Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1566: Obituary requirements

"So, you are worried about my safety." Ye Shikai froze for a moment, but he really did not expect that Yunwen was worried about his safety.

"I only give you the cost of seven thousand people, and do not let you use troops, it is tantamount to forbidding you to expand your army, so I had expected that you would come today."

"Sir, the meal is ready."

"Just right, it's noon, let's talk as we eat." Yun Wen said lightly, Ye Shikai had no choice but to stand up and follow.

The table was full of mountain and sea food. Although Ye Shikai didn't know much about it, he also noticed that there are many dishes on it, which are extremely rare.

"I prepared it for you," said Wen Wen with a smile. "Well, are you satisfied?"

Sure enough, Yun Wen had anticipated the arrival of Ye Shikai, so it was only in advance that people prepared these delicious dishes.

"Just eat whatever you like, I'm not like an aristocrat like you, every meal is carefully selected, and the mountain and sea taste." Ye Shikai perfunctory.

"Since you are not in the mood to taste these foods, let's talk about business."

"That's good." Ye Shikai put down the chopsticks in his hand. Now he has a lot of thoughts, where can he feel the taste of these foods.

"First of all, I am grateful for your help, frankly, if it was not for your brothers who were willing to accept me and me, we would have died now." Ye Shikai does not deny the gratitude of the scriptures to him, even a great grace In the troubled times, everything is unknown. To be honest, before Shijun started his army, Ye Shikai was still worried about whether Yun Wen was willing to accept them, and she did n’t even think about it, she agreed directly and gave them back. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "saving grace".

"Since I'm on the run, then I will naturally obey your orders. As long as you don't let us do things that violate the principles, the rest of me will be completed."

"Very good." Yun Wen patted his palm gently.

"You must be curious now, why don't I let you expand."

"Can you give me an explanation?" Ye Shikai immediately asked, and finally came up with the idea.

"I have other arrangements for you. In the future, your subordinates will be commanded by General Huo Ziqing. Let us expand the army, and let him." Wen Wen said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai heard this and couldn't calm down anymore. He stood up and shouted at Yu Wen.

"Presumptuous." The sword guards on the side thought Ye Shikai was about to start and hurried forward.

"You all step back."



"Yiwen, what do you mean?" Ye Shikai felt a anger in his chest. These brethren were born and died with him. No commander would be willing to abandon his subordinates. Since Wu Wen knew this, he also made such a decision. Wouldn't it make Ye Shikai uncomfortable.

"So excited what to do."

"Nonsense, those are my brothers, how can I leave them."

"Don't you just say that you will obey the order?" Wu Wen asked in a hurry.

"But ... how can I obey this order, those are my brothers, they believe that I am willing to follow me and start the army, how can I leave them now." Ye Shikai retorted excitedly.

"If you asked me to siege the city slightly, I wouldn't say anything, but I would never leave my brother." Ye Shikai stared at Yunwen, his eyes were firm, without a trace of shaking, but the text was not a little angry. In the whole county, I am afraid that Ye Shikai dared to hit her directly.

"Well then, since you don't want to, I won't force it, but you have to promise me a request."

"You say it."

"You can continue to stay with your subordinates, but you will leave South County next time, including the girl Ho," said Wen Wen, standing up.

"Leaving South County, where are you going?"

"Changsha County."

Ye Shikai's palms trembled. However, Changsha County was once the hinterland of the Chu Kingdom. It can be regarded as the "old nest" of the scriptures. Compared with Nanyang County, which borders Nanyang County, it can be said to be "easy and comfortable."

"Why go there, there was no war." Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"You don't have to ask this. When you get to Linxiang City in Changsha, I will let you expand your army. As for the others, you will wait for my order." Wu Wen said coldly.

"This ... okay."


"General, why should we go to Changsha County again." In the barracks, when Ye Shikai told the generals about the news, everyone was shocked.

"Changsha County, there has to be much stability there, and there is no war, why do we go there." Mancang asked.

"Yes, General, what are we going to Changsha County?"

"What's wrong, don't you want to go?" Ye Shikai said suddenly, everyone was quiet and went to Changsha County, and they were safe. These days they fought fiercely for so long, so many people died. People live.

"The end general ... The end general does not want to die any more, but the end general is not afraid of death. Now the world is in chaos. We follow the generals in order to resist the tyrannical Qin, but not to shrink behind.

"Yes, right."

"Well, everyone, please be quiet." Ye Shikai made a gesture to signal everyone to be quiet.

"After you pay attention, our protagonist is now Wen, naturally obey her order." Ye Shikai reminded.


"The end will be."

"Inventory your supplies and be ready to go at any time."


Ye Shikai agreed to the arrangement of Yun Wen, but he also fought for some. First of all, He Linghan is still sick, at least until she recovers before leaving, and ... Shangguanjian has not returned yet ~ ~ he wants Wait a few more days to see if Xue San can find some news.


"Linger, how are you feeling right now, not better?" Ye Shikai sat softly at the bed and asked softly.

"Rest assured, I'm much better. The environment here is very good, and it's good for healing."

"By the way, when you are well, let's go to Changsha County. At that time, we can take our grandfather together. There is no war there. When we get there, we can live in peace."

"What, go to Changsha, then what do you do." He Linghan asked.

"Of course I'm staying in Changsha. How nice there is, and I can spend more time with you."

After thinking about it, Ye Shikai felt that going to Changsha was not bad. At least there was ease. He was not a very ambitious person. It was a good thing to build his career. And his brethren can live well there.

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