Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1834: transaction

On the contrary, if I go everywhere to tell customers about the news and the content of the transaction, then I have been killed by them. You do n’t know how powerful they are. They are all murderous and non-flicking characters. I did it with them. I wo n’t say, I ca n’t say, nor dare to talk about trading. The Mole explained.

"When we do something like this, we walk on the blade every day. If we accidentally get killed, we will be robbed of goods, or black and black, so I can only protect myself, this is also the rule. If I tell the transaction content and the identity of the customer today You, how do I do business in the future, maybe out of China, I will be in a different place. "Mole seems to be very afraid of customers who deal with him. This is also natural. He is just an inventor and The black market businessman, and the things he sells are all "black technology", so his customers are naturally some ruthless characters. Although the things invented by the mole are very practical, they will definitely choose to kill the mole compared to the secrets. mouse.

"This is the rule, you know."

"The rules are the rules, but you can rest assured that no one knows what happened here today. Your conversations will only stay in this room and will never be taken out, so you can rest assured." Ye Shikai took out one Signal blocker.

"Nobody knows all the conversations we have here today, naturally including your customers."

"That won't work. If you go to them, they will immediately know that I was the leaker. Even if I can avoid the first day, I won't be able to avoid the fifteenth. This group is not so kind. If they want to solve a goal, , It must be endless, and my life is not guaranteed. "The Mole still refused.

"So, you are not afraid of death, can they kill you, can't I kill you?" Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Of course I am afraid of death, and people are not gods, who would not be afraid of death, but you will not kill me, you have not got my trading information, if you kill me, you will never get it." Mole though He is weak but he is not stupid. Although he looks timid in appearance, he is very calm in his head. Even if he is surrounded by more than a dozen burly men, he is still in a panic. He “bargains” with Ye Shikai, he knows Ye Shikai thought about getting the transaction information, so he would never hurt the mole before he got it.

"A good mole, really as cunning as a mole, okay, then we should be a bargain and discuss it." Ye Shikai moved his chair and sat in front of the mole.

"If I can guarantee your safety and your money, then you should not refuse it." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Brother, it's not my Mole who looks down on you. I'm afraid you don't even know who my customers are, so dare to say such big words directly." The Mole is half-confident. "If you are just Luo Shiqi's person, that's probably not enough. Miss Luo does have strength in Yanjing, but out of Yanjing, I will be in danger as well.

"You tell me what you want, and then go to this address on the paper, someone will naturally protect you, after the limelight, you will be safe, if you are not worried, I will send someone to **** you, protect you, Until you think you are safe, during the time when you are in the wind, I can pay the money as if it is a compensation for delaying your business. "Ye Shikai took out a pen and paper from the table, wrote down an address, and handed it to Mole.

"So you are ..." Mole looked at the address on the paper and immediately showed a shocked look. When he wanted to speak, he was stopped by Ye Shikai.

"It goes without saying, understand."

"It turned out that I didn't expect a small person like me to be worth your driving." After the Mole knew Ye Shikai's identity, even the title changed.

"You're not a small person anymore, all right, I said so much, you should also give me an answer." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Well, since it was your request, if my mole didn't agree, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave alive. I agree, but I have a request that you must do what you promised. In addition, I hope you can make it public It is stated that in the name of the Hades, my clients will be a little daunted even if they want to retaliate. "

"Yes, I can agree to these requirements. In fact, you don't have to worry at all. I can assure you that all those people will be destroyed by me before you are killed."

"Well, since that is the case, I am willing to cooperate." The Mole reached out and shook hands to show sincerity.

"Okay, I will wear a dress before I go with you."

ten minutes later.

"Zhang Ting, I have some things. You go back first. Tomorrow morning, I will definitely give you an answer." Ye Shikai dialed the phone and said lightly.

"What, surnamed Ye, you left me alone, and then you said such a sentence, you want me to go back, you don't say it early, let me blow the cold wind for half an hour outside." Zhang Ting heard Here, it's "explosion" at once.

"Also, since you are going to handle the case, why can't you take me there."

"Well, there are special reasons, you are inconvenient to go, but you can rest assured that tomorrow morning, you will know." Ye Shikai hurriedly hung up the phone, this car is Luo Shiqi, he sat with the mole In the back seat, Luo Shiqi's bodyguards are in front, and there are two bodyguards in the front and rear as guards.

Ye Shikai did not allow Zhang Ting to contact the mole, so naturally he did not expose him. Although he was wise to protect himself, he did "black market transactions" after all, and the mole would never agree to let a policewoman accompany him.

After two hours.

"Turn left in front, and you will arrive when you see the abandoned factory." The team finally arrived at his "base camp" according to the guidance of the mole. Ye Shikai was certainly not worried that the mole would go alone to get the information ~ ~ so he would It is possible to escape.

Ye Shikai knew this abandoned factory. This is a suburb. There are many such factories. There is no one for a long time. If you want to make a horror movie, this place is very suitable for framing.

"Is this your base?" Ye Shikai asked back, and the Mole led them into the factory. At night, there was only the sound of cold wind roaring past.

"Strictly speaking, all kinds of materials are kept here. You can understand it as a data room. My laboratory is not here, and my warehouse is all in a different location."

"Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, you are really cunning." Ye Shikai sighed.

"There is no way to do my business, every step must be cautious, otherwise it will be a scourge of death."

"Okay, let's go quickly." Ye Shikai urged.

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