Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1502: Black shop

"That's the case, so it seems that this is really an inn, we think too much." He Linghan nodded, everyone ate for a long time, there is no problem, the wine is normal, but Ye Shikai still let everyone drink less, tomorrow They still have to hurry.

"Several military men, this is your chicken soup. The shop is not very good in craftsmanship, so please bear with me." The shop's second man is also short-handed and received Ye Shikai's silver two, which is naturally very polite.

"Okay, shopkeeper, you can just add some fresh vegetables." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"Success, Grandpa, wait a minute." First https: // https: //

"Linger, the boat and the car are tired all the way, you eat more." Ye Shikai took care of it. Where did He Linghan ride such a long-term war horse, the bumps alone were enough to bear. The close guard arrived at the table not far away, leaving them alone.

"I ... Actually I'm not very hungry, let's eat it." He Linghan is also a good wife's posture, and after Ye Shikai takes a bite, she will eat it by herself.

"Sister, we are all full, just stay at the door. If you have something, please call us at any time." Mancang and the guards hurriedly finished after they hurriedly left. They knew they were not the "protagonist" here. Do not want to disturb the two just married.

"Linger, after arriving in Dongjun, if you are not used to anything, tell your subordinates. If you want to return to visit the grandfather in the village, tell me, I will let Mancang take you back." Ye Shikai is very posted Hearted her with chopsticks, stretched out her left hand, and placed it on her arm.

"Well, okay." After He Linghan took a few bites, he put down his chopsticks. "I'm full, go up to rest first."

"Go, be careful."

Ye Shikai sat alone at the table, drank a few glasses of wine by himself, and got three-point drunk. When no one was there, he took out the phone again. When he first arrived in Qin Dynasty, he didn't feel However, as the day passed, his memory began to fade away, especially about the previous memories, and sometimes even he would forget the unlock password of the mobile phone. Later, he simply cancelled the password, and now, He had forgotten many things, even the life and death missions he had experienced in Longya at first, he gradually forgotten, and sometimes was alone in the room, and he was even anxious to knock his head hard. Originally, he wanted to keep all the memories in his mobile phone. , But then the phone was out of power, he could only use a writing brush to record on sackcloth.

If he goes on like this, he will one day forget everything, where he came from, and his past. By that time, he will become a Qin Dynasty man completely.

"Fu Jun, haven't you come up yet?" I don't know how long it took, He Linghan's voice was posted upstairs, Ye Shikai looked up, she was leaning against the railing, and unconsciously, he sat alone for an hour, now it has been It was late at night, and it was quiet at night. When He Linghan saw that he had not come up, he went out to check.

"Oh, I'll go up right away." Ye Shikai calmed down, put the phone back in his pocket, and turned upstairs.

"Linger, it's so late. If you're tired, go to bed first." He Linghan helped Ye Shikai take off his armor and made him feel warm. Seeing this posture, if he stayed downstairs all night, would He Linghan not Going to sleep.

"If you don't come back, how can I sleep peacefully, okay, and continue to set off tomorrow, the husband will go to bed early." The two were lying in bed, silent, and for a few days of marriage, they had talked all night long, but They were all tired now and soon fell into sleep.


Hey, hey, hey.


In the darkness, Ye Shikai opened her eyes violently, and her clothes were wet with cold sweat. She only heard a footstep in the aisle outside. Ye Shikai immediately got up from the bed. He Linghan also woke up immediately after hearing the movement, but she Unlike Ye Shikai, there is not much perception of unknown crisis.

"What happened, what happened."

"Someone outside, be careful." Ye Shikai shouted, at the same time, several arrows suddenly shot in from the outside, penetrated the window paper, and shot at the two on the bed. Ye Shikai embraced He Linghan and rolled towards the other side. Go and swing the quilt hard to block all the arrows.

"Ah." The two rolled together and fell to the ground. He Linghan screamed. Ye Shikai found out that she was only wearing a thin gauze and was suddenly lifted under the quilt. She was naturally instinctively panic, but now it is Life and death are at stake, so much can't be taken care of. Assassins outside are obviously well-planned for a long time. Ye Shikai must guarantee He Linghan's safety.

"Linger, wait here, don't mess around." Ye Shikai wrapped up He Linghan with a quilt, and then stood up from the ground.


"Kill this thief leader."


Three assassins in black rushed in from the outside. Ye Shikai picked up the sabre smoothly, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushed straight up, pulled the sword out of the sheath, and killed one of them in a blink of an eye ~ In response, Ye Shikai was ready again. He kicked his legs and kicked them on one's chest, kicked them, turned around, and slashed his sword on the neck of the last person.

"Master, are you okay." Suddenly, there was a shout from Xue San in the corridor. He and the close guard lived next door. He should have heard the movement. As soon as he arrived at the door, Xue San saw him kicked by Ye Shikai. The assassin slowly stood up, saying nothing, took out the crossbow, pulled the trigger, and three crossbow arrows hit the assassin's chest and died on the spot.

"What's going on outside and why are there assassins." Ye Shikai asked coldly.

"Master, we don't know, these assassins don't seem to have come in from outside." Xue San was also confused, and he woke up as soon as he heard the movement, but the targets of these assassins were obviously Ye Shikai and He Linghan.

Ye Yekai lit a candle, came to an assassin, took off his mask, and looked at the face in front of him. He couldn't help but be shocked.

"This ... isn't that shop Xiao Er." He Linghan said in horror.

"Master, this one is the chef in the restaurant, and the other is a juggler." Xue San opened the masks of the other two and recognized their identities.

"It seems that this is really a black shop, quickly, we quickly leave here and look for a large army outside." Ye Shikai is only surrounded by Xue San and four guards. He also needs to protect one He Linghan. They should not stay here for long, and they must leave immediately.


Suddenly, a noise came from downstairs, the store door and windows were broken, and dozens of people in black killed in from outside.


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