Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1649: Find a way out

Latest website: next day.

After the affected villagers took the formulated medicine, many people recovered their physical strength within a day, and blood on their faces appeared. Although their health was still weak, at least they were cured, and some people walked out of the house one after another. When they came out, the villagers almost cried out in excitement, kneeling in front of Ye Shikai and shouting "Benefactor."

"You are a wonderful doctor who rejuvenates, you are our benefactor of Baimu Village."

"Okay, you do n’t need to thank me. Saving people is my duty. These cured villagers hurriedly brought their families home to eat more nutritious food and supplement their bodies. The rest of the people do n’t have to worry. Since the pharmacy is effective, cure is only a matter of time, "Ye Shikai explained.


"Yeah, the medical doctor is really our benefactor."

Ye Shikai took off his mask, and the plague source had all been concentrated in the village. It was burned by a fire. Now he has a remedy to prevent the spread of the plague while healing. In this way, the plague will disappear completely within a week.

"You doctor, you are the benefactor of our village, we ... don't think of it."

"Oh, actually, I really need your help, I hope you ..."

"You medical doctors have to say, as long as it is your order, we will never hesitate to help."

"Well, I want to go to the back of the village to see if anyone of you is most familiar with the terrain here and can be a guide for me." Ye Shikai asked.

"This is easy to handle. I called the tiger. He is a hunter in the village. He often goes hunting alone in the mountains. It is enough to have him." Not long after, a "skinny" man came to Ye Shikai and he He is not tall, it is only one meter six five, and it is not much higher than the women next to him. He has a bow behind him and Ye Shikai has sharp eyes. Although this "tiger" is not tall, his muscles are very developed. At first glance, he was a person who was good at off-roading. According to the villagers, he went hunting in the mountains, just like a monkey entering a forest. He was as powerful as a fish, and his legs were stronger.

"Are you a tiger?"

"Yes, see En Gong." Hu Zi took off his long bow and slowly knelt down before Ye Shikai to salute.

"Okay, okay, hurry up." Ye Shikai quickly lifted him up.

"Huzi is not only the best hunter in the village, but also a marksman who wears a hundred steps through Yang. Within a hundred steps, he can hit the beast's neck with an arrow."

"Engong, the villain is not talented, not as exaggerated as the folks say, but as long as the **** can reach me, I will never die."

"Okay, you follow me into the mountains. I need you as a guide."


After the mountain.

"Engong, please see, there are many small roads in this mountain, as well as many caves. There are roads in them that can communicate with each other. They are intricate and complicated. If people who do not know come here and rush into the cave, they will definitely get lost in it.

"Huzi, do you see the mountain behind?" Ye Shikai said pointing to the distance, where is the camp of the Chu army. He hopes to find a road that can connect the two places. In this way, the Chu army can follow this road. , To avoid the blocking of the Qin Army, smoothly withdrew to Bashu.


"Is there any other way to go." Ye Shikai asked.

"This ... is indeed there, but it is a very inaccessible path. Few people can walk, and those roads are rough and difficult to walk."

"Is there a way in the cave to the distance?"

"It does, but the road in the cave is complicated and someone must guide ..."

"Then do you know the way?" Ye Shikai interrupted before Hu Zi finished talking.

"Of course, if Eun-gung wants to know, I can show you now." Hu Zi nodded.

"It would be great."


"Engong, you see, the caves here are all formed naturally. There are many branches in it. In the Seven Kingdoms, it used to be the territory of the Chu Kingdom, and later it was in the Qin Kingdom. This cave ... became a Tibetan soldier. Hole, where weapons and grain are stored. "Hu Zi explained to Ye Shikai.

Ye Shikai carefully looked at the environment inside the cave. There were indeed traces of people living there, and there were even some tables and chairs, but the wooden tables and chairs had long been decayed. Obviously, this has been going on for a long time.

"Since it used to be the Tibetan Bingdong, why are there no one now?" Ye Shikai asked.

"After Qin unified the world, a fortress was built nearby. Naturally, this cave is not needed as a Tibetan soldier cave. Who wants to live in this dark and tidey place every day."

"This is also the case that the Qin Dynasty ruled the world and exhausted civilian weapons to prevent the remaining forces of the six countries from organizing resistance." Ye Shikai looked at the cave. The road inside was not narrow. As long as the road was determined, at least every day One or two thousand people can be evacuated. In this way, it only takes one week for the entire army to evacuate.

"Engong, let's go. There are a lot of stones on the ground. Be careful under your feet."

After half an hour, the two finally walked out of the cave. Ye Shikai wrote down the road on paper. With this map, the Chu army could retreat.

Ye Shikai looked into the distance. It was the front line of the Chu Army. Huo Ziqing set up many camps near the city, and Qin Army set up a camp 30 miles across. In such a short distance, if the cavalry charged, it would only take a scent Time can rush to the front of the Chu Army, and we can see that the Qin Army is fearless.

"Engong ~ ~ Where the Qin and Chu armies are fighting."

Ye Shikai closed his eyes and listened with both ears. There was a shout of killing in the air, and there seemed to be the sound of weapons colliding. This was a big battle.

"It is true that the strength of the two sides is no less than tens of thousands. After a war, I am afraid that the trees on the mountain have been cut down, and it is not enough to make a coffin."

"Engong, if you walk in rivers and lakes, you must know more than my wild wild man. When will this battle end?" Hu Zi's tone softened and Ye Shikai could hear his "voice in his heart", even if It is a tough guy who hunts fierce beasts in the mountains and has its own weaknesses. War is something that no one in the world would like to see, especially like Baimu Village, which is on the front line of the Qin and Chu armies. "Crisis, survived the plague today, tomorrow's" military disaster ", can they escape.

"Maybe, tomorrow, maybe, it will never end. If we are lucky, we can see peace in the world in our lifetime."

"Engong, do you hope that Chu Jun wins, or Qin Jun wins?" Hu Zi continued to ask, Ye Shikai remained silent, his eyes stared into the distance, his face solemn.

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