Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1500: Back to Dong-gun

"What happened last night, I'm sorry, you know, I was drunk last night, and then ... I didn't respond." Ye Shikai was so guilty, she was wearing a red hijab all night, how uncomfortable, I guess He Linghan also Didn't sleep long.

“The husband does n’t need to apologize, he can wait as long as he can.” He Linghan changed his name. Ye Shikai felt that the whole person was “warm,” perhaps because of the difference between ancient and modern thoughts. The bird looks more likely to provoke his desire for protection.

Ye Yekai picked up the weighing rod and slowly raised the red hijab on He Linghan's head. Her makeup had not been removed, her eyes were closed, as if enjoying the moment.

Although He Linghan did not blame, Ye Shikai still felt a deep blame. The ancients valued marriage, especially women. How can there be so many divorced couples in modern times?

"What time is it now."

"It's noon."

什么 "What, I actually slept for so long." Ye Shikai couldn't help but knock on his head, which is exactly what he said.

"It's been so long, you are hungry." Ye Shikai asked.


"Then ... let's go out and have something to eat." Ye Shikai took He Linghan's hand and pushed open the door. There was already a lot of food on the table outside the yard. This should be arranged by Xue San's guards. Maybe he didn't want to. Both the newly-married couple was disturbed, so the guards just stayed outside the yard and there was no one inside.

"You drank a lot of wine last night, first drink some tea to refresh yourself." He Linghan raised his hand and poured a cup of tea and pushed it to Ye Shikai.

"Well, you can also eat something." Ye Shikai nodded and gave He Linghan a chopstick dish.

"Linger, we will be returning to Dong-gun in a few days, and be with your grandfather well these days." Ye Shikai said lightly, after all, he is now the general of the county lieutenant of Dong-gun. He must take his brother back to Dongjun, so as a wife, He Linghan naturally follows and becomes a family member.

"Well, I will tell my grandfather." He Linghan's eyes revealed a sorrow, Ye Shikai can understand, after all, she and He Bo have been living each other for so long, they are the closest relatives. Now, it ’s normal for He Linghan to be reluctant. Unfortunately, He Laobo relocated and did not want to leave Shangshui Village.

别 "Don't worry, if you want to see Grandpa, when you arrive in Dongjun, I can let Mancang show you over to visit the elderly at any time." Ye Shikai relieved.


"Well, let's go out and see." Ye Shikai stroked her forehead. At this time, Xue San came in from the outside.

"Ahem, general, general's wife." Xue San bowed and said.

"What's matter."

"Master, the emergency report from the East County Ma and asked the adult to return to East County." Xue San handed the bamboo slips up.

"You sent a reply from your brother saying that I was attacked by robbers here, and the crisis has now been lifted, but it will take some time to process, probably ... a week later to return to East County."

"Oh, subordinates do it."

"If the situation is urgent, we can go back first." He Linghan worried about delaying Ye Shikai's official affairs and persuaded softly.

"Relax, there is nothing urgent. Ma Yao wanted me to go back and lead the troops to destroy the insurgents and robbers. Unexpectedly, the dignified county captain could not even settle these things." Ye Shikai said coldly, he was not anyone He went to annihilate these people, but it was for the safety of the people, not to mention that he had just married, how could he take his wife away the next day.

"Did those grains arrive in the granary?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Master, return, Mancang and the horses have sent all 2,500 stone grains into the grain silo, and counted correctly."

"Very good, these rations are the lifeblood of Shangshui Village, let Luo Li send more people to guard, not to be surprised." Ye Shikai instructed.


"Speaking of these foods, I would like to thank Miss Hua well. If she had not been generous to help, I am afraid that the village will not be able to survive the difficulties." He Linghan asked lightly, "Where is she now?"


"What happened?" Seeing Xue San's reluctance, Ye Shikai immediately asked. He faintly remembered that he was with Hualiandie before drinking the film last night. At that time ... she seemed to be talking in her ear. Something, but at that time Ye Shikai was drunk, and he didn't remember the content of the words at all.

"As soon as it dawned this morning, we found that Miss Hua was gone, and her guard was gone, as if she had quietly left the village late at night." Xue Sanhui reported.

"What, how can this be." Ye Shikai was shocked in his mind, but when he thought about it, he was not so surprised. Hua Liandie did not leave without saying goodbye once or twice, maybe this time she had something urgent.

"The sergeant who guarded the village entrance last night also drank a lot of wine, so ... we didn't find it until dawn ~ ~"

"Oh, forget it, you go down." Hua Liandie left like this, Ye Shikai had nothing to say. If Hua Liandie really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop it.


The week passed quickly, and Ye Shikai and He Linghan's feelings heated up quickly. The ancients did not have the habit of honeymoon, but Ye Shikai didn't matter. As long as the two were together, they were honeymoon every day. Why not stick to this form, let alone Qin Chao had no planes, high-speed rail or other means of transportation, horse riding or horse-drawn carriages, but at best was just strolling around Hanoi County.

When it was time to leave, frankly, not only was He Linghan, but even Ye Shikai was reluctant to leave here. Everyone lived in a cozy life. Don't look at the fierce sergeant's murder on the battlefield. They are also for the merit, and for the whole family. Can make a better life.

After Ling said goodbye to Old Man He, He Linghan's mood was a little low. It can be seen that she and her relatives were very sad.

"Linger, riding bumps, or you still ride in a carriage." Seeing He Linghan's fragile appearance, Ye Shikai was a little worried about her, after all, there was still a long way to go from the county ward house in Dongjun.

"Relax, I'm okay. Your brethren are all riding horses. Wouldn't it be weird if only me was riding in a carriage?" He Linghan is trying to maintain the image of Ye Shikai in front of the army, although she is now a respectable general lady Naturally, there is no need to ride warhorses with the sergeants, but this will also make the sergeants unbalanced to some extent.

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