Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1753: To Kunlun

"Ji Qian is all right, I remember she was poisoned." Ye Shikai cried suddenly.

"Relax, boss, the toxin in Lord Luna has long been cracked by the head of Xi Zong, and after a period of rehabilitation, she has recovered."

"That's good, that's good." Ye Shikai murmured. The previous pieces of memory were being retrieved a little bit. Following Ji Qian's poisoning, he recalled the events of the main **** meeting at that time, Doris and Aff Luo Dijun worked together to design, causing the three temple members to suffer heavy losses. In the final analysis, he was also blamed for his decision at the time. He obviously had no internal strength and had to go to the main **** meeting, which indirectly caused what happened later.

"In the past two months, you should have encountered many dangers." Su Qingyu felt a little distressed. You can see Ye Shikai's sloppy look. In fact, it is not that he is dirty, but ancient sanitary conditions. Compared to modern times, moreover, he just went up the mountain to find the burial chamber, so much dirt was stained, and he had no time to clean up.

"For you, I disappeared for two months, but for me, it was two full years." Recalling what happened before in the Qin Dynasty, it was like a dream, with his "death "The dream awoke, leaving him no room to return to his mind. It was so sudden that he was at a loss for a while.

"This is definitely not a dream." Ye Shikai murmured, even though it sounds ridiculous to go through this thing, he firmly believes that this is not a "Nanke a dream", everything is too real, every minute and every second is true Actually, the development of history is as recorded. Moreover, he disappeared in the sacred mountain, but was found in Linxiang. How can we explain this?

"I believe in you." At this time, Su Qingyu said suddenly, all three people in the back row were all together, and Su Qingyu was also a master. How could they believe this kind of thing, they think Su more Qingyu is only comforting Ye Shikai.

"You said you crossed the Qin Dynasty, became a general, and married a wife. I believe what you said."

"Pour rain, in fact ... Linger looks exactly like you." Ye Shikai's words came out surprisingly. When he said this, not only the three in the back, but even Su Qingyu was surprised.

"Really, I didn't lie. When I saw Ling Er, I was shocked. I also took pictures. Unfortunately ... my mobile phone couldn't be turned on." Ye Shikai sighed, he was really very I want to prove to everyone, but also to myself, as long as he can show his photo with He Linghan on the phone, it will prove that he really passed through, not a "dream."

"Relax, when I return to Yanjing, I will give it to my colleagues to repair, they are all professional."

"Would you like to repair the phone? I'm good at it." The worm suddenly said, although it is a hacker, the worm is not only good at software, but also his hardware.

"Yes, worms are experts in this area." Zi Zhi said again and again, Ye Shikai lost some of his memory, even forgetting that worms were masters in this area, and Zhang Ting didn't say anything, and handed the phone directly to him.

"I don't have the tools on hand. When I get back to Yanjing, I can get it in an hour."

"The phone is not important, but keep the photos inside." Ye Shikai said.

"No problem, boss."

"Yes, you said Ji Qian is on Kunlun, isn't it?" Ye Shikai turned sharply and asked curiously. 520

"Yes, not only her, but also the family of Huaxia, and the nightmare to destroy them. In addition, the Lord of War also followed, and now the Temple of War is destroyed. Only before staying can find a new place. It's in Ji's house. "

"It's a relic." Ye Shikai murmured. He encountered so many things because of these relics. After returning from the Qin Dynasty, his mentality also changed. It was a place where "people eat people". The best "interpretation" can be obtained there. In a sense, he doesn't miss the life in Qin Dynasty. The only thing he misses is He Linghan, and those brothers, especially He Linghan, Ye Shikai doesn't want to leave so vaguely. she was.

"I heard that there is mysterious energy on Kunlun Mountain, which can even distort time and space." Zi Yan suddenly said, "Unfortunately, I and the worm are not cultivators. Sister Ji will not let us go."

"Twisting time and space, so to speak, is it possible to cross back?" Ye Shikai murmured. When he was in the holy mountain, he was sent to the Qin Dynasty by a light, and Kunlun Mountain is the most mysterious relic of Huaxia. It can be described as the "holy mountain" of Huaxia. If you are there, you may have a chance to go back.

"I ... I'm going to Kunlun Mountain, now, immediately." With that, Ye Shikai pushed the door of the car and planned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Su Qingyu also got out of the car and stood in front of him.

"Qinyu, don't stop me, I will explain slowly to you before, but I have to go to Kunlun Mountain now, as long as I can go back again ~ ~ Ye Shikai is firm Speaking, it now seems that this is the only way.

"You have just returned and you want to go back. In addition, even if what you said is true, if you cross back again, can you guarantee that you will return." Su Qingyu opened his hands and blocked in front of him.

"I can't guarantee it," Ye Shikai said softly, pushing Su Qingyu away.

"Qing Yu, do you know that you are really like Ling Er, I really love her, so I have to go back." Ye Shikai's words reminded Su Qingyu of the period before her and Ye Shikai Time, when she was in danger, Ye Shikai ignored the dissuasion of everyone and rescued her against the danger of her life. She did not hesitate. At this moment, Ye Shikai's attitude toward He Linghan was just like he did to Su Qingyu.

"Then I'll go with you." Su Qingyu hesitated for a few seconds and said suddenly.

"What." Ye Shikai exclaimed.

"Go to Kunlun Mountain. If I have a chance, I would also like to see Linger in your mouth and see who she is."

"Are you crazy?" Ye Shikai asked, "You don't know what's going on. It's raining. It was no better than it is now. There are wars every day and every day there are dead people. I will never agree with you."

"Since you are reluctant to go back regardless of the opposition of everyone, it is also my right to go or not. You cannot interfere." Su Qingyu countered.

"You ... you are threatening me." Ye Shikai understood that Su Qingyu was going to use her as a bargaining chip, threatening Ye Shikai not to go back.

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