Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1568: Tentative

Frankly speaking, Ye Shikai was initially worried that the sergeant would lose his fight because of homesickness. The farther away he was from his hometown, the more he would miss it. As time goes by, morale will inevitably decline, especially Ye Shikai's men are mostly in the same town or in the same county Together, they killed the siege and killed so many fellow brothers along the way. The rest were struggling on the edge of life and death. Gradually, they seemed to be numb to death.

The more this time, Ye Shikai, as commander in chief, must invigorate his army, but only if he wanted his brethren to see the "dawn of hope" coming home.

"Brothers, do you want to believe me?"

"I believe in the general."

"General Ye led us to the north and south, and we never lost. This time I still believe in the general."

Everyone answered, they all trusted Ye Shikai, just as they were willing to join Qin with Ye Shikai.

"Okay, I thanked the brethren here." Ye Shikai said with a pair of hands and bowed. In troubled times, people speculate that the most precious thing is trust, and the highest degree of trust is to give their lives to those who trust. Ye Shikai brings With this "heavy" trust, "bear".

Yingzhai gate.

"It looks like you're well managed." Yun Wen led the guard and went directly to Ye Shikai's camp. She didn't notice before coming, and Ye Shikai also expressed surprise at her sudden arrival.

"Why are you here?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Come and see ... My troops, what's wrong, do you have any opinions?" As soon as Wu Wenfeng turned, the generals around Ye Shikai were quite displeased. In a blink of an eye, they became the "subordinates" of Yan Wen, and they would naturally understand Somewhat dissatisfied, in particular, Ye Wen is still a female stream, Ye Shikai does not have any contempt meaning, but in the concept of the ancients, women as "principals", it is too rare.

"Of course not. You are the principal. You want to dispatch or order. It is your freedom." Ye Shikai's tone was perfunctory. After speaking, he did not wait for the script to speak, so he planned to turn away.

"Stop." Suddenly, Wenwen stepped forward and stopped him.

"What else do you have."

"First of all, as your protagonist, do you talk to me with this perfunctory attitude?" Qi Wen said coldly, Ye Shikai flung his eyes, kneeled on one knee, and clenched his fists in both hands.

"What did the Lord say?"

"You and I enter the camp, I have something to discuss with you."


Ye Shikai nodded and responded, making a gesture to the generals behind him, begging them not to follow.

In the camp.

"I just despised you in front of everyone, and it was my rudeness." Ye Shikai knew that, as a "principal", of course, Wen Wen must have authority, otherwise he would inevitably be despised, even if his relationship with Wen Wen Well, in front of the generals, she should also respect her.

"Just know."

"Then what are you doing?" Ye Shikai asked.

"You have been here for more than ten days. When will you set off for Changsha?" Wu Wen opened the door and asked directly.

"After a while, don't worry."

"No, the current situation in Nanjun is very critical. I have received information. A large number of Qin Army are gathering in Nanyang, and they intend to go south. It won't take long. If Qin Jun arrives, we will become passive, so we must return to Changsha immediately to recruit troops and train soldiers. "

"Okay, you are the principal. I obey your assignment. I will order Mancang when he meets, and let him take the army sergeant off to Changsha."

"So, you don't plan to leave now."

"I'm staying here, there's something else."

"No, you also have to set off with the troops." Ji Wen refused directly, his attitude was very tough and there was no room for negotiation.

"I know that you are here to wait for Guan Jian. I have ordered that if he arrives in the South County, the local general will tell him about your itinerary." Yun Wen advised.

"You don't know. Shangguanjian only attracted Qin Jun with the Baijia Guard to cover the retreat of our brigade. Now his whereabouts are unknown, how can I ignore it."

"Those who make things happen, don't stick to the bar."

"So, the person who made the big thing is you, not me, and I never said that I could make a big thing." Ye Shikai waved his hand. He didn't have the ambitions like the scriptures. What he wanted was to protect his family and Brothers.


"Yiwen, you are the principal. The person who accomplishes the great thing is you and not me. You have great gratitude to me, so as your subordinate, I am willing to siege the city for you and gallop the world, but if I take off this shirt , Then I am the commoner, and will not make any more plans. "

"So you're going to disobey the military order." Yun Wen stared with cold eyes.

"So what do you want?" Ye Shikai didn't panic and turned to look at Yu Wen. Suddenly, he felt a chilling killing. After losing his internal force, he was a little strange to this feeling, but When he felt it again, he reacted instinctively.

It is obituary.

In the blink of an eye, a sharp sword had been waved towards Ye Shikai. The speed was so fast that even ordinary people stared with their eyes and could not see their movements clearly.

Bang ~ ~ Ye Shikai pulled out her sword and blocked her blade.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Shikai said coldly, yes, the person who stabbed with the sword was the obituary in front of him.

"It turns out that you are also a cultivator. When I saw you this time, I felt that something was wrong with you. It seems that you have recovered your internal strength." Tong Wen put away his sword and said lightly.

"So, you are testing me." Ye Shikai replied. Now it seems that his guess was good before, and Wenwen is indeed a cultivator, and it seems that the cultivation is not low. As the royal family of Chu, her There must be ancient books for cultivation, and you can easily get the resources needed for cultivation.

"How did you recover your internal strength."

"Speaking of it, it is also a blessing because of misfortune. Someone told me before that repairing Dantian is not impossible, but it requires great energy. This is not something that a few practitioners can do. This time, I tried to save the people. Falling down the meteorite crater, the meteor contained huge energy, which helped me repair Dantian. After recovering the internal force, I killed the Qin army siege, otherwise ... I will die in Dongjun. ”Ye Shikai explained in detail Dao, now that he's worried.

"If you didn't save the people, you wouldn't run into this opportunity." Qi Wen said softly, and then the words turned, looking at Ye Shikai.

"I really want to see what you really do."

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