Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1779: By fire

"It's so dangerous, I was almost surrounded." Ye Shikai lay in a corner and watched the movement in the distance quietly. The snow fairies had all flew away, but they didn't know where they were. The big one is their home field. Ye Shikai's single-handedness does not have any advantage here. He can only wait and see how it changes.

"The snow fairies have flown away, but you are not sure when they will fly back. You need to be careful."

"Of course, but since these snow fairies didn't catch up, it means that they were not addicted to killing, but I broke into their territory." Ye Shikai took out his telescope and found that there was a stone wall behind, and there should be a cave above it. Habitat.

"However, if you don't pass through this area, you won't be able to get to the mountain." Ye Shikai was a little bit distressed. He was only a mere person, and he was discovered by the snow demon as soon as he came in. We can see how alert they are and have not been affected by the snow. .

"Abominable." Ye Shikai cursed. He finally managed to take the lead, but now he has to wait here. There is no other way. He just saw hundreds of snow monsters just now. Who knows? How many, thousands, tens of thousands, are possible, after all, he has only one person.

Perhaps he really overestimated himself. Every time he entered the ruins, many brothers helped him. Even when he went to Qin Dynasty, he also had a group of dead parties and a group of three guys. This time he was It was only when he was alone that he found out how weak he was alone.

"In fact, you don't have to be too sad. You have experienced so many things, and it is not your fault to this situation." Sword soul can know his mind and comfort him rare.

"Also, you don't have to worry too much, those brothers in the Hades will already be on their way."

"Yeah, I believe them, but I would rather they didn't come." Ye Shikai sighed. The Three Palaces itself is an external force. If you go to Kunlun, even if it is under the banner of Ji's family, I am afraid it will There are many troubles. In addition, he also knows Chen Yuxin's attitude towards the Three Palaces. When he was there before, he persuaded several times that Chen Yuxin didn't do too much, but he disappeared for two months. Who knows this What happened in time.

This time too, Ye Shikai disappeared. Will Chen Yuxin take the opportunity to revenge the members of the Three Temples by taking the opportunity to come to the ruins of Kunlun.

Frankly, he was really worried that Chen Yuxin hadn't known him for a long time, but he always wanted to deceive himself, hoping that she wouldn't change, and his indecision hurt him indirectly. Bros.

"Sword soul, is there any other way to go here?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Those Snow Monsters live here all year round, and it is very difficult to not be found by them, so positive contact is inevitable."

"What should I do, shall I break through so hard?"

"No, you haven't found one thing. These snow monsters are afraid of high temperatures." Sword soul said suddenly.

"When you say this, it seems that it is indeed the case. I just brought the elements of fire, and they made way for them." Ye Shikai thought carefully, and Sword Spirit seemed to be true.

"Snow monsters live in this cold place all year round. The wings and feathers on the body can withstand the severe cold, and they have adapted to the severe cold. They may never have experienced the high temperature, let alone the element of fire. It is much higher than ordinary flames, and it will succeed if it is overcome by fire. "

"Yes, I can give it a try." Ye Shikai didn't want to stay like that, he would rather go and try.

Ye Shikai took out the element of fire, placed it on his chest, and operated the internal force. The element of fire gradually began to split and turned into nine fireballs, like nine rounds of sun, surrounding him.


"Today I want to let these snow fairies know how capable I am." Ye Shikai rushed into the snow, and the nine rounds of the sun were burning beside him. The high temperature caused the surrounding snow to begin to melt, and at the same time, the snow fairies were all flying. After returning, Ye Shikai rushed in with great fanfare this time in order to fight hard.

"Come, all come." Ye Shikai shouted, the nine rounds of sun around him spewed out a blaze of fire, and ignited the snow demon in the air. Sure enough, the fire burned the snow demon's wings, hurting them for a while and screaming When they get into the snow, they can't fly.

"Shit, take this opportunity to rush through this area."

"Okay." Ye Shikai was running and manipulating the fireballs around him. Although there were a lot of snow fairies, he was afraid of the fire, and he dared not approach. He could only circle in the air and wait for the opportunity to attack, but the fire element turned into "the nine rounds of the sun." "It was impeccable at all. A little closer, it was devoured by the fire ...

Ye Shikai also proceeded smoothly with the element of fire. The Snow Demon couldn't stop it. Now, in two more miles, he can leave this area.

Huh, Huh.

Suddenly, Ye Shikai felt a gust of wind and raised his head violently. All the snow fairies were hanging directly in front of him, waving their wings, thousands of snow fairies, waving the three-meter-long wings behind them, and the wind was flat. The wind and snow had already made people inconvenient, coupled with this gust of wind, Ye Shikai only felt that his legs were as heavy as lead, and there seemed to be a wall in front of him.

"Oops." Ye Shikai was unable to move. Even the element of fire was affected by the wind. The flames were controlled by the wind, the strong wind was blowing backwards, and the fire could not burn to the front.

Ye Shikai took out You Xijian. Now he ca n’t retreat. Running the fire element consumes a lot of internal force. If he retreats, these snow fairies will take advantage of his weakness and attack in groups. Now, even if it is difficult, he can only brace his head Go forward.

"Kill ~ ~ Lord, the wind and snow here are heavy, you still have to wear another piece of clothing." Feng Ling picked up a coat and put it on Chen Yuxin's body, following the unmanned path, the Chen family quickly He also kept up, and he was one step ahead of the other families.

"Lord, look there, what is flying in the sky." Xue Yan cried suddenly, pointing at the air in the distance, thousands of snow monsters were hovering in the air.

"What kind of monster is that?" The guards under the Chen family were shocked when they saw the snow monsters, but Chen Yuxin didn't panic, not even surprised.

"Everyone, ready to fight, we are now at the forefront of the families. If we wait, we can only waste time." Chen Yuxin ordered.



"Lord, look there, there seems to be someone." Li Mei said pointing away.

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