Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1806: Exploit weakness

The Zheng family in the East China Sea is more powerful than the Chen family, but this time when they went to Kunlun Mountain, the Zheng family did not come out of the nest. In addition, the Chen family has taken shortcuts since the mountain, avoiding many losses. Therefore, just now the two rivals are equally divided, so the best option is to go forward with the two partners.

The relationship between the Zheng family and the Chen family is not good. It can even be said that they are relatively distant and have little intersection, but Ye Shikai has a close relationship with Zheng family personally. He is a very good friend with Zheng Ye. In his face, Zheng Li is right The Chen family is not so resistant.

The two sent the seriously wounded down the mountain, while the lightly wounded slightly bandaged and moved on. As for the corpses, they could only stay here. The two sides had no extra staff to send them away. Although some were not good, but It is really helpless.

Ye Shikai took advantage of this opportunity to eat some food to replenish her strength. Then there must be many dangers. If you do not prepare, you will definitely lose a lot.

"Senior Zheng, are there any other families here?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course, although many families gave up in the middle, but there were no fewer than ten families who finally arrived in Kunlun's secret realm, each of them was a power sect, but I really did not expect that the flowers on the other side alone cost us so many people. "Zheng Li sighed bitterly, without seeing the illusion, he had a great responsibility.

"Senior Zheng doesn't have to blame himself. The flowers on the other side can disturb people's mind. If they are not proficient in understanding, I'm afraid no one can see through them." Ye Shikai was a little bit uneasy. No one is his opponent. Its cultivation is profound and even more invisible, but even so, he still has illusions. From this point of view, the other families may be less ferocious.



Thinking of this, Ye Shikai faintly heard the killing and screaming from a distance ...

"People cannot be tripped over by a stone twice. This time the old man has eaten the loss of the other side of the flower, there will be no next time."

"Senior Zheng, what about the other families, if they don't remind them, I'm afraid ..." Ye Shikai is not an overflow of compassion, but after all they are "people". He really doesn't want them to die in the hands of his own. In this way, if it can be reminded in advance, it may be avoided.

"Ye son, it is not the old man who does not want to remind them, but in the current situation, where can we take care of them, the palace is so large and the path is complicated, I don't even know where they are." Zheng Liwan refused, Ye Shikai had already expected He didn't find it strange. From the perspective of competitors, if there is one family, there is one less competitor. Zheng Li gets one more point to get treasure. In addition, from the perspective of human psychological balance, Zheng Li has already eaten After a loss, other families must also suffer a loss, so that it seems "fair".

Hey, hey, hey.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the rear, and everyone suddenly picked up their weapons and turned to look to the rear.


"It's us."

Along the light source, the Li family and the Ji family came out of the shadows and saw the corpses on the ground, and they immediately understood. At this moment, Li Changtian and Ji Tao are already gloating over Chen Yuxin.

"It turned out to be Brother Li and Brother Ji." Zheng Li stepped forward and said.

"Master Zheng."

"Master Zheng."

"Unexpectedly, we met again here. It's a fate." Zheng Li said a few polite words. At the same time, he also found that the number of the two was much less. Don't think, he also knows what happened. It seems that They also suffered the illusion of the other shore flower.

"Zheng, you seem to have fought a fierce battle," Ji Tao said with a mockery.

"It's really ashamed to say that. Thanks to Ye Gongzi's timely shot, this resolved the misunderstanding."

"This flower on the other shore is really a bad impression. It is really impossible to prevent us from killing each other."

Having said that, although Pei Anhua can disturb people's minds, the bottom line is that Pei Anhua uses weaknesses in people's hearts to create illusions, and these families all form temporary alliances for their own selfish desires, even if there are several family relationships. Good, but essentially because the long-term benefits are the same, what these homeowners think is how to get the biggest piece of cake. In addition, other families must be wary at all times. Therefore, in their In the subconscious, the family that is present, regardless of whether they are allied or not, is a competitor. The other bank only needs to slightly turn one party into a "monster", and the "competition" in the subconscious of all begins.

"Using human weaknesses is really insidious." Ye Shikai murmured, where is this still a flower ...


The four families took a break for half an hour and continued to move forward. This time, they have to be more cautious. Is n’t the other side of the flower able to make each other look like monsters, then all the families are scattered and separated by a distance. Even if there is an illusion, it is not necessary to do it directly.

"Qian, what's wrong with your hand." Suddenly, Ye Shikai noticed that there was not a small wound on the back of Ji Qian's right hand.

"Nothing." Ji Qian quickly retracted her hand to keep him from watching.

"What the **** is going on." Ye Shikai asked.

"We just met the other side flower just now, but I was crushed. This wound was hurt by the other side flower fragment." Ji Qian could not help him in the end and had to confess to him.

"What's the matter, UU reads The wound is so swollen." Ye Shikai was a little worried, and the wound was a little dark.

"You shouldn't be poisoned."

"No, I have checked it. There is no toxin in the wound. It should be a little deep. Wait for the mountain to come down for treatment." Ji Qian retorted. Ye Shikai looked at the wound and was really distressed. She put it on.

"Qian, if you feel abnormal, you must tell me." Ye Shikai is a bit uneasy. The other side flower is something they have never seen before. No one knows what the consequences will be, so you must be careful.

"Okay, I said I'm okay, you go back quickly, don't forget, you are now the aunt of the Chen family, if you let other families see, wouldn't it embarrass Miss Chen."

"This ... well, take care of you."

After Ye Shikai left, Ji Qian stretched out her hand and looked at the wound on the back of her hand. There was a flash of strange color in her eyes, and there was a slight pain in her chest, but she didn't care too much and turned to follow Ji. Home team.

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