Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1783: Keep going

No wonder, I didn't meet the Chen family all the way. No wonder, Chen Yuxin was not in a hurry. It turned out that the Chen family had already found a shortcut.

Ji Qian was a little annoyed. She should have thought about this for a long time. How could Chen Yuxin be so "lazy", there must be other shortcuts to bypass Tianya, so the Chen family always deliberately walked at the end of the family for The reason is that all the families can't detect their movements, and then Chen Yuxin can walk in front and reach Kunlun's secret place first.

"The directors of the film agency are indeed martial arts high-strength. The Three Temples are now weak, and you must meet them, they must be more fierce." Among the film agency owners, she remembers most clearly that Feng Ling, the woman looks like an ordinary woman, but Wu Yi is even higher than Ji Qian herself, and she and Chen Ruoya are both Chen Yuxin's confidants, and the soul destroyer is seriously injured, but at least ... there are no leaders in them In action.

"We have run out of food and water, but fortunately, we found you." Wang Kai sighed. "Otherwise, I'm afraid we can only go down the mountain."

"Yes, I want to tell you a good thing." Ji Qian said suddenly.

"whats the matter."

"He is back." Ji Qian said only a few words, but the eyes of the four were widened.

"Do you mean him ... boss?"

"It was him, I saw it with my own eyes, right after the avalanche." Ji Qian nodded.

"Great." The ghost was the most excited. The news of Ye Shikai's return was absolutely beyond everyone's expectations. It was like a needle dropped in the sea and difficult to find, but the "needle" came back by itself.

"When we came to Kunlun Mountain this time, we were trying to find the trace of the grown-ups. Now that the grown-ups are back, it can be regarded as the greatest gain." Nightmare also nodded in relief.

"Since Lao Ye is back, let him come over. We haven't seen each other for a long time." Wang Kai said quickly.

"It's just ... he's not here." Ji Qian said, looking down.

"Why, isn't Lao Ye with you?"

"He left again, it was angered by me." Ji Qian did not hide, she regretted the urge of the day, but now it is all right, Ye Shikai is still alive and dead.

"What, how can this be?" The crowd was startled again, from big joy to big surprise, the heart gap was not small.

"This matter is a bit complicated to explain, in fact, I am not very clear." Ji Qian was a little hesitant. She only knew that Ye Shikai had "married" another wife and was a Qin Dynasty woman, but she was hesitant to tell the front Four of them, normal people, would not believe it when they heard the news.

Ji Qian didn't know what kind of "wife" was in Ye Shikai's mouth. Maybe she should calmly and listen to Ye Shikai's explanation that day, but now it doesn't make any sense to think about it any more. It is a fact that Ye Shikai has left.

Ji Qian told the four of her all that she knew, including Ye Shikai, through the incident. The four were just as dubious when she heard this, but later they chose to believe.

"Anyway, the boss has returned. This is the biggest good thing, and he is now in Kunlun Mountain. As long as we move forward, we will definitely find him." The ghost said to comfort everyone.

"Yeah, I believe in adults, and also in ourselves, we will definitely find them."

"However, since the Chen family went from a small road, they should have walked in front of us." Wang Kai asked.

"It should be like this. If this path is slow, Chen Yuxin would not be able to choose the path." Ji Qian nodded, thinking about another thing. On that day, when all the families crossed the heavens, she did not find Ye Shikai. It ’s hard to find a trace of him, he also came from a small road ...

"Otherwise, let's leave overnight. Now all the families march day and night camping. We will be able to catch up in advance, day and night." Wang Kai suggested that although Ji Qian wanted to follow them, she now Now, after all, she is the youngest lady of the Ji family, and also the future successor of the Ji family. If she leaves at this juncture, it still has to be, in addition, Ji Tao will never agree.

"Master Luna, you still have to manage the affairs of the Ji family, so you don't need to act with us." The ghost saw Ji Qian's distress, and in order to avoid her embarrassment, he took the initiative to say.

"Then if you need anything, just say it, only I can give it, definitely give it."

"First, we need some supplies, food and water, and tents."

"Rest assured, I'll let you guys immediately." Ji Qian answered.

"In addition, we need some people." Ghost said with a little embarrassment. "We only have four people left now. It's not convenient to do anything. We need some people to help."

"Okay, after the avalanche, I also successively collected some scattered members of the three temples, all for you, and in addition, I gave my guard to you."

"it is good."


"Xiao Kai, what did you experience during this time?" On the other side of Kunlun Mountain, in the Chen's camp, Chen Yuxin was sitting next to Ye Shikai. The weather was very cold and she could not help leaning into Ye Shikai's arms.

"Nothing to say." Ye Shikai gently pushed away, turned around, and heated the fire.

"Can't we even talk to each other?" Chen Yuxin was a little lost, and Ye Shikai's coldness toward her was even more chilling than the severe cold outside.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Ye Shikai sighed, and finally turned around and looked back at Chen Yuxin.

"You went to Qin Dynasty for two months ~ ~ It should be a hard time. How about there, are you in danger?"

"To be exact, it was two years. I stayed there for two years. When I came back, it was only two months here." Ye Shikai was again lost in thought. When he first arrived in Qin Dynasty, he also had Many are not used to it, after all, two thousand years apart, but his adaptability is fast, not only the body, but the adaptation of the mind, so that in the end, he has even regarded himself as a Qin Dynasty man.

"For two years, how did this happen, then you must have suffered a lot."

"Bitter, bitter." Ye Shikai murmured. Although peace seemed to be a luxury in that war-torn era, at that time, he had a very fulfilling life. Although he often went out to fight, He Linghan accompanied him. All the pain around me was forgotten.

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