Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1702: Place

He Linghan has been to this "secret place" and is no stranger to it. Compared to a few months ago, it is quite complete now. There are enough dwellings for hundreds of people. There are also warehouses for storing food and weapons. There are dense traps and institutions, and even "security measures" are "military grade".

This deep mountain old forest is located seventy miles west of Linxiang City. Although there was no convenient transportation in ancient times, this distance is not too far. Chudi is fertile and thousands of miles across. It can be said that this secret stronghold is in the scriptures. Under the eyelids, but this is also a "black under the lights" tactic. Since this location is the best location detected by the soul of the soul, it means that the security here is reliable.

The crowd was rushing, and there were tens of thousands of chasers behind. If they were overtaken, they would not have three heads and six arms, especially the obituary. Ye Shikai could not help but tremble when she thought of her, no matter if she was angry. It ’s okay to lose your mind, or to be heartless and ruthless. When I just fought, the sword was stabbed towards his heart, and I did n’t leave anything. She could kill Ye Shikai. If all of her are caught by her, I am afraid they will die, especially He Linghan.

"Okay, we're here." Ye Shikai led the crowd to a wood.

"Lao Ye, isn't this just ordinary woods?" Shang Guanjian asked curiously.

"You step back a little." Ye Shikai let everyone down, ten steps back, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it vigorously into the wood in front.


Hey, hey, hey.

In the blink of an eye, three arrows were shot from the depths of the forest, all of which were directed at his body. Ye Shikai let out his inner strength, forming a barrier in front of him, blocking the arrows.

"Here ... there is a mechanism." Everyone was shocked. He Linghan and Dark Guard have both seen it, so it is not surprising. There are institutions everywhere, not only crossbow arrows, but also stabs and traps. When people enter, if they don't pay attention, they will be killed.

"Yeah, it took me more than four months to build this ... fortress, it can also be said to be a stronghold, as a shelter for the future." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Lao Ye, I didn't think you had planned to leave." Shang Guanjian asked.

"Yeah, if I leave, Yun Wen will not agree, and Linxiang City is located in the hinterland of Chu and cannot escape, so the only safe way is to find a deep mountain old forest and hide it.

"Okay, you all follow me, don't get caught in the trap." After that, Ye Shikai took the lead and the others followed him.

After the woods, there are no holes in it. There are neat rows of buildings. There are farmland not far away. The bridges are flowing. It has a beautiful style. There are many people in it. It was the brave men recruited at the time when they were recruiting the doormen. They were loyal and loyal. Unlike the dark guards, although they had force, they had no internal force.

"The house inside is enough for everyone to live in, Shangguan, you go to settle down first, rest assured, there is everything in it."

"it is good."

"Linger, I'll take you to see it." Ye Shikai led He Linghan to the top of the mountain. From above, he could see everything under the mountain. The stronghold here is in the shape of a valley. There is only one entrance and exit. As for the dense forest, it is even more impossible to climb up from the back mountain. This place is inaccessible. How could anyone find it here?

"Mist dangles from the top of the mountain, we can see clearly outside, but people outside can't see us." Ye Shikai explained.

"Fu Jun, shall we stay here forever." Wu Wen leaned against his chest and said blandly.

"Do you want to stay here all the time?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"As long as I am with you, I am willing." He Wen answered, making him feel very warm, this is a paradise, Ye Shikai is very clear, according to the course of history, after a few years, the imperial court will be overthrown, here and there During the period, the world will be disrupted, the war will continue, and many people will die every day, but Ye Shikai doesn't want to manage it anymore. He is tired and wants to live a life without interruption.

"Okay, then we will stay here and not go out anymore." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. "Yes, I will go out when I meet. I should rescue Grandpa in the city, and I should be on my way now. . "

"What, is grandpa here?" He Linghan showed a surprise. When she came, she was very worried. The most important reason was that her grandfather had to evacuate in the first place and was really unable to pick him up, so Ye Shikai specially Let the shopkeeper of the pastry shop secretly protect Mrs. He, and then send it out of the city ~ ~ Yeah, speaking, he is so old that he still has to run around, it is my fault. Ye Shikai sighed bitterly.

"It's not your fault. I know there are many things that you have to do."

"Okay, you stay here, I think ... Grandpa should have come here." Ye Shikai personally came out of the woods. He fled to marry last night. He must be furious, and he will definitely send an army to look for it. Confusion, which is good for sending people out.

"Strange." Ye Shikai murmured. It's been an hour and a half, and no one came, which made him feel a little flustered, shouldn't it be ...

"Lao Ye, look, a carriage is coming in the distance." Just as he started to panic, Shang Guanjian patted his shoulders repeatedly, pointing away.

"It's great, let's go and see." The two trot came forward, and the carriage slowly stopped in front of them. In addition to the pastry shopkeeper, there was a coachman in front of the carriage.

"Master Ye, I've sent Mrs. He." The shopkeeper said again and again, opening the cloth in front of the carriage, carefully helping the old lady out.

"Grandpa, it makes you suffer." Ye Shikai apologized first, after all, after all, he caused it.

"Well, it's okay. I heard Chen shopkeepers say everything. It's not your fault. Linger is okay."

"Relax, she's safe. I'll take you there."

"Treasurer Chen, thank you again this time. Last time you helped me pass the secret letter. This time I took such a big risk to help me send people out of the city."

"Master Ye is really kind. If it wasn't for the help of adults, where can I be today, but I still want to remind the adults that the soldiers and horses outside the city are dispatched now, I am afraid that all the chickens and dogs will be restless. Safety."

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