, you say a word to me, but no one knows that a major event is happening outside.

"Dear folks, I have an important thing to tell you now." He Linghan said aloud, "Now, a group of robbers are gathering ten miles away from the village. Now there are no less than five or six hundred people. The goal should be our village."

"What, there are robbers."

"I heard that robbers snatched money when they saw it, and killed it when they saw someone."

"Yeah, and with so many people, what can we do?"

When everyone heard this, their faces changed greatly, but it was a joyous event, and it turned into a life-and-death disaster. People faced these robbers, and they always dared to anger, but they were still afraid.

"Don't worry, my husband is here. These young people cannot enter the village. Now, I will accompany him to fight off the robbers."

"General Ye, I'm not afraid, take me." Suddenly, a child's voice came from the crowd. Looking down the sound source, it was the child named "Huer" who still held his hand. With the short knife Ye Shikai gave him.

"Except for the elderly women and children, all men come with me." Ye Shikai shouted.

"There is General Ye, we are not afraid, folks, we copy the guys together."

"Yeah, we are all big men. Robbers want to enter the village. We will never allow it."

"Let's go together, get our weapons and go to the village entrance."

Maybe it was inspired by the child named "Huer", and the villagers also took courage. There are also hundreds of young and strong men in the village. If they can organize, it will be enough to compete with the robbers ~ ~ Linger, are you ... really going? Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course, didn't I say that, wherever you go, I'll go. Let's go quickly. Now you are the pillars of everyone. Only when you are present, they will have the courage to resist." He Linghan said firmly.

"All right." Ye Shikai pulled He Linghan's arm out of the yard.

"Master, how did you bring her out?" The guards were shocked to see He Linghan also came out.

"Sitting war horse is very bumpy, please be careful." Ye Shikai helped He Linghan get on the horse, he was in front, He Linghan was behind.

"Tighten my waist and don't fall down," Ye Shikai reminded.


"All the brothers in the guard, come with me." Ye Shikai shouted.



The village entrance.

"How's it going?" As soon as Ye Shikai arrived at the village entrance, he saw that many sergeants had assembled here.

"The robbers have assembled and are coming to our side," a Sergeant reported.

"Sure enough, he came at me." Ye Shikai said coldly, "All the sergeants listened to my orders and were ready to fight."

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