Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1704: imprison


The obituary issued a strict order prohibiting the discussion about the big marriage, and sent a lot of eyeliners. There were still many soldiers guarding the bazaar. When someone found out that they were deliberating, they were punished severely, which made the people afraid. I dare not say, the buzzing bazaar also seemed a lot deserted.

pastry shop.

"Come, take these cakes and share them among the homeless children." Chen Zhangui directs his buddies to take a few baskets of unsold rice cakes to the children.

"it is good."

"Everyone dispersed, and the main driver arrived." Suddenly, a group of sergeants from the bazaar rushed in. They were all the Guards. The people did not dare to step forward when they saw such a big battle. Wu Wen sat in the carriage and instructed a large number of teams to directly surround the entire pastry shop. A glimmer of surprise flashed on Chen's shopkeeper's face, but soon he looked back and greeted him with a smile.

"I don't know if the protagonist arrived in person, he had lost his way, and forgive the sins." Chen Treasurer said with a smile, like a proud queen, where the man walked gave a kind of oppression.

"Where did Ye Shikai go?" Yun Wen said directly.

"This ... the villain doesn't know."

"You don't want to tell the truth." Wu Wen sneered and waved his hand, and the guards around him immediately took down all of him and the guys in the shop.

"My lord, all the villains are telling the truth. Please check for it."

"I'm not afraid you won't say it until the meeting, and even if you don't say it, some of your guys will say it and take it all away."


A secret place.


"Good archery." Shang Guanjian stepped forward, holding a pheasant with a middle arrow. "Lao Ye, I never thought your archery did not regress at all."

"Although there is no opportunity to go to the battlefield, daily training cannot be interrupted. Arrows and martial arts must be trained hard. Otherwise, even a strong warrior will become a waste." Ye Shikai said faintly. They lived here in seclusion, naturally avoiding war with the outside world, but training could not stop.

"This is of course." During the talk, Shang Guanjian suddenly pulled his bow and drew an arrow, and fired an arrow. The arrow speed was very fast, and he almost got out of sight in the blink of an eye. Then, there was a roar of a pheasant.

"Your archery is also good." Ye Shikai smiled lightly.

"It looks like we can add food tonight."

The two played a lot of prey throughout the day. Houshan is a virgin forest. No one came at all. The natural ecological environment is good, and there are naturally many prey in it.

When designing here, Ye Shikai prepared a piece of land in it for farming, but the number was not enough. Ye Shikai could only let his own soldiers and guards go down to cultivate. A group of soldiers on the battlefield holding their swords and assaults changed their shape. It became interesting to become a farmer working in the field.

Ye Shikai stores a lot of grain in the warehouse here. Of course, this is only part of it. In this era, there was no refrigerator, and many things were not easy to store for too long. Therefore, the warehouse is mostly wheat and rice. As for other foods that are perishable, All are stored in the storage ring. As for the storage of grain, hundreds of people can eat for a year and a half.

"Report two adults, the dark guard in the city heard the news." As the two descended, a dark guard hurried over and handed the secret letter sent by the pigeon.

"Lao Ye, what happened." Shang Guanjian asked curiously.

"No, Lao Chen is in trouble." After Ye Shikai looked at it, his face immediately showed a worried look, not only Lao Chen, but also the entire pastry shop's buddies, all of them have been put in jail. Clearly, Chen Treasurer must be inevitable.

Ye Shikai didn't expect that Yun Wen would suddenly lay out the cakes. Is it possible that she heard any wind? This is unlikely. Almost everyone doesn't know Ye Shikai and Chen Tsang know each other, how could Wen Wen know.

"If Lao Chen was caught by Yunwen, it would be less ferocious. Even if he resisted torture and kept the secret, others would be almost abolished." Shang Guanjian also realized the crisis of the situation and panicked. .

"No, you must rescue him." Ye Shikai would not abandon Lao Chen at will. Speaking of which, Lao Chen was also dragged down by him. If Yun Wen wanted to target him, he would use all kinds of torture.

"Lao Ye, you don't have to be impulsive first. We have to save people, but we must plan well. Linxiang City is the oldest nest of Lu Wen. Now there are heavy soldiers guarding. How can we save people and how to withdraw safely." Shang Guanjian Persuade.

"You're right, you have to plan well for saving people." Ye Shikai forced himself to calm down, and now they finally come here to settle down, and there must be no more problems.

"Lao Ye, we can't act on impulse, but we should still start as soon as possible ~ ~ One, we must rescue Chen Treasurer as soon as possible, both, he has come to us here, if he was impunity, will the location Come out ... "

"Okay, needless to say, let's have a meeting tonight to discuss and leave tomorrow morning."

"it is good."



"How is it, Linger, do you still get used to living here?" Ye Shikai greeted.

"Of course, it's not bad. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, not to mention, although the original Yefu is gorgeous, it has no vitality and is deadly."

"Okay, you like it."

"Fu Jun, do you have anything else?" He Linghan said suddenly.

"How do you know." Ye Shikai was a little surprised.

"Your secrets are all written on your face. Since we came here, you have been very relaxed every day, but as soon as you entered the door today, your face was filled with gloom. I think you should be in trouble. . "

"You're right." Now that He Linghan had guessed, Ye Shikai didn't plan to conceal any more. "The news came from the dark guard just now, and the old Chen of the pastry shop was jailed by the script."

"What, how can this happen." He Linghan was surprised.

"I also don't know. There should be no leaks, but I will go back to the city anyway. Lao Chen is my friend, not to mention that he was arrested because of us and we must rescue him."

"Do you have any plans?"

"Of course, Lao Chen knows where we are, so he must start as soon as possible, leave early in the morning, and return to Linxiang City at noon. I will bring twenty dark guards, all disguised, and the guards will not recognize us."

"In addition, Shang Guanjian is also walking with us. The North Gate Shou will be his confidant. With the internal response, we can move in the city a lot easier."

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