Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1542: make a choice

Ma Yao has begun to suspect that Ye Shikai will do something "unexpected", so let Chen Ping take the military power, and now the Yefu people go to the building. If Ma Yao knows, he will immediately know that Ye Shikai is going to start a soldier, so time Very urgent, maybe tomorrow, Ma Yao will know.

But before starting the army, Ye Shikai still had an important thing to do.

中央 Central barracks.

Looking at the 20,000 brothers in the audience, Ye Shikai's mind was mixed. These brothers were born and died with him. Many of them had participated in the wolf war with him, so they survived the cruel battle. But this time, they did not die in the external battle, but in their own hands.

"Brothers, you must be curious, why should I gather you here?" Ye Shikai said quietly, the voice was not very loud, but just everyone could hear it.

"Many of you have followed me through hundreds of battles, made great military achievements, and licked blood on the tip of the knife with me, stirring a spoon in an iron pot."

"General, if you have anything to say, let's just say it. We have been following you for so long. As long as you give us an order, we will go up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, and we will do our best." A five hundred master said loudly from the stage. .

"Well, time is short, I will open the door to see the mountains." Ye Shikai smiled comfortably, turned to look at Shang Guanjian, the two looked at each other, so far, they do not have any need to hide, directly showdown.

"I believe that my brothers know that a meteor has fallen here, and some people have even seen the words engraved on the meteor. A few days ago, I received a secret order from His Majesty the Emperor, and he asked us to kill all the people, chickens and dogs within 50 miles Do not stay."

"What, how can this be."

"Yeah, isn't this a mustard's life, and it's all killed? Isn't this a deliberate attempt to make the people rebel?"

"What to do, my father and mother live nearby, and there are thousands of elders in the village."

As soon as Ye Shikai said this, the disciplined troops could not bear it anymore. They kept talking under the stage. The scene was very noisy. Ye Shikai could understand that many of them had their homes nearby. Slaughtering the people, their families will be brutally slaughtered, which makes them not anxious.

"Brothers, please be quiet and listen to me." Ye Shikai shouted loudly. After a while, the sergeants in the audience calmed down. Their looks were dignified, and they could see that they were very concerned about the incident. Also, they were very opposed to this secret order, because these sergeants and the emperor stood completely on two sides, one was to maintain the rule of the empire, and the other was for the family and the folks.

"Military servicemen obey orders, but if we order us to slaughter the people, I'm afraid I will not accept this order. The eldest husband was born between heaven and earth. Ye Shikai is righteous and powerful, just when it comes to the minds of the sergeants. I am afraid that people who have a normal view of the three will not recognize this secret order. Most of the generals who execute the secret order are afraid to resist it. Therefore, Only this kind of "jerk" thing can be done.

"So Ye Shikai announced in front of the army that I am going to fight against Qin, and the first battle is to save these people."

"General Ye, I am willing to follow you."

"General Ye, ever since I followed you, I have not been defeated, I believe in you."

"Xun Jun is going to kill our folks, I resolutely resist to the end, I am willing to follow."

Many sergeants under the ring expressed their willingness to follow, but many people began to hesitate, which is why Ye Shikai gathered everyone to talk.

"I welcome my followers, but I also understand that once you rebel, your parents, wives, and children will be sentenced to death, from light punishment to death, and the former military merit will be lost, so I also I will not blame you. You are all fighters who are not afraid of death. You consider the safety of your family because you understand the responsibilities, and I will not have any complaints. "Ye Shikai, of course, knows the consequences of rebellion, and can be said to be desperate. Once you fail, not only He and his subordinates, their family members will also be in prison, and naturally some people will hesitate and hesitate.

"Now that the whole army listens to my orders and is willing to follow me against Qin, please stand on the left, and those who want to leave, please stand on the right."

这 "This ... I have parents in my family. If they rebel, they will be arrested."

"Asshole, let me go to slaughter folks, I can't do it, and today I will reverse it."

"My folks are nearby. Even if they don't, it's a dead end. I'll fight for it."

The sergeants were divided into two teams. The number on the left was significantly larger, accounting for about three-quarters. Most of the 20,000 sergeants were recruited in East and Hanoi counties, and many of them had family members. In this "fifth mile", the emperor ordered to kill their family. As a man ~ ~ how could it be indifferent, and they absolutely believed in Ye Shikai's commanding ability, once they started, they might not lose.

The most gratifying thing for Ye Shikai is that almost all the 3,000 cavalry teams were on the left. When this cavalry team was formed, they were in charge of the garrison in Heyang County, so most of the soldiers were in Heyang County. In the nearby villages, they naturally chose to fight against the Qin Dynasty. As for the sergeants who surrendered from the wolves in the cavalry, they did not matter. Anyway, their families were in the grassland. The cavalry was Ye Shikai's "family". The best equipment and well-trained , Fearless of death and injury, with this ace in hand, Ye Shikai also has the bottom of his heart.

"Shang Guanjian, give the brethren on the right twenty-two coins each and let them all go home." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Okay." Shang Guanjian asked several guards to carry boxes of silver onto the table.

"Brothers on the right, each one comes up to get twenty-two silver."

After an hour.

"Lao Ye, there are more than 15,300 sergeants left. The cavalry is basically there. We can only maintain the rations in the battalion for five days now. Ma Yao's asshole, who broke the supply, should be worried that you will rebel. "Shang Guanjian sent the statistics.

"It doesn't matter, we will leave immediately after we finish playing." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Lao Ye, when we save these people, where are we going?"

"From the current situation, if we start rebellion a little bit, we will certainly be pursued and stopped by the Qin army everywhere. If we want to keep it, we can only go to Chudi."

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