Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1659: 3 conditions

"I don't want your things, but I want you to promise me three conditions." Yi Wen slyly smiled, making Ye Shikai feel awkward, how can there be a protagonist like Yi Wen in the world.

"What conditions, you say, I think about it."

"I'm not discussing with you, but I'm informing. Even if these three conditions are more stringent, you have no right to refuse. You can only accept the conditions I have proposed."

"This ... shouldn't you put forward very harsh conditions, cough, obituary, we have known each other for so long. Although the friendship is not as good as those of your old generals with General Huo, but the friendship is deep, you won't ... ... "

"If I remember correctly, the first time we met, it was you who disturbed my grain market business." Lu Wen said in a cold voice, it was the first time the two met, but ... it was not very friendly, even It can be regarded as "black history". At that time, Ye Shikai did not know the identity of Yu Wen, even her real name, and Yu Wen only left the words "Hua Liandie" as "names of rivers and lakes".

"That was a misunderstanding. No, you were the manipulator of the food market. It was your fault." Ye Shikai regretted it after speaking, so she counted her "boss" to death.

"Kee, but our relationship is very good later, and I became a married later, haven't you come over to see me?" Ye Shikai continued.

"No matter how you say it, those things are over. People who talk about feelings are really annoying." Wu Wen waved his long sleeve cuffs and returned to his position, holding him like a queen.

"The dissolution of the army in private is a capital crime. I still say that capital crime is unavoidable and living crime is unavoidable, so you must agree to these three conditions." Yi Wen said very decisively, but Ye Shikai had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, I agree with the head office. What are your three requirements?"

"Yo, you just resisted, and now ask me so eagerly."

"Well, let's die early and be born early. I'll be relieved as soon as I complete these three conditions." Ye Shikai sighed. Originally, he expected that Luwen would not kill him. At most, it was some "skin pain". Now Not bad. Not only did she owe her three conditions, but she also fell in love with her. However, it is not a loss to exchange these for more than 5,000 brothers' free body, but I hope these three conditions are not excessive. ...

"I haven't thought about it yet, but if I think about it, you have to agree whenever and wherever you want, and as long as I still have the conditions, you won't be allowed to leave."

"If you haven't said it, wouldn't I never leave." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Relax, it won't be long, then, do you want to leave." Su Wen's tone suddenly became very dignified, Ye Shikai was speechless for a moment, I do not know how to answer, unknowingly, it has been a long time since he crossed here from modern Years and a half, many memories of modern times have been blurred, but he still remembers many important things, as long as he remembers that he is from modern times, he instinctively wants to go back ...

"Cough, that's not it, but Linger still needs my care. When the battle is over, I want to find a peaceful place to live with her."

"Anyway, now that you have promised, you must abide by the agreement." Wu Wen nodded and saw Ye Shikai agree, only then smiled on her face.

"Changing the topic, how is the situation now, Qin Jun should retreat."

"Our army has already left Bashu. If the Qin army pursues it, it must fight against us on the plain. With Wang's current strength, he will definitely lose, not to mention, he came from Xianyang just to resist our army. Now that we are gone, he should return to Xianyang to go to work. "

"That's good, I've issued an urgent order to Huo Ziqing, and let him lead the rest of the soldiers and horses back to Chudi, build up energy, and wait until next year."

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai said loudly, "You actually have to go to war."

"Of course, this time our army is defeated, the Qin army will definitely be prepared, but Chi will change, so I plan to use Bashu again next year."

"This ... 芈 文, oh no, lord, this time you have called for 100,000 troops to attack Bashu, and it has already caused the people a tragedy. Their lives are already very hard. If you want to fight, you must at least live. Three years and five years, not to mention, what should Qin Jun do if he sends troops again. "Ye Shikai dissuaded, Baimu Village is a typical example. The villagers were suffering from natural disasters and man-made disasters. The villagers were scared away, and the city's traditional Chinese medicine museums were closed However, they did not have a doctor to treat them when they got the plague. In addition, the casual soldiers of the two Qinchu armies would come to harass from time to time, and the villagers were even in danger of their lives ~ ~ In general, if the troops were remobilized, the people could not afford Up.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you ca n’t attack it now, if you take it again in the future, the casualties will be even greater, not to mention ... I have received reliable information that next year the Qin Army will never be able to reinforce Bashu. To be precise, it is incapable."

"Why do you say that?" Ye Shikai asked curiously, but there was a bad hunch in his heart.

"I have been informed that the northern wolves are gathering 200,000 troops and are preparing to go south to the Central Plains next year."

"What." Ye Shikai exclaimed, shaking Wenwen with a shock.

"The news ... is it really reliable."

"Of course, I have my own intelligence network. The news is absolutely accurate. The wolf tribe is the biggest threat to the Qin Empire. Once 200,000 wolf tribes descend south, Xianyang will definitely increase the Great Wall defense line. At that time, Bashu ’s troops will be empty and suitable for attack. "Yi Wen smiled proudly.

"Or you think about it."


"Well, Lao Ye, your lord didn't blame you." As soon as he stepped out of the camp, Shang Guanjian hurried up.

"If she really wants to kill me, do you think I can come out alive." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. He wanted to persuade Yi Wen to give up the idea of ​​using soldiers next year, but she made up her mind and said no matter how much Can only be in vain.

"Don't ... there is no punishment."

"Just rest assured, it's nothing, at most it's the one who detained me for a year." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly said.

"But we disbanded all the elites of the Chu Army. Does the protagonist only detain you for one year?" Shang Guanjian obviously did not believe it, but Ye Shikai insisted that he had to believe it too, but since the text was not Obviously, the lives of the two of them are still reused.

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