Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1557: Heavy duty

"Well, the generals all understand." Wan Jiyuan nodded and said at this time, Ye Shikai could not determine at this time whether the news of their rebellion against the court reached Nanyang County. If not, then the army can still be "dignified". Walking in Nanyang County, as long as the local defense forces did not know the news, Ye Shikai and his subordinates were still a "Qin Army."

But if the local government has been informed of this news, then they can only “deceive” to the end. Wan Yuan was a very capable person, and he acted decisively. If an emergency happened, he could deal with it in time.

"The Qin Army will go to the village under its jurisdiction to collect food at the beginning of each month, and then send it to the county. We must start halfway." In the camp, Ye Shikai explained the plan to his army officer. The army suffered heavy losses. Commander, there are only a few people left. Ye Shikai can't help but feel sad, but he still can't hold back the emotions. Their difficulties have just begun now. As the commander in chief of the army, if the army is deceased, then this unit will be Wasted.

"General Ye, despite your orders, although we have suffered great losses, our spirits still exist. We are not afraid of the garrison in these places."

"Okay, let me continue." Ye Shikai was very pleased. He always believed that the command of all levels of the army was a crucial position. If the general was afraid, the soldiers under him would lose their fighting spirit. At that time, he did it himself, and no one was allowed to "find fish in muddy water."

"Our current position is near Zhiwan City in Nanyang County. There are many villages here, even villages with more than 20,000 people. The government collects thousands of stones per month, which is enough for our army to eat for ten days."

"Lao Ye, would it be too dangerous to start near Wancheng." Shang Guanjian suddenly felt a little unsafe. "Since it is the county seat, how can the army be less, according to my understanding, Wancheng's garrison is more than 20,000. And well-equipped, there are thousands of cavalry. If they receive news and go out of the siege, we will have wounded soldiers here, and they will be caught up if they have difficulty moving. "

"I don't know this. If it's not the situation, I don't want to take risks." Shang Guanjian's anxiety is in the middle of Shikai's heart. Although food robbing is a good plan, it is a food robbing near Wancheng. "Gambling" is the bet of the brothers in the army.

However, in the current situation, it is no longer possible for them to rob food elsewhere. After two days, they will not have overnight food, and then they will only be able to kill the horses to fill their hunger, let alone stay in Nanyang County. The longer the time, the more dangerous it becomes.

所以 "So, I must set up a cavalry to lead the Qin Army."

"General Ye, let me go, I promise to dismiss the Qin Army and cover the brethren's evacuation."

"General Ye, let me go."

"Let me go."

The remaining several thousand captains and five hundred masters have asked for help. Everyone knows that with such a cavalry to disperse thousands of Qin army, it is tantamount to find their own way. This is a "finding death" task, but someone must be found. Go on.

"Okay, I have my own choices for the arrangement of candidates." Ye Shikai waved his hands and motioned to everyone not to quarrel.


"Lao Ye, did you really arrange a candidate to lead the Qin Army." After the officers left, Shang Guanjian immediately asked.

"Of course not, this errand, whoever picks it up, will die for a lifetime. It is very likely that he won't be able to come back. How could I have decided so easily." Ye Shikai was honest, knowing that he was dead, of course, he was difficult to choose unless, He went by himself. After all, he has recovered his internal strength and has many treasures on his hands. It is not difficult to escape from the siege, but as commander in chief, he must stay in command.

"Lao Ye, since you haven't decided on the candidate, let me go." Shang Guanjian said suddenly.

"What, are you kidding me?" Ye Shikai stood up suddenly and shouted, very surprised.

"There are no jokes in the barracks. Since I said it, I'm not joking." Shang Guanjian answered very seriously, suddenly kneeling on one knee and clenching his fists in both hands.

As Ye Shikai's confidant, with his left arm and right arm, Shang Guanjian has always chosen to support Ye Shikai's decision unconditionally.

不 "No, you are the vice general of the army. How can you go?"

"Lao Ye, do you believe in my ability."

当然 "Of course." Ye Shikai nodded in response, mocking himself "You are the leader of my enlistment and a good planner, but unfortunately you followed me, otherwise you must have a bright future in the Qin army."

"Then my commanding ability is weaker and weaker than those captains."

"You are strong." Ye Shikai hesitated for a moment. To be honest, those captains are more afraid of life and death, but they are not called strategy. They are brave generals, not conspiracy generals. Brave generals can fight against each other in adversity. It's more about fighting the whole army in adversity, which is not the result Ye Shikai wants.

"Since no one is allowed to come to me, naturally this task should be entrusted to me, Lao Ye, you are worried about my safety, I have taken this idea, you take me Shangguanjian as a brother ~ ~ then I also Give your life to you. "

"Lao Ye, let me lead Qin Jun away."

"Shangguan, you ..."

"Don't hesitate anymore."


"Lead Commander, several sergeants in the striker camp got sick with belching."

"The same is true of the left guard camp."

"Not only that, but the water in the mountains also contains toxins. Many sergeants poisoned after drinking water."

In just one day after entering the mountain, dozens of people fell ill, which made Xue San very embarrassed. Hou Ganxian did not lie. The pills really worked, but ... the radon is really "powerful", no wonder why, The most experienced Orion dared to enter.

Fortunately, no one has died of poisoning. If it is just sick, Xue San is not very worried. When he first arrived, he was equally susceptible to illness even if he did not accept the soil and water. He only needed to recuperate in the future. In just one day, He Linghan was like a serious illness, and his face was so scary that he finally drank herbal medicine.

"Hou Ganxian, how far is this mountain road?" Xue San asked.

"The mountain road is rugged. Although the two places are not far away from each other, it is inevitable to walk up and down. I think it will take two days at the current speed. As long as you leave the mountain, the plain is outside. "

"Two days." Xue San muttered to himself, "OK, two days."

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