Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1708: Runaway

"Do you like pastry." Su Wen asked suddenly.

"Yeah, what's wrong." Ye Shikai was keenly aware of the meaning beyond the words and responded directly.

"Today you go to the bazaar, you just buy these pastries, other than that, you have no interest in other things." Qi Wen asked.

"First of all, I was just going to buy pastries. Where are you like, where do I buy them? In addition, you are going to wipe out the bazaar, you have everything you buy, so why should I buy anything else. Ye Shikai picked up a piece of pastry and ate it.

"Well then, I did n’t buy these things casually. After a week, we are going to get married. Naturally, these silk cloths, gold and silver jewellery should be prepared. In addition, I have to tell the people in the city. It must be lively. "Ye Wen seemed to be looking forward to the romance when he got married. Ye Shikai looked at her smile, and suddenly there was a" guilt "in his heart. Over the past few days, his anger at Ye Wen has already been Disappeared, after getting along, he found that Ye Wen really moved his true feelings towards him. She had been increasingly domineering to Ye Shikai, but her method was too extreme, and Ye Shikai could not eventually marry her. It is estimated that she will be disappointed. Ye Shikai returned to the room and still slept in the study, but Wu Wen did not object.

Unconsciously, Ye Shikai didn't leave the house in a flash of a week. Actually, it was not that he didn't want to go out, but around the study, and the bodyguards were obscured by a close-knit body guard. Ye Shikai even suspected that he was last Will the toilet be "peeped"? Of course, with his internal force, no one can stop it. In these days, the texts will be mixed with secret drugs in his tea, in order to prevent Ye Shikai from running away from the internal force, but she However, he did not expect the existence of Soul Calibur. Even if he drank the tea mixed with medicine, the internal force would work as usual in less than a joss stick.

Ye Shikai did not dare to do it easily even if he had internal forces. After all, once he left the government house, it would be dangerous for him to go up and down. So, before the plan came, he would stay in the study alone.

A week later.

"Have you heard that today is the marriage of the prince? To celebrate, the government still has rice."

"Yeah, the subject is that famous general Ye. On the battlefield in Nanyang, even General Qin was not an opponent. This time, being able to lay Bashu is also his exploit."

"But I heard that General Ye already has a wife."

"Yeah, right in Yefu."

On the day that Lu Wen and Ye Shikai became married, the city was lively again. Of course, the big reason was because of the marriage of Lu Wen, the government issued food and money, and pardoned some prisoners. Want to let everyone in the world know.

"Why, you sleep in the daytime." At noon, Ye Shikai was still lying in bed with her eyes closed, and Soul Calibur couldn't stand it anymore.

"Tonight, there will be chaos in the city. If my plan goes well, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to rest my eyes in the next three days. I might as well take a good rest now."

"It's the same, but ... are you really sure that this plan will work? This is Linxiang City. The Guards in the city alone are no less than 30,000, the four gates are 20,000, and eight camps outside the city. There are also 100,000 troops. "

"Except for the 2,000 Guards in Shangguanjian, I only have hundreds of guards, and fighting hard is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs, so we must be smart." Ye Shikai sat up from the bed, pacing back and forth in the study, her face revealed With a little anxiety, he thought about everything he came to the Qin Dynasty, and he had been trying hard, but the result was always unsatisfactory.

If you think about it, all this is so familiar. He met He Linghan, but she looked exactly like Su Qingyu. Ye Shikai married her. She wanted to live a good life, but the problems followed one by one and she fought. The rebellious court finally came to Linxiang, but it did not settle down. The battle of Nanyang and the battle of Bashu, just like those main **** forces and Huaxia family he encountered in modern times, the trouble they brought was like a big stone. Ye Shikai's chest was out of breath.

The most important thing is He Linghan. He married Su Qingyu in modern times and married He Linghan in ancient times, but his fate seems to be twists and turns, and it is because of another woman ...

"Why, you think of Miss Su."

"Soul Calibur, you are not a tapeworm in my stomach, you are just a parasite in my head." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, Soul Calibur could "read" his consciousness and naturally knew what he was thinking.

"In modern times, I'm sorry for the rain. I came across here, and I don't want to repeat the mistake again." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"I'm still saying that, now that you have decided, I will naturally help you."



"You ... Keke, husband, why are you still sitting?" Lu Wen walked to the bedroom. Today is a big wedding. The room is full of big red silk ~ ~ looks very festive, He Wen slowly walked to his side, his title changed.

"Fu Jun, let's have a bar." Wu Wen picked up the jug, poured two glasses of wine, and handed one of them to him.

"Wait a minute, drink some wine."

"Okay." Ye Shikai took the wine glass, the two hands crossed each other, took a sip, and slowly lowered the glass.

"The same secret medicine was put in this wine." Soul Calibur said in his head.

"Sure enough, then help me quickly."

"Give me two minutes."

It stands to reason that if the secret medicine is placed in the hip flask, the text should also be effective, so she should take the medicine in advance.

"Fu Jun, today is our big wedding, and now it's too late ..."

"I'm going to take a bath first, you can wait for a while." Ye Shikai said coldly, and Tong Wengang just wanted to stand up, his body almost fell, and in the blink of an eye, a figure flashed behind her, and a big hand held her. Her willow waist.

"In the wine ... you put the drug in the wine." Yun Wen was shocked that Ye Shikai was able to operate the internal force, but even more surprised was that she was drunk in that glass of wine, and she did not know when she was prescribed the medicine.

"You can take medicine in this wine, and I can, of course." Ye Shikai said lightly. A princess picked up Wenwen, put her on the bed, and put medicine in the wine, and it was also specially for practitioners. The text was also unprepared to take precautions, and naturally it was a trick. As for why Ye Shikai was not fascinated, he naturally took the medicine in advance.

"Yi Wen, I'm sorry, I may be disappointing you today." Ye Shikai looked at the unwilling expression of Yu Wen, and there was a feeling of guilt in his heart. After all, strictly speaking, his behavior was "escape marriage" , And still fled the wedding night in the cave.

"You lie here for a while, I'll go first." After that, Ye Shikai rushed out of the wedding room.

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