Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1822: 3 people meet

It is normal for Zhuang Yan to think like this. She is an ordinary person. With the idea of ​​an ordinary woman, Su Qingyu should take a needle against Ye Shikai's model villain in the office at this time. In case Ye Shikai just enters like this, the two must Will "open tear".

However, Zhuang Yan was wrong this time. Su Qingyu knew the reason for Ye Shikai's divorce. Although at the beginning, she also hated it, but she could only choose to accept the reality. Ye Shikai disappeared last time. Afterwards, Su Qingyu was also very worried, but she really could not do much, but had to hurry until she received Zhang Ting's news that he appeared in Linxiang, and then drove by plane immediately.

"Okay, the president agreed, you go in."

Ye Shikai pushed open the door of the office. Su Qingyu was standing at the window. When he arrived, there was still a hint of excitement on his face.

"It's raining."

"Are you here, would you like something to drink."


The two sat on the sofa, although the surface was calm, but the heartbeat was not deceiving. Although they had divorced and had n’t seen for a long time, they knew each other too well, and they could understand each other ’s voice with just one sentence. .

"Qingyu, the last time I was in Linxiang, I really troubled you and made you run so far away." Ye Shikai looked at Su Qingyu and couldn't help but think of He Linghan, the two women were carved in a mold, but After all, the two women are not alone. She is Su Qingyu, not He Linghan ...

"In fact, it's nothing, but after you disappeared, everyone was very anxious." Su Qingyu remembered what Zhang Ting said last time about Ye Shikai's traversal, and she still couldn't understand it. She knew that practitioners could do it. To many things that ordinary people can't do, but through this kind of thing, only exists in science fiction, she is really difficult to understand.

"You said you passed through, can you tell me about this matter." Su Qingyu handed him coffee, Ye Shikai seemed to have a dim sum, if Su Qingyu knew that he had found one in the ancient world that looked exactly like her The woman is married and does not know what she thinks.

"This thing is very mysterious. I'm worried that you don't believe it. Remember the last holy mountain you went to."

"Of course, I almost died there." Su Qingyu certainly remembered that when she went to the Holy Mountain for the first time, Elena took her up to find Ye Shikai, but she almost died under the sword of Zeus.

"Frankly, I have been to the Holy Mountain several times, but I have never encountered such a thing, so when he crossed back, he was also in a daze."

"Then what did you do in the Qin Dynasty." Su Qingyu's brows twitched slightly. It is a miracle for a modern man to return to the era of war and turmoil, let alone Ye Tiankai's Dantian Destroyed, there is no internal force in his body, Su Qingyu dare not imagine what will happen.

"Almost all of them are fighting." Ye Shikai told Su Qingyu what he experienced. Of course, all the war pictures have been taken away. That picture is too bloody. If it is not personal experience, it is difficult to make up for it. He didn't want Su Qingyu to know.

"Then are you injured?"

"Relax, it's fine." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"By the way, I remember you said that after you returned to the Qin Dynasty, you became married, did you."

"Cough, there is this matter." Ye Shikai did not deny that he was not a liar.

"What the **** is that woman?" Su Qingyu seemed to be interested all at once. Although Ye Shikai was surrounded by women, he was not a casual person. Anyone who could be married to him must not be an ordinary woman.

"This ..." Ye Shikai was speechless for a while, to be precise, he did not know whether He Linghan should be introduced.

"If you don't want to say, just forget it." Su Qingyu seemed to understand his thoughts, and immediately changed the subject and gave him a step down.

"Qingyu, I just wanted to thank you for coming this time." After a long silence, Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"No thanks, we are friends now, aren't we."

"It's ..."

Boom, boom, boom.

"Please come in." Su Qingyu said lightly, and Zhuang Yan came in from outside the door.

"Zhuang Yan, is there anything?"

"President Su, Miss Ji wants to see you." Zhuang Yan replied.

"What, she's here." Ye Shikai stood up instinctively after hearing it. How could Ji Qian come here, shouldn't it ... It was chased by the car tracking Ye Shikai, it should be impossible, Ji Qian Recently, he has been hiding to meet him. Of course, he is also hiding from Ji Qian, not to mention, here is the Tianya Group, and Su Qingyu is also here.

"Forgot to tell you, Miss Ji and I made an appointment today to meet here." Su Qingyu explained.

"What." Ye Shikai never thought that all this would be so coincident. The last time Ji Qian destroyed the energy group in Kunlun Mountain, and he was never able to go back. Although Ye Shikai had forgiven her, the two were already long. I have n’t seen each other for a while, mainly because I ’m afraid of being embarrassed ...

"What's wrong with you." Su Qingyu didn't know the "subtle change" in the relationship between him and Ji Qian, so Zhuang Yan asked her to come in. Ye Shikai was helpless and could only face it. As soon as Ji Qian entered, Seeing him, his face immediately froze.

"Qian." Ye Shikai stepped forward to say hello.

"Why are you here too." Ji Qian apparently did not want Ye Shikai to come to Tianya Group, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is still meeting here. In fact, she is not worried that Ye Shikai will divide her because of the last thing, but because she does n’t know what to say when she meets.

"Just come, sit down quickly." Su Qingyu greeted warmly, the relationship between the three seemed a little awkward, even more so face-to-face, even Su Qingyu noticed that there was something before Ji Qian and Ye Shikai.

"Qingyu, this is the report you want. I'll bring it to you." Ji Qian took out a piece of material from the bag and finally broke the stalemate atmosphere.

"Oh, Ji Qian, do you know he traversed this thing." Su Qingyu asked suddenly, after Ji Qian heard it, his palm was loose and the document fell to the ground.

"I know, he said it to me." Ji Qian continued. "Although it sounds nonsense, there are many things that cannot be explained by science. I didn't believe in crossing this thing before."

"Then you know, he got married to a girl there." Su Qingyu continued to ask, it's time for Ji Qian's turn to stop. If she tells the truth, she will definitely speak He Linghan ...

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