Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1570: wound

"General, has anything happened?" It wasn't long before a few pro-guards entered the tent, looking at the overturned desk with doubts in his eyes.

"Rest assured, it's all right, I just ... accidentally fell down and knocked the case down." Ye Shikai casually made an excuse to perfunctory.

"Ahem, you back down, I'm fine." Ye Shikai was worried that the guards saw the sword marks on the desk and quickly ordered them out.



Ye Shikai stood up from the ground with pain. Fortunately, he covered the sword wound. Otherwise, if he was seen, there must be rumors in the army.

"Are you really okay?" Yun Wen realized how much mistake she had made just now, panicking, and wanted to step forward to check Ye Shikai's injury, but he stopped him.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it." Ye Shikai was running his internal force, and the wound stopped bleeding soon. At the same time, he also started to be grateful. If he hadn't recovered his internal force at this time, I'm afraid there would be life danger. Qi is enough to kill him.

"Let me take a look at the wound." Wu Wen was still uneasy and kept asking.

"I really don't need it." After Ye Shikai got rid of it, he left the camp directly.

This sword is destined to have a greater gap between the two.

After the mountain.

"Why is this woman so fierce?" Ye Shikai found a place where no one was, and opened the clothes in the armor. He was anxious to deal with the wound in the camp just now, but he didn't check it carefully. Now that nobody is there, he Lifting the shirt, although the wound was treated, it still looks very "scarier". The sword penetrates his body, one mouth in front and one mouth in the back.

There are many wounds on Ye Shikai's body, in addition to stab wounds, sword wounds, and gunshot wounds. These are the wounds left in previous battles, large and small, like the same "painting".

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him. Ye Shikai was so scared that he almost lost his soul. The clothes on his hands fell to the ground. He turned around and looked at them, and Wenwen stood behind him like a ghost. His gaze swept over him like a blade.

"I go."

Ye Shikai couldn't help swearing. He is now naked with his upper body, abdomen, chest, and back wounds obscured by Yan Wen.

In a hurry, Ye Shikai quickly picked up the clothes on the ground, blocking the upper body, ashamed as a little girl being teased.

"Why are there so many injuries on your body?" Qi Wen asked.

"Since you enlisted in the Qin Army, although you have been through hundreds of battles, you haven't suffered many injuries, at least not more than the wounds on your body." Yu Wen looked cold and asked coldly.

"I'm more and more curious about who you are now."

"You are a dignified principal, and you are still peeping. Do n’t you know whether men and women are inferior or not?" Ye Shikai also ignored the etiquette, yelled, and feared that the patrolled sergeant would hear it, and did not dare to shout too loudly.

"I ... am I not worried about you."

"If you don't stab the internal organs, it's just a bit of flesh to the practitioner. I'm fine, so you can always rest assured." Ye Shikai quickly put on her clothes, and he was found in the grass hiding in the grass He doubted whether it was followed by the scriptures. If the sergeant who was being patrolled now found that he was standing naked in the grass with the scriptures ... the sergeants would be restless.

"I've seen enough, go back to the barracks." Ye Shikai sorted out his dress and turned to leave. He didn't say much, so he had to follow him.


As soon as Ye Shikai returned to the barracks, he received good news.

Shang Guanjian returned. Although he was seriously injured, his spirit was still good. Only seven sergeants remained.

Mancang said nothing and went directly to the best doctor in the area to treat him.

"How is the situation?" Ye Shikai hurried to the wounded barracks and asked the doctor.

"General Shangguan's injuries were very serious, mainly due to injuries, a lot of blood loss, coupled with the night's running, his body was exhausted and he did not get timely treatment."

"Speaking of the key points, can we heal it?" Ye Shikai said impatiently.

"The general is assured that you just need to find a quiet place and rest for a month or two and you will be restored as before."

"That's good." Ye Shikai was relieved after hearing that he didn't hurt the internal organs. Ye Shikai had a way. Now he can restore his internal force and can use Shanglijian to help heal the injury.

"Well, now you can rest assured." Yun Wen said lightly, Ye Shikai did not speak, and nodded gently.

"Xue San, I heard the sergeant in the camp say that you brought Shangguanjian back to the camp. What the **** is going on?"

"General Uighur, the General will lead the team back to Nanyang County. After a few days of searching, he did not find the trace of General Shangguan. Only yesterday evening, he found it in a small village. General Shangguan was seriously injured and should have encountered it. Qin Jun's pursuit. "

At first, in order to cover the large army, Ye Shikai planned to organize a squad to attract Qin Jun. This was a mission of nine deaths and a lifetime. No matter who went, it was very likely that he would not be able to survive. In desperation, Ye Shikai could only agree.

It wasn't until Shangguanjian returned to camp that Ye Shikai's heart finally landed on the ground ~ ~ At this point, the entire army was able to escape the pursuit of the Qin Army and proceed south.

"So, you can go to Changsha now."

"Well, of course."

Ye Shikai wanted to wait until Shangguanjian's injuries were better, but he did not agree, and Ye Shikai did not insist. After all, the medical conditions in the barracks were far behind in the city. He arrived in Changsha earlier, and Shangguanjian could also be treated earlier.

The next day.

Seven thousand people in the army set off for the camp. According to the plan, Ye Shikai's family members should leave for Changsha in advance, but He Linghan insisted on accompanying Ye Shikai in the military camp.

"Your condition has only slightly improved. You do n’t find it hard to follow the army's style meals." Ye Shikai does not have the habit of "opening a small stove." Whether it is a sergeant or a general in the whole army, he has the same standard of food. It can be regarded as "breaking" the regulations, and bought some dishes for her to eat at the hotels along the way, but after all, it is a village shop, and the craftsmanship is not much better than "big pot rice".

"It's okay, I won't feel tired to stay with you. Besides, we had to avoid the Qin army before and fled all the way. Now it's different. We can march slowly. I don't think there is any problem."

"Yeah, we lived through the hardest days. When we reach Changsha, we can settle down." Thinking of this, Ye Shikai felt relieved in his heart.

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