Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1627: Roundabout

Latest website: Chu Jun, camp.

"Report, Wang Li started to storm again."

"Lao Ye, you sit here, I will take someone to meet the enemy."

"Okay, take care."

Throughout the afternoon, Qin Jun had nothing to do, and Ye Shikai was also uneasy. I thought that today would pass so smoothly. I did not expect Qin Jun to launch an attack almost in the evening.

"General, it is now less than an hour from the dark, and Qin Jun is launching an attack at this time to try to make a surprise." Mancang said indignantly.

"Wait a moment, how long is it now to get dark?"

"According to the current season, less than an hour, or even half an hour, the sky should be dark," Mancang replied.

"It's impossible ... Qin Jun wants to fight with our army at night." Ye Shikai murmured. Qin Jun fought for more than three hours during the day and could not break through the barracks, let alone an hour in this area. Difficult to distinguish, especially as an attacker, in the environment where five fingers are out of reach, how can you attack the fortress, even if it is illuminated by fire, the effect is minimal. Qin Jun is not unable to attack, but if you attack the fortress in the night, it will pay several times. Wang Li, a battle-tested general, cannot fail to know this common sense.

Is it because of the attack and harassment, which consumes the energy of the Chu army, this is not possible. The Chu army is the defender and is ready to work. If the Qin army does this, before the morale of the Chu army weakens, they will lay down first, let alone, According to the report of the sergeant in front, the Qin Army was still "opening the way" with the sharp soldiers, and all the players who played were Wang Li's elite, not as if attacking.

"Not right." Ye Shikai immediately noticed the anomaly, and Wang Li was not just as simple as attacking a fortress.

"What's wrong, General." Mancang asked.

"We assembled the main forces in various camps, and the rear was naturally empty. I was a little disturbed." Ye Shikai said while looking at the map.

"No, general, we will deploy the camp village around Wancheng, like the stars holding the moon, and behind it is a large river, the water is turbulent. If there is no ferry boat, it is difficult to cross the river. In addition to attacking the village, what other methods can Qin Army use? ."

"If Qin Jun crosses the river and sneaks into Wancheng in turn, then it is dangerous." Ye Shikai murmured.

"This should not be the case. There are 20,000 garrisons in Wancheng. If the Qin army attacked at least tens of thousands of people. If they want to cross the river, they need at least a thousand ships. How can they move the ferry to the river? Side. "Mancang analyzes, indeed, the ferry is very large and extremely heavy, and it is impossible for a large number of people to use the boat to cross the river unless it is manufactured locally or built in a nearby water village. Then transport it to the front.

"The Qin Army cannot cross the river unless ..."

"Report." Suddenly, a soldier came in, with a quick look, and almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong, panic, what kind of system?"

"Sentinel ride ... Sentinel ride came to report. In the afternoon, Qin Jun raided our army's water village and also ... occupied the riverside ferry."

"What did you say?" Ye Shikai shouted.

"Ferry, ferry ... nothing."

"Not good." Ye Shikai's body softened, and he almost collapsed to the ground, hurriedly holding him.

Raid the ferry and seize the ferry. This is similar to the way Ye Shikai dealt with Zheng Lang at first. It is exactly the same. There are enough ships in the river ferry to cross the river. Before the battle, Ye Shikai did not notice the problem of the ferry, but the ferry In the hinterland of the Chu Army, the Qin Army could indeed detour, but it was difficult to escape the investigation of the Chu Army, but never expected that until Qin Army occupied the ferry, no one would report back.

"What the **** is going on here and why no one reported it before."

"The Qin Army disguised some people as merchants and killed the patrols along the way, so there were no reports of sergeants returning to camp along the way. Until they conquered the water village and the ferry, the escaped sergeants returned to the camp to report." .

"When did this happen."

"The Qin Army has already captured the ferry two hours ago, and now the whole army should almost cross the river."

"Abominable." Ye Shikai stomped anxiously and asked, "How many people are there in the Qin Army."

"This ... about tens of thousands of people. They came too fast, and the ferry was captured almost in an instant. The exact number is unknown."

"Waste, get out."

Ye Shikai really didn't expect that Wang Li sent someone to attack the ferry, and also sent someone to kill the patrol first.

"General, what should we do now, if the Qin army really went around and raided Wancheng, it would be less fierce. If Wancheng was lost, the grain and grass of the army of 70,000 or 80,000 troops would be gone."

"Not only that, if Wancheng is lost, the army's retreat is gone. There will be no doubt that there will be a back and forth attack, with or without grain." Ye Shikai forced himself to remain calm. Now is the most important moment. He cannot let the soldiers in the barracks know the news. Otherwise, the military will become unstable and the situation will become even more difficult to control.

"Come down and block the news. You must never let anyone else know about it.


"Full position, you lead an army of 20,000, then bring the Iron Armor, immediately go to Wancheng, tell Huo Ziqing things, prepare for defending the city as soon as possible, you also leave to help him defend the city, remember, the high city of Wancheng , You led 20,000 troops back to defense, plus the defenders of Wancheng, it is not difficult to keep the city, but the key is to be fast, the Qin army should have all crossed the river, they will swoop up, unexpectedly, the distance of the front camp Wancheng is a hundred miles away. You must arrive before the siege of the Qin army, and the lives of the generals are all in your hands. "Ye Shikai had no choice but to pin his hopes on Mancang, but unfortunately Xue Three is absent, otherwise ... where might the Qin Army sneak into the Chu Army's hinterland so easily, and they can sneak into the ferry.

"General, please rest assured ~ ~ There is a general in here, there is no worries in Wancheng, but ... I transferred 20,000 troops, this is half of the soldiers in the former battalion. , What about the general. "

"Where I am, Wang Li wants to conquer here. It's not so easy. You must take the soldiers quickly, there must be no mistakes." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Well, take care of the general."

Ye Shikai was left alone in the camp, looking at the sand table in front of him, and carefully analyzing the current situation of Qin Jun. Wang Li was willing to personally attack the front camp to "attract firepower" for the man who sneaked into Wancheng, showing that he was determined to obtain it. This could not help but deepen the worry in Ye Shikai's heart.

"Lao Ye, Qin Jun is attacking the front camp, how can you let so many people back down." Not long after, Shang Guanjian also returned to the camp, and his body was stained with blood.

"Information just received, Qin Jun headed straight in, sneaked into our army ferry, and robbed the ferry. Their goal was Wancheng."

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