Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1509: Shocking news

"Reporter, I will come to you at the end of this time, and I will report to you on a major matter."

"Say something directly, don't cover it up." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I have a lot of business friends in the wolf clan. They travel between Qin Jing and the grassland. These days, they have revealed a message to me."

"What message." Ye Shikai's expression gradually became serious. If it involved the wolf clan, that would be a big deal. After all, for the Qin Dynasty, the wolf clan was a sharp blade hanging from his head. Although Meng Tian led the army to fight with him many times, And they have won many battles, but at best they just repulsed them. It didn't take long for the wolf tribe to make a comeback, and the Qin army could only cling to the border along the Great Wall. It can be said that the initiative of war was always in the hands of the wolf tribe. Although winning more and losing less, it is only passive defense.

"After the defeat of the wolf tribe, they have been marching their soldiers and horses. Coupled with the good harvest of the grassland this year, many new soldiers and war horses have been added. The wolf leader has planned to use the army again in the Qin Dynasty next year.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai listened, and was shocked to stand up directly from his seat. The last defeat of the wolf tribe was less than half a year ago, and they were so badly injured that they thought they would rest for at least four or five years. They recruited soldiers. , Supplementing forage and raising war horses, I never thought that Wan Yuanyuan had made such a news.

"Your news, are you sure, it is true or false." Ye Shikai asked.

"Now in the Qin Dynasty, many merchants of the wolf family said so, and after investigation, there were indeed large-scale troop movements on the grassland, as if they were assembled and stood by at various locations, and the forages and warhorses were also managed centrally."

"This ... I'm afraid it's not easy to handle." Ye Shikai slowly stood up from the chair, his body could not help but tremble, as if the army of the wolf were in front of him, now he is also a high weight, holding Military rights, naturally understand many situations, now all counties in the Qin Kingdom are not peaceful. The garrison is busy annihilating the "Rebel Army" and the "mountain king" that has sprung up, although there are 300,000 troops in the north. But once the war begins, without the support of soldiers, horses and grain, the fall of the Great Wall defense line is just a matter of time.

The current situation is internal and external problems. This is the most important thing for the Qin Empire. It cannot be reversed by Ye Shikai alone.

"My lord, this matter is very important, and the general will not dare to arbitrarily, so as not to shake the heart of the army, so he came here to ask for his master." Wan Yuanyuan looked dignified. At the moment, I am afraid that not many people know that the wolves are about to move, I am afraid there is in Xianyang It is also unknown, otherwise the order of mobilization should have been issued to each county guard.

"Go back first, today's events, and what you know, you must not reveal half a word to go out, otherwise, there is no pardon."

"I will understand at the end, I must keep my mouth shut and leave first."

After Wan Yuanyuan left, Ye Shikai paced back and forth in the account. According to history, the Qin Dynasty did not die in the hands of the wolf tribe. This is also a blessing in misfortune, but the existence of the wolf tributary has indirectly promoted the domestic " "Rebellion" and also contained many troops. Starting

Ye Yekai crossed here, so he cannot stay out of the war here, at least ... he should be prepared in advance.

"Xue San."

"Master, what's the matter?" Xue San stepped in from the account and asked.

"I will immediately write a letter, and you will be taken to General Xianyang Mansion and must be delivered to General Meng Tian." Ye Shikai commanded.


"Remember, you must hand it to General Meng Tian. If anyone else wants it, no one can give it, understand." Ye Shikai emphasized.

"Subordinates must complete the task." Xue San also heard that the letter he was escorting was a top secret, otherwise Ye Shikai would not use such a serious tone.

"Very well, bring more brothers and pay more attention to safety on the road."


one week later.

"Lao Ye, you really have a way. You see, the county weird has all the missing grain and ordnance." Watching a carriage full of supplies came to the camp, Shangguanjian's heart was hanging It finally fell, and Ye Shikai seemed very calm. He had expected it long ago. If he really wanted to ask Ma Yao for it, he would never refuse. This "skin" he didn't dare to tear.

"It's nothing, let the sergeants disperse and continue training." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Lao Ye, do you seem to have a heavy heart, did you encounter any difficult things?" Shang Guanjian is his old partner after all, and you can see the difference at a glance. Ye Shikai is not a moody person. If he reacts like this, he must say There was a major incident. The information that Wan Jiyuan sent to him last time, except the two in the entire barracks, no one knew about it. Xue San, who was responsible for delivering the letter, would not open the letter privately, so he did not know because of this. The facts matter a lot, and he even concealed from Shang Guanjian.

However, what Shang Guanjian said is also the second leader of this unit ~ ~ Concealing from him seems a little inappropriate.

"Shangguan, I have something to discuss with you."

After an hour.

"What, Wan Wanyuan's information is accurate." Sure enough, the first time I heard the news, Shang Guanjian was also astonished, hoping instinctively that this was "false information."

"Lao Ye, this matter is too serious. If you are not sure of the truth, you will report it to His Majesty the First Emperor. That is a crime of bullying, you and I will lose your head."

"That ’s why I first reported it to General Meng Tian and let him make a decision. If this thing is true and we do n’t report it, it is also a death penalty.”

"Laoye, the wolf are located on the grassland. They lack arable land, and they don't have advanced farming techniques in the Central Plains. If they start a war, they will need hundreds of thousands of stone grains. In a year, they can't do it." The analysis said, "There are still people, they just lost 100,000 people half a year ago, how could 100,000 young people be born out of thin air." The first issue https: // https: //

These days, Ye Shikai is also very entangled. The productivity of ancient times is far less than it is now. Not to mention that backward tools have greatly limited their ability to mobilize in combat. It is not easy to gather 100,000 troops at one go. Ye Shikai is also in his heart. I don't believe this news, but Wan Xiyuan has always acted prudently. If he is not 90% sure, he will not tell Ye Shikai. Moreover, facing the Great Wall's defense line, the unrepresented wolf clan will only have "strange soldiers" Only in order to make a breakthrough quickly, unexpectedly and unpreparedly, this is also the way to win.


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