Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1736: Poison woman

"No, she won't leave me." Ye Shikai said subconsciously, he and He Linghan truly love each other, and he would not believe He Linghan would abandon him unless ...

"Did you threaten her?" Ye Shikai shoved away the text and shouted loudly. He would not believe He Linghan would take the initiative to leave, but the text would surely start from her, persuade or even threaten her to leave.

"I just made a deal with her."

"I don't believe it. She doesn't talk to you about the bargaining chip at all now. You can even kill her at any time. You said it was a transaction, but you want to perfuse me. In fact, you are threatening her." Ye Shikai coldly Said that the confident smile and silent attitude on Lu Wen's face had exposed her.

He Linghan is not a weak person in her bones. It's useless to threaten her with Wen, but if ... Wen threatens his life, even if she is unwilling, she will probably agree, just as she ignores Shangguanjian's obstruction. , Insisting on coming to obituary.

"You are too despicable." Ye Shikai mocked. "You are far worse than her in my heart."

"Frankly, she is much stronger than I thought." Su Wen suddenly said, "From the moment she stepped into Linxiang City alone, I suddenly felt a sense of shame."

"If I were her, would I dare to come to Hunan alone, maybe not, maybe the moment I stepped into the city gate, I would be in a different place." 喃 Wen muttered to himself, seemingly lost in thought.

"Whether you believe it or not, I still have a little inferiority in front of her." 芈 Wen laughed and said, "If it is not for my background and background, maybe I really can't compare with her."

"You are excellent, but love is not" choose merit ", but choose" investment fate ". When two people meet, it is" fate ". If they can go on, they are" fate ". I and you have no fate." Ye Shikai lightly Said.

"Don't say it so early, you also said that it is" point "to go on, maybe you and her are destined, if she takes the initiative to leave you."

"I said, it's impossible, she won't agree."

"I told her, if she didn't leave, I would kill you."

"Sure enough, I knew you were threatening her." Ye Shikai slammed out the neck of the scriptures with five fingers.

"You poisonous woman, I'm going to kill you." In the fury, Ye Shikai also lost his mind, and his blood surged. At this moment, there was only one thought in his heart, that was to kill the obituary. She was clearly trying to force He Linghan to leave. Is simply unreasonable.

"Why, why you just don't want to let me go." Ye Shikai shouted almost hysterically, this is his long-standing backlash ...

"Oops, the lord is in trouble." At this time, the guards outside the door also noticed the anomaly, and the huge movement inside it, I am afraid that the whole mansion could be heard. When they saw Ye Shikai's hands holding the obituary, they immediately flung. Go up.

"Give me a break." Ye Shikai flicked his arms, and the powerful internal forces flew all four guards out.

"Hurry up, hold him." The remaining guards fought, and a dozen people swarmed up, and finally pulled Ye Shikai away. From the beginning to the end, the text did not return.

"You poisonous woman, I want to kill you." Ye Shikai wanted to break free, and the overbearing internal force was operating in the body, and it was released suddenly. The wooden windows and doors of the entire room were immediately fragmented, and a dozen or so guards approached were also The internal organs shattered and the mouth spit blood.

Ye Yekai has no storage ring, otherwise he will definitely take out You Xijian and kill her with a sword, but in the fury, he will jump at it and try to strangle her.

Su Wen suddenly got up from the bed, and the two pupils gradually turned into "vortexes". Ye Shikai only felt a weakness in his body. Then, there was a sharp pain in his head, like a needle, like a force. His nerves are torn apart alive, this feeling is better than death, how can he not think of it, this is the illusion of Pu Wen's pupil.

Alas. Read books

Ye Yeshikai fell to the ground, her body seemed to be pressed by a mountain, she couldn't breathe, and her eyes and eyes seemed to be deprived. Her heavy eyelids slowly closed ...

"Come." After Wen Wen started the phantom pupil, although Ye Shikai fell into a coma again, this trick was also a damage to the user. After consuming a lot of internal force, Yun Wen's face was also pale and scary.



"Bring him back to the room and watch him."




仓库 A warehouse next to the tavern.

"Fast, move fast."

"Move all the dregs here, be quiet."

Shangguanjian bought this place and called it "renovation". In fact, it was to dig the tunnel to the prison. In order to speed up, they are working in two shifts, day and night. There is a curfew at night. Leave, so at night, the city is also very quiet, so his movements cannot be too large, otherwise they will all be exposed once the sergeant patrolling is recruited.

"Xue San, is the direction of this tunnel correct? ~ Shangguanjian asked.

"Rest assured, I have measured this position, and one mile forward is the market, about three miles from the dungeon." Xue San firmly said that he was not a jailer in the dungeon to kill time, these days He has been calculating, and even sneaked on the arrow tower to correct his position.

For three days in a row, the authentic progress did not dare to delay, and the excavated dregs had several cars every day. If it was not the guard of the North Gate, it would be Shangguanjian's confidant, I am afraid it would have been discovered.

"Okay, you go to rest first, you have to go to the dungeon during the day, keep your spirits up, and let me dig for authentic things." Shang Guanjian poured a glass of water for Xue San and said lightly.

"Yes, Brother Xue, you go to rest, and give it to me in such an authentic way." Mancang came out of the tunnel with a shovel.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with digging in this direction." These days, I have been busy running around, and I have to be a jailer in the dungeon during the day. Xue San is also a bit lacking in energy.

"Yes, how's the situation of Xunzi recently." Shangguanjian asked.

"Rest assured, the boss in the dungeon is vicious against other prisoners, but he is not afraid of the sister-in-law, and he also feeds on big fish and meat every day. He eats better than the big people in the city." Xue San continued, "I think It should have been explained in advance. "

"Will she poison the **** in the food?" Mancang asked.

"This ... shouldn't, if 芈 文 really wants to kill 嫂子, there is no need to spend so much time."

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