Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1696: Back to the city

"Okay, I sent a team of elite escorts. The surrounding area is not very flat these days, and there are robbers who are in the grass, and there are soldiers who are brave, very chaotic. In addition, if you leave the official position now, there may be some trouble."

"Yes, thank you very much." Ye Shikai said, and Shang Guanjian directly transferred his two thousand guards to the command of Ye Shikai, but he did not leave immediately, but left the troops to rest for a day. As for Ye Shikai himself, he had something else Things to do.

After the mountain.

"Here ... this is where to kill the Qin Army." Ye Shikai stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. The valley below had been filled with soil, and there were several large pits of tens of meters nearby. Originally, it was covered with vegetation. In order to kill the Qin army, the obituary ordered a 30,000 sergeant to dig a deep pit overnight, and then put soil to kill the prisoners of war. I can imagine how desperate those people were at the time. Hear the cry of those wrong souls ...

"Yeah, it's terrible. That night, the whole valley was just a purgatory. Look, General. The whole valley has been filled. How many people will be buried underneath it." Vice-President Ye Shikai said beside him. The sergeants all bowed their heads and remained silent. Their expressions looked sad. On the battlefield, they were all brave men, but they killed so many defenseless prisoners of war, even the most senior sergeants. Watching 80,000 people be killed is a stimulus to anyone's psychology.

Ye Shikai walked down the valley on foot, his pace was very light, as if he was afraid to disturb the "person" below, found a square stone, carved a few words on it with a sword, and found a hidden place, carefully After setting up the stele, he can't let so many people stay in this "random grave". The dead are big. Although people die, they also need to have a decent way of death. With this stele, this is their graveyard.

After the worship, Ye Shikai also untied the sabre around his waist and placed it in front of the stone monument. The sabre is a symbol of the general, but Ye Shikai has already stepped down. Naturally, there is no need to wear it. This means that Ye Shikai will never enter the battlefield again.

After Ye Shikai rested for one night in the guard camp, the sky was bright and he led the team to leave.

A week later.

"General Ye, this place is less than fifty miles away from Linxiang City."

"Well, yes, General Zhang, you are the captain of General Shangguan. You are now escorted me back, or go back soon." Shang Guanjian asked his guard to personally escort. In fact, Ye Shikai has persuaded General Zhang many times along the way. Let him return. At most, he just met some bandits and bandits. Ye Shikai's personal guards and dark guards were enough to balance them, so why use 2,000 escorts.

"Before leaving, General Shang had a command to **** General Ye after returning to Linxiang City, and to **** him around the house. Be sure to ensure your safety, and please General Ye not be embarrassed."

"Well, since that's the case, let's get ready to enter the city." Ye Shikai knew that Shang Guanjian was a good intention, and he no longer refused.

Two or three thousand people entered the city, which naturally caught the attention of the people. This time, the attack on Bashu almost used Chu ’s army so it could mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Linxiang City. The troops had just entered the city. The inside road was "surrounded" by people coming from nearby.

"I know the one who rides. He is the commander in chief of the Chu Army. I heard that his surname is Ye. It was him who defeated the Qin Army in Nanyang last year."

"Yeah, he's seen it too."

"The good news came a few days ago, saying that we won a great victory in the homecoming area, and we can capture Bashu in a few days. Is today the class teacher?"

"Class teacher, no, these are only two or three thousand people. How could it be possible to come back to such a few people." The following people talked a lot, and when they saw that there were few people coming back, they thought that there would be no troops in the expedition. Many people They were all worried, worried that their family would not come back.

"Ahem, please be quiet." Ye Shikai saw this, quickly dismounted, walked into the crowd, and shouted.

"You do n’t have to worry. Our army won a great victory in Bashu, and the army could return to the city without a day. I was ordered by the principal to return to the city with the guards. Do n’t worry, your family will be back soon. Ye Shikai shouted. After hearing this, the people cheered. They were happy not because Chu Jun won, but because their family could finally return ...

The news of the victory spread throughout the city. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city were full of lights. It was as if the New Year was lively. No matter whether it was the people or officials in the city, Ye Shikai had resigned. He heard that Chu Jun was on the front line. After winning the battle, the class teacher will return to the city, and one after another comes to congratulate him, the "commander" who has resigned.


Ye Shikai ’s sudden arrival once again made the Fuzhong “boiling”, and He Linghan was also very excited. This time, she never expected Ye Shikai to return early. According to her prediction, Ye Shikai, as the commander, must wait until the stable Bashu will return, at least also It takes two months. Of course, in the presence of everyone, He Linghan naturally still has to hold on.

at night.

"Fu Jun, why are you back so soon this time?" He Linghan asked curiously in the room.

"Linger, this matter is a bit complicated. I didn't want to tell you originally, but we are husband and wife. This matter ... I'm afraid I can't hide it from you." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly. He wanted to perfunctory, but Hesitated again and again, still do not intend to conceal ~ ~ one, this time he can be said to be parting ways with the scriptures, resignation did not get the "consent" of the scriptures, the two, He Linghan's ice and snow, Perfunctory, I'm afraid she can't hide her.

"Fu Jun, what happened, why is your face so ugly." He Linghan asked, immediately after seeing this.

"Ahem, I have a quarrel with my protagonist, and it was a big fight. It can be said that we have parted ways." Ye Shikai's words were startling, and He Linghan's face suddenly lost three points.


"This time I resigned and returned. The commander-in-chief has been given to Huo Ziqing."

"Fu Jun, why is this so?" He Linghan was a little eager. Ye Shikai went home today. She was very happy, but when she heard this, she was worried.

Ye Shikai told her what happened. When it came to killing the 80,000 prisoners of war, Ye Shikai tried to use the word "lightly," but He Linghan was still shocked and pale. Where did she see such a cruel scene, Killing 80,000 people, just thinking about it, there was a picture in his mind, and Ye Shikai quickly put her in her arms.

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