Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1587: Deng County

"You're right, Wuxian really has something wrong." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. This is bad news. Although there are hundreds of stone grains, after all, it is a loss. According to the rules, it must be reported.

"What the hell."

"Someone burned the granary last night." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"What, how can this happen, what is the loss situation?" 芈 Wen shouted excitedly, showing a panic look.

"Be assured, the fire was extinguished as soon as it was ignited, and more than two hundred stone grains were lost, as well as some cloths. As soon as the fire was discovered, our sergeant would be surrounded by the ignited warehouse, which did not spread the fire." Ye Shikai explained.

"That's good."

"According to your experience of being attacked in the bamboo forest yesterday, I speculate that these fine works of arson burning should also be practitioners. They have been professionally trained, and even if the defense is stricter, they have a way to break through, it is all-pervasive." Ye Shikai detailed the matter Once again, he also stated his own speculations, and Tong Wen deeply agreed and agreed.

"If it is a practitioner, it is indeed difficult to prevent it. For them, it is not difficult to walk through the eaves."

"Now I can find it in time, but if the Northern Expedition begins, I will go north to fight, and then what will happen to this granary in Wuxian County." Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Relax, I will send a powerful confidant general to guard. In addition, since the other side has a practitioner, I will also use the practitioner to defend." Wu Wen nodded.

"Logistical supplies, the tens of thousands of sergeants on the front line, are serious, and you must not relax your vigilance." Ye Shikai reminded that frontal killings and losses on both sides are unavoidable, but if the inadvertent slackness leads to forages Destruction will directly lead to the collapse of the front line, and there will be tens of thousands of casualties in the blink of an eye. Ye Shikai was naturally ordered by thousands of people.

"I know this, you can rest assured. You are a general, but my men are not wine bags or rice bags." The corner of the mouth slightly rose. "The royal family is deeply ingrained in Chu, and there are many families. As long as I shake my arms, I will Tens of thousands of people responded, and the Qin dynasty implemented a knighthood system. Ordinary people can obtain knighthood through military merit on the battlefield. In this way, although the military power of the army can be stimulated, the nobles and even the royal family of the Qin Dynasty Their rights have been severely weakened, and the most important thing for practitioners is their skills. Ordinary ordinary people have no skills at all, and they do not even understand what cultivation is. "

"I see what you mean." Ye Shikai nodded. Most of the practitioners were family aristocrats from the Seven Kingdoms. The original noble power of the Qin Dynasty was severely weakened, and the number of practitioners was naturally far less than that. Chu State.

"What's your task is to fight on the front line, you don't need to worry about other things." Xi Wen waved his hands to make Ye Shikai feel relieved.

"I see." Ye Shikai then said, "When will I start."

"After two days, you will enter Nanyang-gun as pioneers."

"Where to call first."

"Deng County."

Ye Shikai nodded. In the past two days, he has carefully studied the map of Nanyang County and studied the most suitable offensive route. Although the strategy of Yunwen may not be the same as hiss, at least he can be prepared. Attacking Deng County is also in his As expected, this is the gateway to Nanyang County, but the city has short walls and not many soldiers. It is surrounded by plains and easy to attack and defend. According to the information sent by Xue San, Deng County is only stationed with 5,000 Qin Army. It only takes 20,000 troops to attack. The most important thing is that the defender in Deng County is a wine bag and rice bag. Not only does he have no strategy, he is still a timid person.

"Leave this task to me."

"I think so."。 文 nodded.

"I have 20,000 troops, and I need a battle to baptize." Ye Shikai is very satisfied with this mission. Although Deng County is a small city, it is at least a county. The capture of Deng County is also a major achievement. The key is Yes, there are too many recruits in his army. The first battle can not be too easy or too difficult. Attacking Deng County is moderately difficult.

"When we enter Nanyang, we must make a quick decision, so the army will not wait for your troops to conquer Deng County before proceeding. I will order them to move on and attack the city ahead."

"Rest assured, give me two days, I will go down to Deng County, and then I will be able to move the grain and grass in the back here to supply the front."


"Xue San, you have worked hard."

深 Late at night the next day, Xue San finally took his subordinate Feiqi back to the camp. Everyone's face was "written" full of exhaustion. They completed the task, and within two days, they explored the situation in Nanyang County.

"General, the general is not a disgrace to the mission." Xue San smiled slightly and took out a few pictures from the package.

"This is a detailed map of Nanyang County drawn by the generals and brothers. It shows the population, soldiers, money, roads, and roads of each county and village. In addition, there are urban defense situations." Xue San on the map Pointed out Deng County ~ ~ The number of Qin Army was marked above, Ye Shikai immediately asked all officers to gather in the camp account and organize plans overnight.

"Twenty miles from Deng County is a plain. One horse is flat. Once it is surrounded, it is difficult for the defenders to escape. If the reinforcements come over, they will inevitably be ambushed by the cavalry of our army. A thousand captain analyzed.

"No, I'm afraid not." Ye Shikai shook his head.

"Lao Ye, why is this."

"Deng County is just a small county town in Nanyang County. It is neither a strategic place, nor any important resources, and it is not necessary to stay dead. For Qin Jun, it is an optional abandoned son. If I were Qin The commander-in-chief of the army will never send troops to clear the siege. In addition, as you said just now, twenty miles from Deng County is a plain. It will swoop up, and then even the reinforcements will not be able to escape. "Ye Shikai analyzed.

"But Deng County is the southern gate of Nanyang County. Will Qin Jun give up so casually?"

"What about the South Gate? Can't you hit Nanyang without attacking Deng County?" Ye Shikai asked in turn, refusing everyone to speak.

"I have decided, Deng County's garrison is a soft persimmon, but Chi is changed. Let ’s not delay. Quickly decide. Within two days, I will stand in the city of Deng County and drink tea."

"Brothers, I wonder if you can fulfill this wish of mine." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Please rest assured that the army will be fully attacked."

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