Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1796: Come

Ye Shikai searched the surrounding rooms and rooms, but found nothing. Except for some treasures, there was no rumored energy at all, and Ye Shikai did not feel the strong energy fluctuations. When the two passes, the energy was extremely extreme. Powerful, it can't be hidden at all, but now Ye Shikai can't feel the existence of a trace of energy, is it impossible? Is this really just a legend?

No, it's impossible. Ye Shikai doesn't believe it. Since he has walked through it twice, it means that this energy really exists. He doesn't believe the rumor is groundless, but he hasn't found it yet.

Hey, hey, hey.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps not far away. The crowd immediately reacted. The family behind must have followed up. Chen Yuxin made everyone ready for battle. It was absolutely impossible for her to easily get out. .

"Who is coming?" Feng Ling led the members of the film agency to block the visitors.

"Li family, Li Changtian, you should be from the Chen family." The leading man said faintly, it was the Li family and the Ji family's team. It happened that by accident, the probability was one-fourth. The Chen family chose the same path.

"The owner is ahead, please wait a moment," Feng Ling said coldly.

"Just kidding, wait a minute, isn't the treasure going to be swallowed by you alone." Li Changtian is naturally not to be outdone. At this step, the Li family also paid a lot of losses, but was finally "cut off" by the Chen family. But now the Chen family does not allow them to get treasures.

Now, not only is the Li family, but even members of the Ji family are angry. The Chen family wants to be swallowed by the family. This is too much. No one can be bullied. Can you just bully it, especially the Ji family? People, after all, they are in Yanjing with the Chen family. There have been conflicts before. If the strength of the Chen family is strengthened, it is a naked threat to the Ji family.

"Without the order of the owner, none of you can come over." Feng Ling led the people, and according to the passage, fierce fighting broke out on both sides.

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai cried suddenly at this time, squeezed in from the crowd, and walked between the two sides.

"Aunt, you ..."

"Don't talk, I'm the master here." Before the wind chimes finished, Ye Shikai interrupted.

"Senior Li, Senior Ji." Ye Shikai walked in front of the two homeowners and said respectfully.

"Ye Xiaoyou, I didn't expect you to be here, I hope you have not forgotten your previous agreement with me." Li Changtian saw Ye Shikai, and his anger was only three points away. When he first came to Kunlun Mountain, Ye Shikai and Li Changtian agreed on an alliance. .

"Of course, it was a misunderstanding just now, everyone. Please." Ye Shikai motioned the two families to come and share the treasures. Although Feng Chi and Xue Yan wanted to stop, but seeing Chen Yuxin standing next to him, it was not easy to stop. This avoids a battle.

Chen Yuxin didn't stop. Part of the reason was that he didn't want to fight with the two for you. Another reason was that he didn't want Ye Shikai to make conflicts. Since he agreed, Chen Yuxin didn't mind separating some of the treasures. It's in storage.

"You're okay." At this time, Ji Qian also came over and saw Ye Shikai had nothing wrong, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Relax, I'm fine." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Sorry, I lost my temper last time and didn't hold back, so I just ..."

"Okay, don't be guilty. I'm fine. Besides, it was my fault." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly. Last time Ji Qian got angry and drove him away, but afterwards Ji Qian regretted it, but he Falling into thinking, he has a responsibility, naturally, to this point.

"Xiao Kai, you are here." Chen Yuxin came to his side and saw Ji Qian was also present. There was a faint flash of light on her face, but she didn't say anything. There were so many people present, and they were not so noisy.

"Let's go, there's still something in front of it." Chen Yuxin took his arm, Ye Shikai didn't refuse, but just said goodbye to Ji Qian and left.


"Xiao Kai, but in my face, I was allowed to share the treasure with the two." Chen Yuxin said suddenly.

"Why, don't you really want to fight them." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Do you think I will lose."

"The Ji family and the Li family are not ordinary families. The masters like Yun, especially the Li family, are the first of the three major families in Chang'an." If it really hits, Ye Shikai would not think that the Chen family would prevail.

"What about you, if you really fight, you will help me, or Miss Ji." Chen Yuxin looked up, the two eyes looked at each other, this question ... She is serious.

"Because it is her, I will never let you fight. Here, losing both is not good for anyone." Ye Shikai did not answer directly. He knew what Chen Yuxin wanted, but he would not say.

"I'm asking if they fight."

"Xiao Xin, don't you make trouble out of reason." Ye Shikai flung his eyes and said nothing more.

"So, you will still help her, isn't that surprising? When you were in danger before, she was always by your side." Chen Yuxin said with a little mockery, but in her words, she always carried a strong Strong "vinegar taste", but what she said is also true. Ji Qian is a "stupid" woman. "Stupid" until she knows that she can't go with Ye Shikai, she is still willing to help him, and is desperate, even Sacrificed her own life ...

"If you fight against them desperately, I will be very difficult. I won't help anyone, but I will stop you."

The three gathered together to collect treasures. Although they did not fight, they were guarding each other. The Chen family came early and had already obtained most of the treasures, leaving the rest to the two.

"Ye Shikai, can you come over for a moment." Suddenly, Li Yueying came behind him and said softly ~ ~ Is there anything, Miss Li. "

The two came to an unoccupied corner. Regarding Li Yueying, Ye Shikai did not catch a cold. She is a Miss Li family. Although she is not big, she has a lot of minds, so you must keep an eye on cooperation and utilization.

"Are you OK."

"Me, of course I'm fine." Ye Shikai spread his hands. "Miss Li, wouldn't you just care about me if you asked me."

"Of course not, but if something goes wrong, the Li family will have one less partner, won't it?"

"Well, we don't have much time. Let's open the door and see what you have to say."

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