Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1827: Needle in a haystack

So, you ran over in the middle of the night to tell me this. "Ye Shikai shook his eyes." For this kind of thing, you can just give me a call and you will come over in the middle of the night. What if you get misunderstood by someone else. "

"What's so misunderstood." Zhang Ting threw the document to Ye Shikai, and also specifically urged, "You have a rest, you must gather at the police station on time tomorrow."

"If it weren't for you to come home in the middle of the night, I would have fallen asleep ..."

‘“ Less nonsense, I ’m going first, do n’t forget it tomorrow morning. ”

"Okay, you can go back as soon as possible."

Zhang Ting left the room, and Ye Shikai also escorted him to the door. The wind chimes were still standing there waiting. Like a wooden man, didn't the hotel security think she was suspicious?

"She has already left, should you return to your room too?" Ye Shikai said lightly. "You can rest assured, I won't leave."

"Since my aunt said that, then I will go back, right at your door, something will call me at any time." Feng Ling nodded slightly. Although she entered the room, if Ye Shikai was right, she must be lying on the cat's eyes. Staring at his door, if Ye Shikai leaves, she must keep up.

Ye Shikai looked at the phone, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and if he delays, he won't have to get up tomorrow morning ...

The next day.

Zhongyuan Police Station.

"Xiao Zhang, the two of you are newcomers, and you don't know the southern market, otherwise I will send someone to follow you as a guide." Huang Hai reminded.

"No, Director Huang, we can handle it." Zhang Ting said, urging Ye Shikai to get on the train.

"Little leaf, be careful."

"Thank you Director Huang for your concern."

Zhang Ting drove the car, the wind chime was still driving behind, and Ye Shikai closed his eyes and regained his mind. Last night, Zhang Ting was "getting" out of sleep.

"I found that Director Huang is quite concerned about you." Zhang Ting glanced and said lightly.

"Have it."

"Of course, and he also cares about whether you are used to living in the country yesterday. It stands to reason that you don't know him, he asked Dongwenxi what to do." Zhang Ting seems to be a shark on the seabed suddenly smelling bloody, acutely abnormal .

"May I know you before, I should have thought of it long ago, my secretary and your father are old acquaintances, maybe Director Huang also knows you."

"Don't think so much about it, I don't know everyone." Ye Shikai waved his hand. "I really didn't know Huang Hai before."

Ye Shikai believes that the reason why Huang Hai "cares" him so much is probably because of the cultivator, it seems to be "concern" on the surface, in fact, it is a side attack to explore his situation.

Huang Hai is wary of Ye Shikai. I am afraid he will still send someone to stare at him. Ye Shikai is also curious. What is the origin of Huang Hai is actually a cultivator.

"We're here." Zhang Ting parked the car on the side of the road, and the two got out of the car and entered the southern market.

"I'm going, this is too much."

The Southern District Market is the largest grocery market in Zhongyuan City, where everything is sold. The hardware, vegetable market, and seafood market are simply a "hodgepodge", and there are more and more vendors of all sizes.

"So many people, where are we going to find." Zhang Ting didn't expect this place to be so big. The bigger the place, the more mixed the fish and dragons are. There are hundreds of people. All kinds of people. Ye Shikai looked at the surrounding environment. There are all kinds of people, if someone hides here, it is really not easy to find.

"Hurry up, what's the use now?" Ye Shikai quipped.

"Well, then look for it every family. According to the information, missing people often come here, I don't believe no one knows them." Zhang Ting handed him the picture of the missing person.

"Go, we will look for each household."

"Have you seen these people?"

"No impression."

"do not remember."

"never seen it."

"Look at what they look like, it should be the collection of waste products, where do I remember, there are thousands of people in this market all day long."

After two hours.

"Drink some cold drinks." Ye Shikai bought a bottle of beverage and handed it to Zhang Ting. Her eyes seemed to be cannibalistic, and she didn't have any clues after looking for a long time. Of course she was not reconciled, but there was no way. The market walked for two hours, looking for clues from a few beggars and scavengers. It was simply a needle in a haystack. There are all kinds of people here every day. Even if the merchants are remembering, they also remember the faces of several regular customers. He left an impression with the person who collected the waste, and said 10,000 steps back. Even if they were recognized, how could these merchants know where these missing persons live, how old they are, and whether there are relatives around them ...

"I will be able to find it. Let's go, we will continue to look for it." Zhang Ting refused to accept the defeat. She must find a clue today.

"Wait, if you look for it like this, you can't find a needle in a haystack. You can't find it if your leg breaks." Ye Shikai quickly pulled her.

"Then what do you want to do, just sit here, it is impossible for clues to fall from the sky."

"Of course not, but we should change to a more efficient method." Ye Shikai pointed to the distance. "I just heard that there is a shantytown near the market. Since your information says that these missing people often come to this market. , Where do you think they will live. "

"It turns out that they must live in that shantytown." Zhang Ting shouted excitedly, "Let's go, let's go quickly."

The place they want to go is one kilometer away from the market, there is no need to drive at all, and there is no distance to go.

"It's really shabby here."

"Of course, the shantytown itself is like this, fish and dragons are mixed." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Sounds like, you seem to understand very well. UU reading" Zhang Ting replied, "can you live in a shantytown before?"

"That's not true, but you are half right. I was a big shanty town when I was a kid." Ye Shikai smiled lightly. As a child, his family's conditions were very bad. Although he didn't live in a shanty town, he made friends in it. A lot of friends.

"Let's go in and see."

"it is good."

"Do you know this man, this big brother?" Ye Shikai asked a yellow-haired man next to him and handed a cigarette.

"This person, I look at it, it seems that I have some impressions. He often collects waste products around here, but I don't seem to have seen him recently." The so-called "take people short, eat people soft mouth", smoking cigarettes handed by Ye Shikai, The man with yellow hair also answered his question.

"Do you know where he lives," Ye Shikai asked.

"It seems ... it's deep in the alley, you continue to walk inside, then turn left, probably near that."

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