Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1793: Sword

"It seems that you do not intend to cooperate." Tang Can turned to Chen Yuxin instead.

"Master Chen, what can he say on behalf of your Chen family?"

"My words don't represent the Chen family." Before Shi Yuxin answered, Ye Shikai hurriedly answered, "My words do not mean anyone, only myself."

"I give you two choices. First, go to the side obediently, don't hinder me. Second, I'll kill you all." Ye Shikai's words are amazing. The Tang family and the Wang family are both big Huaxia families. Now they are only one person. Threat, this is the first time, and there is no room for negotiation. Listen to Ye Shikai's meaning, either let the two give up their treasures, or ... just give up their lives.

"Boy, you are really too arrogant." Wang Lianfeng was very angry. When was the Wang family threatened so much, not to mention threatened by a young man in his twenties. As a homeowner, if he was silent at this time, the future Wang family Will certainly become the laughing stock of the Huaxia family.

"Xiao Kai, be careful." Chen Yuxin reminded, as soon as the words fell, Wang Lianfeng had rushed out and stabbed Ye Shikai with his sword.


The two powers collided, Ye Shikai stepped back a few steps. The sword in Wang Lianfeng's hand should also be a famous sword. His internal force is extremely domineering, as is his sword, but Ye Shikai is not afraid. Why was Bai Qi Sabre, once known as "Man Tu", afraid of it.

Operating internal forces, Ye Shikai came back with a sword, and the two sword bodies collided again. For a time, thousands of people around them could step back involuntarily, Ye Shikai and Wang Lianfeng were also shaken by the shock wave.

"It's worthy of being the master of the Wang family. It does have some skills, but ... it's still worse." Ye Shikai sneered and took out the fire element from the storage ring.

"Look at this trick again."

The element of fire turned into nine fireballs like the sun, lingering around the two, as if there was life, and continued to impact Wang Lianfeng. The hot heat burned his collar and horns to ashes, even if it was repaired deeply. In the face of the continuous burning of the fire element, the practitioner cannot persist for too long.

"How could such a powerful treasure be in the hands of this young man." Someone in the Wang family and the Tang family was discussing it. Not many people knew that Ye Shikai was the Hades. In their eyes, Ye Shikai's identity should be a Chen family eating soft rice. My aunt was right, but today ’s war completely refreshed their ideas. Such a powerful force is more than enough for self-reliance. Some even speculated that Chen Yuxin was willing to marry him in order to obtain a peerless master like Ye Shikai.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this person to be so young and so powerful."

"Is this a treasure, then I will let you see it." Ye Shikai took out the Pluto helmet again. He also obtained this treasure by accident. After using it, he can hide it. Generally, he only uses it when he is latent, but If it is used in actual combat, it is extremely terrible.

"Look, that person is gone."

"Where did he go."

Ye Shikai's sudden disappearance surprised everyone, even Chen Yuxin was surprised, Wang Lianfeng was even more afraid to be slack, he could feel Ye Shikai's breath, and was right next to him, like a bone attached to his body, like a shadow.


Wang Lianfeng turned around violently, but the action was still one step behind. At the moment when the sword was out, You Xi's Jianfeng had pierced his shoulder, and exclaimed, Wang Lianfeng stepped back and forth.

"I'm here to help you." Tang Can came to help when he saw this. The two homeowners dealt with a young man in his twenties, which was unheard of before.

"Very good." Ye Shikai took off the Pluto helmet, revealing his real body. Wang Lianfeng already had a lot of hanging colors. Stealth can make it difficult for the other party to find traces. .

"Come on, fight again." Ye Shikai shouted with a sword.

"Homeowner, I will come too."

"Me too."

The two rushed out more than 70 elders and surrounded Ye Shikai in the middle. All were masters of the distraction period. They also had all kinds of magic weapons and weapons in their hands. They surrounded them with such a large battle. Extremely rare picture.

"Come on, help him." Chen Yuxin was worried that Ye Shikai would not be able to cope with it. She quickly let Feng Lingxue go forward to make a siege, but was stopped by the two members of Wang Tang.

"Okay, then I'm going to kill the ring today."

"Soul Calibur, there should be no problem this time." Ye Shikai asked the Soul Calibur in his mind with consciousness.

"Try it. With your current capabilities, it shouldn't be a problem."

"it is good."

"Everyone, go and kill him." Wang Lianfeng shouted, and dozens of elders rushed up immediately.

"Men sword, come out."

The sky changed suddenly, dark clouds gathered, and Ye Shikai's left hand had an extra long purple knife.


A thunder sounded in the air, at the same time, the ground under Ye Shikai's feet suddenly cracked, dust splashed, and dozens of elder masters of the distracting period all flew out with a shock of energy and fell more than ten meters away.

You Xijian is a well-known sword in the world, but the dagger is the weapon of the main gods, and because of its great power, if it is not strong, it is likely to be backsell.

"What weapon is that?"

"I have never seen it before."

Everyone talked, even Tang Can and Wang Lianfeng didn't know the origin of the sword, but they saw a purple-black light, which matched the right hand of You Xi. The sword contained the undead. In Sword Soul's words, It is a living weapon, very murderous and resentful. With Ye Shikai's previous strength, it is really difficult to control, or it requires a price to use. You Xijian, as Qin Jiangbai ’s sabre, is known as The commander of Ren Tu is famous for killing people like hemp. Under his sword, I don't know how many people died under his sword. Therefore, they are also very murderous and evil. Although the two weapons are not the same, they have similar characteristics. .

Ye Shikai holds these two weapons at the same time ~ ~ Two energy flows into his body, there is no collision, but continuous fusion ...

"Who the **** is this and why is there such a weapon."

"No matter, come on."

"Look for death." Ye Shikai opened his eyes and suddenly disappeared into place. Just in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the crowd.



In just a few seconds, more than 20 elders in the distraction period died under Ye Shikai's sword, but he did not encounter resistance at all, and it was as easy as chopping melon and chopping vegetables.

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