Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1589: Kaicheng offers

Late at night.

"The general has orders. We must be careful of the thieves outside, we must strictly guard the city, brethren, those outside the thieves can not grow rabbit tails, and the city has stored half a year of grain, as long as two months, Reinforcements will come. "



Above the city of Deng County, the garrison officers patrolled back and forth. Many of the sergeants were wearing cloth armor and some children. They looked like they were fourteen or five years old. They were small but dressed in large clothes, which looked very "funny".

Suddenly, several figures flashed in the night, and the patrolling sergeant glanced back.

"Strange, I seem to see someone passing by just now."

"Spoken, where is someone ..."

The sergeant in the front row turned and said, before he finished speaking, a sharp blade passed through his throat ...

"Sting ..."

Rub it.

He hadn't waited for the sergeant behind to speak. A figure had reached behind him, covering his mouth with one hand, twisting his arm, and instantly breaking the neck of the patrol sergeant.

"Hurry up and act as planned."


The small wall of Deng County is short and has a height of about four stories. For ordinary people, it is not easy to climb up with bare hands, but if you change to a "professional", this wall is almost non-existent.

"The general has an order. Before dawn, be sure to gather fifty people."

"Subordinates understand that within half an hour, they must complete the task."

The night passed quickly, and the arrival of the war made the people in the city sleepless at night. They did not know much about the way that Wenwen treated the people in the city. For fear that she was a tyrant, she would order a slaughter after breaking the city. There are good and bad attitudes towards the insurgents.

After dawn, the scene in front of his eyes surprised all the sergeants and the people in the city.

Fifty bodies were hanging neatly on the wall, all of them were sergeants guarding the city, and there was a word of fuel written on the wall.

The violent Qin Wudao will be condemned by the heavens, and the city will be surrendered.

"This ... how can this be."

"These insurgents are really ghosts and gods. They are out of sight and come without a shadow."

This incident soon "exploded the pot" among the people. The words were awesome and the rumors were even more horrible. For a time, rumors about the insurgents had spread throughout Deng County. Some people said that they were possessed by ghosts and gods, and they could fly to the wall. Killing Yu Wuying is invisible. Some people say that the Qin oppressed the people, and they were condemned by God. There are also people who are afraid of being set on fire. They are very afraid. They want to escape from the city. Many people are gathered around the gate of the government. For the lives of the people in a county, the county was ordered to surrender Kaicheng.


"Full position, this task is done well."

"Now the hearts of people in the city are floating. I don't think it will be long before those wine sacks and rice bags will surrender." Xue San said.

"Lao Ye, is it a mistake to do this ... Although we are siege the city slightly, but this is not a threat to the people. If they attack the city in the future, I am afraid it will also make the people oppose our hearts." Shangguanjian advised Road.

"You are not wrong. It is indeed inappropriate to do so, but if it is possible to avoid a slaughter of living creatures, I think it is worth it, not to mention, I don't think that we should manage the city too loosely or too harshly. If we want to work together, we will make the people fear, but it does n’t mean that we are really cruel people. When we enter the city, we implement benevolence and appease the people. The effect is better than before. ”Ye Shikai explained.

"That's the case, I want to promote first, and old Ye, I can't imagine that you not only command well, but also be so knowledgeable in governance."

"It's just speculation. As long as you stand on the people's side, you can easily think of ways."

"In addition, compared to the people who are afraid, I think the more disturbing thing now is the county magistrate and defender of Deng County. If I expected it well, it won't take long for them to start a city vote ..."

"Report, the county magistrate of Deng County led the garrison in the city and made a surrender." Suddenly, a guard rushed into the camp and said.

"Look, just said that they won't surrender any time soon." Ye Shikai said lightly, with a proud smile at the corner of his mouth.

"True and false." Shang Guanjian patted the table vigorously, shouting excitedly.

"It's true that the county magistrate and guard will kneel at the gate of the city, and many people will come out."


"Let's go and see."


"Are you the county magistrate of Deng County?" Ye Shikai led the team to the city gate. An old man was kneeling in front of him, holding Deng County's seal in his hands, and wanted to present it to him.

"It's under the name of General Jiu Yang. Please ask the army to keep its promises and protect the people in Baodeng County." The old man cried and said that his tone was humbler than pleading. Ye Shikai had control over their power to kill and kill. Just one sentence was enough Decide tens of thousands of lives.

"Hurry up, please." Ye Shikai stepped off the horse in person ~ ~ to help the old man.

"Siege the city and own it. I am not a cruel person. How can I kill innocent people? I guarantee my life. If I break my vow, I will be punished by heaven. As for the sergeants who defend the city, I will never kill them. To join us, I am very welcome. If you do not want to fight, each person will send one or two silvers, and go home with peace of mind. The life of the people in the city will be the same as before. "Ye Shikai spoke firmly in front of the people in the city, speaking resolutely. After the words were finished, the old man in front of him burst into tears.

"The kindness of General Ye is really the first person in the world."

"You are an elder, I will honor you as a senior, and the wind is strong outside, so we don't talk outside, seniors, enter the city and talk about it, is it OK?"

"Okay, okay, General Ye."

The ordinary people heard Ye Shikai's assurance, and the hanging heart was considered to be down. Although the city changed hands, the people's life remained the same, even more stable than before.

"Lao Ye, your trick is really high. Just killing fifty of them will let the county magistrate obediently surrender. Oh, what shall we do next." After this, the sergeant in the camp against Ye Shikai Even more admired, he was even compared with "Heaven".

"The defender of Deng County is indeed incompetent, but this county magistrate has some talents. He has a high reputation in the county, and he has responded. The most important thing is that he implements benevolence and has a good reputation among the people, so he did not send a new one Before the magistrate's order, I think he should govern it first. "

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