Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1506: Ma Yao's request

After several months, Ye Shikai is now Ma Yao's number one general and Meng Tian's recommendation. The speed of promotion has really made many people jealous, especially those other generals. Taking on Ye Shikai and losing these opportunities meant that they could not be promoted one step, but ... Ye Shikai is a power savvy, well-thought-out, courageous, with military power in hand, and masters like clouds. A cavalry trained by a wolf instructor is invincible in East County.

The insurgents are in constant trouble, and Ma Yao is also anxious. He does not have the ace of Ye Shikai. He is guilty, so now when he hears that Ye Shikai returns to Puyang, he does not wait for him to report to the county ward. Visited.

"This ... is my sibling." Ma Yao set his gaze on He Linghan, who "sounded that my sibling is so beautiful, and today I see it, it is well-deserved."

"Master Ma has won the prize, please come into the house." He Linghan is very temperamental as a housekeeper. He invited Ma Yao to enter the house and ordered the next person to make tea.

"Master Ma came to my mansion today, not just want to congratulate me so simple." In the hall, Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Haha, of course, it's not just congratulations. I'm here today to discuss something with Ye Brother." Ma Yao secretly winked, Ye Shikai comprehended, and let the waiters and guards next to him withdraw.

"Okay, Lord Ma, there are only two of us here. What do you think, but it doesn't matter."

"Brother Ye, don't hide it. Speaking of it, this thing is really difficult to talk about." Ma Yao's expression of embarrassment appeared, and he stopped talking.

"Master, you can just say it directly." Ye Shikai has made psychological preparations. As Ma Yao's "confidant", he is responsible for "dirty work".

"In these days, you have killed a lot of insurgents. Similarly, you have captured many prisoners. The number is large, and soon the prisons in the county are full."

"Master means ..."


Unsurprisingly, although Ye Shikai had already made this preparation, when I heard the "three words", I still felt a bit of pressure. When he was preparing to go north to reinforce the front line in Heyang County, he was released in order to supplement the soldiers and manpower. After a batch of criminals filled the army, among them was Mancang, Ye Shikai also served people with morality, which allowed Mancang to obey. On the other hand, before he had commanded only a small team of dozens of people, only the leading Mancang obeyed. The remaining people will naturally obey, but now he leads more than 8,000 people. This time Ma Yao sent the prisoners to him. There must be thousands of them. I want to ensure that they don't mess up. It wasn't just Ye Shikai who shouted a few words.

"Two thousand powerful prisoners were released to fill the army in the county. I hope ... let them all be managed by you, how about it."

"No problem." Ye Shikai did not refuse, because he was very clear that although Ma Yao seemed to be discussing with him, he was actually informing that this was a military order. Ye Shikai could not refuse. Instead of being forced to accept it, it was better to retreat. Accept it in one breath, so that you can make some demands instead.

"Haha, Brother Ye is really a court lord. What do you have to ask, despite asking it?" Ma Yao was ready to respond to the resignation, but he did not expect Ye Shikai to accept it so simply.

"Since I am trained, others are not allowed to intervene. They can only accept my orders. Other generals cannot be moved." Ye Shikai raised his index finger, which was his first request.

"no problem."

"In addition, I will write a list of these prisoners' equipment and silver money, which cannot be deducted."


"Okay, now that Lord Ma has agreed to these two conditions, I will not mention anything else." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Well, I'll get someone to prepare weapons and equipment immediately. Brother Ye, if you have new requirements, just ask them." Ma Yao was very relieved and he threw away a "hot potato", he naturally relaxed a lot.



"Lao Ye, these prisoners are not easy to bring. We have just trained the new 3,000 sergeants, and now we have another 2,000. They are still prisoners. If something goes wrong, we can't please them." Dang When Ye Shikai returned to the barracks, Shang Guanjian had already arrived here. He should have returned to the village to celebrate Ye Shikai ’s wedding. However, he had received Ma Yao ’s military order and had to return to the barracks first. Although he had some regrets, Ye Shikai also understood. Nothing more to say. When I heard that there were robbers near Shangshui Village, Shang Guanjian didn't think about it. He sent four groups of soldiers to investigate within a day. He was relieved until he heard that Ye Shikai defeated the robbers.

"Not all soldiers. What is the difference between good and bad ~ ~ If we do n’t bring well, it only means that we are not capable." Ye Shikai waved his hand, frankly, although he said Relaxed, but also quite nervous. Many of these prisoners were captives of the insurgent troops he had annihilated before. They were arrested in prison and stayed for a while. Now they need to change clothes. Cheng Qinjun is a bit absurd to say.

Speaking of which, there are advantages and disadvantages. Well, it is natural that these people were once Ye Shikai's men defeated and captured. Naturally, they are dissatisfied. It is not easy to want them to obey. As for the benefits, It is also clear that they have all seen Ye Shikai's power, and even if they do not accept it, they will have three points of fear.

"Now that you have decided, as your lieutenant general and your brother, I will definitely support you 100%." ​​Shang Guanjian said firmly. In fact, Ye Shikai knew clearly that his heart was inevitably resentful, but as a lieutenant general, the most The important thing is to obey the command of the general and to "make up the stage and not dismantle the stage" for Ye Shikai's decision.

"In fact, I already have a way to deal with them. I still have to serve them with morality." Ye Shikai said lightly. They are criminals and naturally suffered a lot of flesh and blood, so it is not necessary to use harsh military laws. It worked, not to mention, there were two thousand prisoners. If they used military law, wouldn't it be necessary to execute them one by one, so Ye Shikai must obey them from the bottom of his heart.

Prisoners are a very special group. They are often the "last choice". If it is not seriously understaffed, I am afraid that no general is willing to use them. Once these criminals are armed, who can guarantee that they will be obedient, If it is a counterattack, who can control it.

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