Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1809: no progress

"Hello, comrade, how did you rush in." The police at the scene saw Ye Shikai rushing in. Somehow, he quickly stopped him.

"Sorry, he is my friend who came to help detect the case." Zhang Ting hurried forward and explained that the police at the door let Ye Shikai come in.

In the shantytowns, there are beggars and poor people. The management is usually not strict, and the movement of people is large, so it has become a place where many criminals hide dirt and dirt. So there are many reasons for the fire, for example, the circuit is aging, or the house is accidentally lit when there is a fire.

"I'm going to burn it really clean." Ye Shikai looked at the scene in front of him. It was helpless and depressed. There was only a dark ground and wall in front of him. Of course, this shantytown was originally inhabited by the poor. There is only one bed shelf left. Of course, this is also natural. The temperature of the fire site is hundreds of degrees, and everything can be burned.

"How about, has anyone been injured." Zhang Ting asked.

"Relax, no one was injured. After the fire broke out, the residents here all ran out. This was originally a shantytown, and there was nothing valuable, but we were lucky. It just rained just now, and the spread of the fire was suppressed." The leading firefighter said.

"By the way, this is the fire scene, how did you come here."

"Check the case."

"How did you find any clues." Zhang Ting approached Ye Shikai and asked curiously.

"Check what, here is burnt to ashes." Ye Shikai sighed and stood up from the ground. "There is no value here, let's go."

Late at night, Ye Shikai returned home. He thought Chen Yuxin was asleep, but when she entered the door, she saw her sitting on the bed and the lamp on the bedside table was still on.

"Xiaokai, you are back."

"It's so late, you haven't slept yet." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"If you don't come back, how can I sleep?"

"I'm not texting you, come back later and let you sleep first." Ye Shikai continued. "How can I stay up late with pregnancy."

"Xiaokai, don't you want to investigate this case. You come back so late every day, and it's so hard." Chen Yuxin said sideways.

"Why are you so worried? I came back late today, mainly because of a traffic jam. It happened to catch up with the evening peak of Yanjing and was stuck on the road for two or three hours." Ye Shikai explained.

"Even if you solve the case, what is the benefit, or else, you go to work in the group, these days are Ruoya's management, I can let her help you."

"Xiaoxin, you know that I have no interest in business matters, let alone being a leader. If I don't make it, I might lose money. I think it's okay," Ye Shikai explained. Tianya Group has been to work, but only as an ordinary little white-collar worker, but it is optional. Every day is a fool day. I really want him to be a manager or a minister.

"You can rest assured that I can find someone to help you. You just need to sit in that position, start a meeting, and approve the report." Chen Yuxin continued. "We will manage the group together when we have a child."

"Okay, okay, that's boring. I'm really not interested in business management. Frankly, since I returned to Yanjing, I've been very confused. I don't know what I should do next." Ye Shikai He murmured that he was in his twenties, and it seemed that he had gone through his life. It seemed that all the things he had experienced had even been experienced. He even experienced it himself even through this fantasy. Next He really didn't know what to do, as if he had been busy for most of his life, and suddenly had to "retire", not knowing what to do for a while.

If you can go to the serious case team to help solve the case, it is a good choice. He is an instructor at Longya, but he is only coaching and training. He only visits once a week. Other times, I always need to find a place to spend it.

Chen Yuxin repeatedly asked him to abandon the investigation case and go to work in the Chen Group, but they were rejected by Ye Shikai. At least, to break the serial disappearance case, he had already agreed to Zhang Ting, but he could not make an appointment.


Days passed by, but the case remained unbroken. To be precise, there was no clue. I do n’t know why. Since the fire that day, no one has come to report the incident. Zhang Ting and Ye Shikai have also gone out to see it, but they did Without newly added missing persons, the perpetrators seem to have evaporated, leaving no traces, no new cases, and naturally no new clues.

Police station.

"Yo, Officer Zhang, why are you sitting in the office today, so busy." Ye Shikai laughed and laughed, and put the purchased lunch on the table. "I bought lunch, have some food."

"Okay, don't say it. It has been so long since the serial disappearance case. I have no clue." Zhang Ting was very distressed. She said it was reasonable, but since there were no more disappearance cases, they also I can't find new clues, and I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Yeah, there is no clue, the case can only be left here ~ ~ Ye Shikai also sighed. Those missing people did not come back, which means that the criminals are still at large, maybe they are waiting for the opportunity, Ye Shikai had a hunch that if they were relaxed at this time, they would still commit crimes.

"There are many cases that the heavy case team usually deals with, and each case is of vital importance. Since this serial missing case cannot be solved for the time being, it can only be put aside first. After all, other cases cannot be taken lightly." Ye Shikai said lightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't help you this time."

"Forget it, you can help me. I'm already very grateful. There are so many cases under the sky. Some old and old cases have not been solved. We will do our best." Zhang Ting has always been unresolved and unwilling. However, reality and ideas are often different. Even if you are determined, you may not be able to solve the case. In many cases, it takes some luck to solve the case.

"Relax, I will continue to investigate this case, but if I can solve the case, I can't guarantee it." Ye Shikai promised, Zhang Ting was very pleased.

Having said that, why the offender suddenly closed up, Ye Shikai has always been curious. The only explanation is that the police have been eyeing this case. Those people can only converge first, but Ye Shikai thinks that they will never take it. Hand.

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