Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1501: March

Seeing He Linghan cried and said nothing, Ye Shikai did n’t ask any more. He already knew the reason, there was no need to ask further. In fact, just as Ling Han ’s maid said, if Ye Shikai is really “lazy”, it can be the same as other Like the general in the county, staying at home every day to eat, drink, and play. As for training, you only need to order a vice general, but Ye Shikai does not do so. He now leads 10,000 brothers, and each of them is a senior. There are old and young, and there are families. Every brother is killed, which means that several family members will cry for him. If Ye Shikai does not hurry up, then more brothers will be dead. Since now He is a general in charge of the army and is responsible for his brothers.

Ye Yekai put He Linghan in her arms and patted her shoulder gently ...

"Linger, let you feel wronged. When the battle is over, I will go home to see you immediately." Unconsciously, He Linghan's body no longer trembled, and the choking cries stopped, it seemed she After the grievances in her heart were finished, Ye Shikai waited until she fell asleep before turning back and lying down.

The next morning, He Linghan still served Ye Shikai herself as usual, and specially made the kitchen a lot of food. In front of outsiders, she would never show abnormality, and even if she was wronged, she would only secretly cry at night.

"Fu Jun, how long will it take you to send troops this time?" He Linghan asked suddenly at the table.

"If it goes well, it will take a month." Ye Shikai thought for a while, and replied that the other side had five or six thousand people stationed in the inaccessible mountains, which was not so easy to deal with.

"General, you need to come back as soon as possible to see, these days you are not in the house, but the lady really misses you." Lotus stood beside, suddenly said.

"Lotus, talk a lot, not yet go down." He Linghan suddenly snapped, Lotus stopped talking and turned to the kitchen.

"Fu Jun, the talker talked a lot, but I didn't manage it."

"Linger, the lotus also cares about you. I don't care. Besides, if the atmosphere is restrained, I'm not used to it, it's better to be lively." Ye Shikai shook his head slightly, he didn't want to be like the grandfather of feudal society. .

"And, the lotus is right. I didn't take care of you. I left you alone, and a maid couldn't stand it anymore. It was my fault," Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Okay, husband Fu concentrates on the war ahead, family matters, just leave it to me." He Linghan didn't want to continue this topic, maybe ... she was worried that if she talked again, she could not help crying.

"Relax, as soon as the war is over, I will return immediately." Ye Shikai also gave her a promise. If the battle was won, and Ma Yao had a task, he would shirk on the ground of "injury and recuperation".

"Well, I'll wait for you at home."



"Is the army assembled?" Ye Shikai sat in front of the position, looking at the dozens of thousands of captains in front of him, as well as several military officers and relatives. He looked dignified. He also commanded tens of thousands of people for the first time. Ten people "fighted" and tens of thousands of people slaughtered together. One mistake could lead to hundreds or even thousands of casualties.

"General, all the horses and horses have been assembled, and the cavalry has set out as a forward." Shang Guanjian, in front of the generals, also called Ye Shikai as "General", not "Old Leaf", which shows his seriousness.

"You guys, you are all my confidantes. You should know me very well. I don't say much else. I hope you will go all out to succeed." Ye Shikai did not make any "impassionate" speeches. In the cold weapon era, the two armies were positive. Fighting depends on who is fierce and who dares to die. Therefore, in general, the generals must inspire the morale of the troops, but the situation is different now. The most important thing is not morale. If you do n’t know the terrain and the route, I don't know the ambush, even if a group of reckless husbands break in, what's the use, so the most important thing in this battle is the strategy.

"Oh, general."

"Oh, general."

"Oh, general."

Ye Shikai rode on a war horse and led his relatives to sit in the army and command the entire army. Unlike a team of one or two thousand people in the past, a ten thousand army, it was impossible to command him alone, so ... he would command him, he An ordering army was specially organized. Each person was equipped with a fast horse. Every order issued by Ye Shikai was sent directly to the commander by the ordering soldier. In this way, he was like a brain. Although the brain itself cannot Do things, but the brain can give instructions to various parts of the body.

"The march camps and camps every night. We must send out patrolmen. The closer we get to Beast Mountain, the more we are in danger. I have received information from the cavalry. These days, the county where Beast Mountain is located has been completely blocked. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Grain in the city is rationed according to population and water sources are ready. "Ye Shikai pointed to the map in the camp account.

"The situation turned out to be so serious ~ ~ Shangguanjian couldn't believe it. This is not a battle yet, and a dignified county has shrunk.

"There are only a thousand sergeants in a county. Where can they resist the insurgents?" Ye Shikai was not shocked. This result was already expected by him. If the county falls, then Ma Yao's position may be truly insured. The order to close the county seat was issued by him.

"Lao Ye, we will be able to reach the county tomorrow, and we will be able to make a siege by that time. The troops will march all day, whether we will go to the city for a rest tomorrow."

"No need. If we enter the city with a big swing, we are directly telling the insurgents in the mountains that we are here. We do not need to enter the city or even pass through the county. We only need to report the progress of the troops to the county magistrate. Secondly, it is also to appease the people and prevent the people from panic. "Ye Shikai commanded.

"Oh, I'll do it right away."

"Report, there is a team of merchants outside the camp, asking to meet with the general." While Ye Shikai was concentrating on the terrain, the guard suddenly entered the account and reported.

"Let them come in quickly." Ye Shikai said lightly, not long after, several middle-aged people were led into the account by the guards.

"Who are you all?"

"Back to General, we are all nearby merchants. In the aisle just now, I saw the general's barracks and came over to ask." The leading man said.

"You have something to say."

"I wonder if the general led the army here to destroy the thieves on the Beast Hill."

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