Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1555: Robbery

"Then hurry up, don't forget, the bounty of our two heads together is more than ten thousand gold. For these bounties, the county guards will definitely go all out." Ye Shikai teased.

"That's right, we now have only five or six thousand troops, and there are at least 30,000 or 40,000 garrisons in a county, but they are scattered in various counties and it is difficult to gather in a short time." Shang Guanjian took out the map and pointed The route originally planned.

"Lao Ye, I originally wanted to go to Sancheon-gun, but we delayed for some time. In case I want to adjust the route, we will go to Yecheon-gun so that we can go straight to Nanyang-gun. , Estimate that it should save two or three days. "

"Yichuan County, but there are plains there, and there are no high mountains to block it. Will our remnants be too dangerous?" Ye Shikai asked, mountainous areas are the best "barrier" to cover their march. In the mountain road, the more troops there are, the more difficult it is to command, and it is difficult to give play to the advantages of numbers.

"Yes, Icheon-gun is a place of the Fourth War, easy to attack and difficult to defend, but Icheon-gun is not large, and the garrison is only 20,000 or 30,000 people. And I have heard of the prefecture of Icheon-gun. He It's not a bold person, it can even be said to be a little timid, and the prestige of our army has already been known as the epicenter of the wolf wars. I don't expect him to dare to intercept us. " Fan's analysis was somewhat unexpected by Ye Shikai. I didn't expect Shangguanjian to know such a few counties near East County.

"Lao Ye, although this has a gambling element, but now is an extraordinary period, it should be used in an extraordinary way."

"Well, I agree with you. Besides, the area of ​​Xichuan County is not large. We passed quickly and arrived in Nanyang County in two days." Ye Shikai considered it and finally decided to trust Shang Guanjian's judgment and immediately ordered the sergeant. change direction.

In fact, whether it be Dong-gun, Hanoi-gun, or Yecheon-gun, they are all located in the Central Plains. There are not many mountainous areas here. Compared with the dense river network and the Chu mountains with high mountains, although there are many uprisings here, But the biggest reason for the difficulty in development is that it is difficult to find an "old nest" that is easy to defend and attack.

Ye Shikai naturally believed in Shang Guanjian, just as he also believed in Ye Shikai's decision to fight against Qin. This time, Shang Guanjian's judgment was very accurate. Except for the people, Ye Shikai and his team did not encounter Qin Jun's obstruction. It only took more than a day. Time, they arrived in Namyang-gun.

Late at night.

Because of the rush to rush the road overnight, the sergeants could not rest and camp at night. They could only find a flat place and sleep directly on the ground. Ye Shikai, as the commander, naturally felt very distressed, but the current situation did not allow them to do so. This is why When Ye Shikai decided to start the army, his mind would be so entangled.

If there were no soldiers, these brothers would not only avoid life and death blood battles, but also be severely injured but difficult to heal as they are now. There would also be food and sleep, always watch out. When he started, he still had 15,000 brothers. In just three days, there are only one third left, and nearly a thousand brothers are seriously injured. In the future, he is not sure how many people will survive, and maybe everyone will die.

If it was such an ending, Ye Shikai would be very guilty. These brothers gave his life to him, but he chose a way to take everyone to "death to death".

Looking back, Ye Shikai's heart has also shaken. It is right or wrong to take so many brothers uprising against the Qin Dynasty.

"Lao Ye, we are so hurrying, the brethren are too tired." Shang Guanjian came over and passed over the little wine left, Ye Shikai took a sip and panted.

"Our current position is still safe, let the brethren have a good rest."

"Well, besides ... we don't have much dry food. At first we only took five days of rations, and the rest were distributed to the people. It has now been three days. If there is no supplement, we can't leave Nanyang County. Will be hungry. "

"No." Ye Shikai hesitated for a while, then suddenly threw the jug on the ground with excitement. "We must find a way to get food, and the food and lodging will be fine. If we endure hunger and starvation again, the army will be shaken."

Xun Jun's heart was shaken only for one reason. Ye Shikai was more unwilling to watch these brothers who were following him starve.

"Well, Nanyang County is a large county, county seat, village, population, and a large number. There must be a lot of grain hoarded. We try to get some over."

"The Qin army in Nanyang County has a lot of troops. With our current military strength, it is impossible to attack the county seat. In that way, not only will we not be able to grab the grain, but we will also take the remaining people in."

"Do you have any other method, then?"

"We can't rob those insurgents and robbers. Their food reserves are nothing more than salaries, and we can't rob people, so we have only one way."

"any solution."

"Assaulted the Qin Army's grain delivery team." Ye Shikai explained, "You and I were both Qin Army, and naturally I know the grain delivery team very well ~ ~ Generally speaking, there are only five grain delivery teams. Hundreds to a thousand or so, because they generally do not participate in front-line wars, the food delivery teams are basically old, weak, and sick. We now have cavalry teams. Once we are successful, we can use the weight of the horse to bring the food back. Our horses Quickly, even if Qin Jun sent reinforcements, we have already left. "

In the past, the wolf tribe repeatedly attacked the village and the people by using the cavalry's maneuver. The cavalry team in Ye Shikai's hands was modeled after the wolf tribe's iron riding. Even the war horses were purchased from the merchants on the grassland, which was better than the Central Plains war horse Much stronger.

"We don't have much time. Once we get the food, we will come back immediately. We will go straight south without stopping. In addition, we can set up a team of ambush to lead the Qin army away."

"This is a very good plan."


Nanyang County.

"Hou Ganxian, do you know the surrounding terrain?"

"Do n’t worry about Commander Xue. The villain has been here for five or six years. It is not the villain who praises Haikou. I can find it with my eyes closed when it is 50 miles away."

"Okay, then you can find a route to reach Chudi most safely." Xue San ordered.

"Well, Commander Xue, please look at the mountains in front of us. This is a route to Nanjun. Although the mountain road is rugged and should not be walked, it is the safest route. Qin Jun will never chase it, as long as we pass These mountains have reached Nanjun, where Chu is. "

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