Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1504: Burn Inn

Xue San has carefully checked this inn before. There is no secret way here. The "slap big" inn cannot hide more than thirty people without being found. Then the only explanation is that these assassins came from the outside. .

"Hum." Although the last assassin was beaten terribly, he was clear-minded and spit into Ye Shikai. It seemed that he was not going to confess.

"Asshole, our general asks you a word." Mancang saw that the assassin was dishonest and hit a heavy punch in his belly.

"Very good, very boney." Ye Shikai said coldly, a rage came out of his heart, and the group assassinated him. Ye Shikai didn't care at all, but they almost hurt He Linghan. Ye Shikai clenched his sword and waved hard.


In the blink of an eye, the left hand of the assassin was chopped off by the sword blade. The assassin was pale and gave a heartbreaking shout. The pain was enough to directly stun ordinary people. In terms of pain, it should be painful.

"No more, you can't keep your other hand." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"I said, I said."

"Come on." Ye Shikai kicked the assassin to the ground with a kick and roared loudly, and the sword came to his neck.

"We ... we are robbers in a nearby cottage. This shop is also opened by our brothers. We usually do some killing and overdoing things. In the evening, the second child in the shop gave us a report and said that a general, brother They thought that the general must have money, and they wanted to do it at night, ah, it hurts. "The assassin said again and again, because of the severe pain, he was still talking.

"You are robbers, are we being stupid." Ye Shikai stabbed another sword and pierced the assassin's arm.


Another scream screaming through the night sky, Ye Shikai is not stupid. Although robbers kill people and buy more goods, they also need to look at the target. If ordinary merchants come here, they will naturally start, as long as they are handled cleanly, there is no monitoring at all. In the era of the camera, the government could not find a missing person at all, but Ye Shikai and his team were different. He was a general in East County. Counting the guards stationed outside, there were two hundred people. It was difficult for the robbers to kill more people. Is it necessary to kill all two hundred sergeants? Of course it is impossible. The overall strength of the robbers is weak. At least it is impossible to directly attack the large troops of the Qin army. Furthermore, the assassins on the ground are neatly dressed and their weapons are considered to be excellent. At first glance, it is the practice of a family member, not a robber.

"I give you another chance, to be honest."

我 "I ... we are nearby insurgents."


Ye Yekai pulled out the sabre, which is a reasonable answer.

"Speak carefully, I can spare you a life."

"We are a nearby army of insurgents. We opened this inn to make it easier to inquire information from the rivers and lakes, and to make heroic heroes. Today we heard that a general of the Qin Dynasty came here, and we intend to assassinate you." "Assassin finally agreed to tell the truth, and told everything he knew.

"The villain knows so much, and ask the adult to spare the villain."

"I'm talking, come, take him down to heal." Ye Shikai put away his sword, and several sergeants dragged him down immediately.

"Master, these **** are here to assassinate you. They are really bastards. They almost counted." Xue San rebuked him because he failed to find the problem in time, but Ye Shikai did not blame him. For one thing, Ye Shikai is also responsible for this. Both, Xue San and his four guards died just now, which ensured his safety and He Linghan's safety.

"It seems that I'm famous in Dongjun. So many people want my head." Ye Shikai laughed suddenly, with a little self-deprecating tone in his tone. People don't offend me, I don't offend. This is Ye Shikai's rule, but Now that someone is proactive, don't blame him for being cruel.

大 "Sir, your record is well-known throughout the East County. These robbers want to take your life and give all the officers and men a power."

"Well, they only have these tricks." Ye Shikai stepped out of the inn and just saw He Linghan coming.

"Linger, why are you back?"

"You are not injured." He Linghan asked anxiously.

"Relax, it's all right." Ye Shikai comforted softly.

"Master, what shall we do next, whether to continue camping or rest, or march overnight?" Mancang asked.

"Well, forget it, let's go now." Ye Shikai estimates that it will be dawn in a few hours. This kind of thing happened, I am afraid no one in the whole army can sleep, let alone this inn just After a **** battle, He Linghan is probably not willing to sleep in it again.

"Linger, if you are tired, lean on my back." Ye Shikai rode on the war horse and let He Linghan sit behind him.


"Master, what can this inn do?" Xue San asked him for instructions.

"If it is left, it will also be the merchants who continue to harm the traffic, as well as the bodies of those assassins. Burn it together." Ye Shikai said faintly, the insurgents and robbers are still somewhat different, but in Ye Shikai's view, these insurgents, although claiming themselves "For the sky", but the work is not clean ~ ~ This inn, I am afraid that not only is gathering information for the insurgents, killing and overdoing the goods, they can not get rid of the relationship.

"喏." Xue San led a few sergeants and threw several torches into the inn, and soon lit the whole inn.

"OK, let's go."


Everyone marched slowly. After an hour, the sky was already bright. After a night of fierce fighting, Ye Shikai also felt some fatigue. Where did He Linghan usually see such a fight and kill situation, he must have suffered a lot last night. Scared, it didn't take long to fall asleep on Ye Shikai's back.

"Sir, about two hours later, we will be able to go to the barracks." Mancang took the map and pointed out the location of the crowd. First https: // https: //

"Everyone eat something, rest for a while, we march again."



After the people disbanded, they took out dry food from the bag to eat. Ye Shikai was worried that He Linghan was not used to eating dry food, and he left some cakes in the bag.

"Linger, you were frightened last night." Ye Shikai sat next to her and handed her the pastry. Speaking of it, if He Linghan was injured last night, Ye Shikai said nothing to these assassins.

其实 "Actually ... It's okay, but fortunately, it was a false alarm." He Linghan didn't want to be so weak, even if he was really afraid, he had to put up with fear.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм


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