Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1836: Port City

Ye Shikai bought a plane ticket for the second day of Hong Kong City. The last time he went to Hong Kong City, it was because of the cooperation between Su Qingyu and the Wus that he originally wanted to deal with business matters. It is also the "old organization" of Nightmare and Fantasy Fox. Similarly, it is also an enemy of the Hades, Ye Shikai's old opponent, and members of the Tomb Spirit Organization robbed the strange stones from the Port City Security Office at the pier, making the entire Security Office Very headache, but fortunately, it was eventually wiped out by Ye Shikai and other members of the Hades.

This time I went to Hong Kong City to investigate the serial disappearance case. Although the name is a serial disappearance case, in fact, both the police in Yanjing and the police in Zhongyuan City attach great importance to it. If it is just a general case, how is it possible? There will be so many practitioners besieging, anyone can see that it is not that simple.

It is not so simple to find "Howard" in the huge city of Hong Kong. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with a haystack, but one of the clues given to him by Mole is very important. This "Howard" likes to gamble money , So it often appears in the chess room, there are bright, and of course underground.

This organization is so large, with so many people, it is impossible for the leader to show his head in such a high profile, so Ye Shikai speculates that Howard is only one of the members of the organization, responsible for buying black technology products from the mole, or there are other things, In any case, this is a breakthrough, so the next step is to find Howard, and then follow the path to find the organization behind the scenes.

"Xiaokai, what are you looking at." At this time, Chen Yuxin came over and said lightly.

"It's nothing, just the facts of the case. I'm going to Hong Kong City tomorrow." Ye Shikai explained.

"Well, you pay attention to safety, I still let the wind chimes accompany."

"Yeah." Ye Shikai didn't refuse. If he didn't agree to let the wind chimes accompany him, then Chen Yuxin would have to make trouble again, but he couldn't stand it anymore. Besides, the wind chimes were "entangled", but their strength was still good. Yes, Ye Shikai is about to face a huge organization. I do n’t know what the danger is. The Netherworld crowd will not be around. A master is by his side, which is considered an insurance.

"Xiaokai, you should go to bed early, otherwise you will lose energy tomorrow." Chen Yuxin said lightly.

"Well, I'll take a shower first." Ye Shikai closed the computer and walked into the bathroom. He just wanted to take a shower, and then he slept. The smile on Chen Yuxin's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes fell on him. On the computer on the table ...

The next day.

"You'd better give me a good explanation, which caused me to blow cold wind for half an hour outside last night." Zhang Ting almost started his hands as soon as he met, but this is a police station after all, she can only Converge.

"Why didn't Luo Shiqi invite you to sit in."

"You ... stop talking about her." Zhang Ting sneered. "What happened last night, where are the new clues you said, and what to do in Hong Kong City."

"Do you remember the capsule I said last time?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course, that kind of remote control."

"Last night, the seller of this capsule was in that private club. I chatted with him, and he also gave me a face and gave me all the information we needed."

"What, you met him." Zhang Ting said excitedly.

"Yes what's the matter."

"Like this kind of black market seller, how many bad things are sold, why don't you catch them." Zhang Ting shouted.

"First of all, I ’m not a policeman. It ’s not my business to catch him. In addition, I have a cooperative relationship with him. If I really catch him, I wo n’t even get these materials. I know people like him unless you take The top of the gun threatened him, or he had bargaining chips in his hands, otherwise you would n’t get any information from his mouth. ”Ye Shikai continued,“ You do n’t have to think about investigating him, looking for his "Black spots", his kind of person's foundation is cleaner than even his face, and he can't catch the "little braid". You can't even catch him the evidence. At best, he is only suspected of investigating. "

"Huh." Zhang Ting was unhappy, but there was no alternative. Ye Shikai waved his hand. It is estimated that only people like Mole can manage it. He is a smart man who knows how to protect himself, so he has a bottom line in selling things. , Will never ask for trouble, and will not leave traces as a handle.

"From the information, I found a person named Howard, this may not be the real name, but others are indeed in Hong Kong City, and now he is the most suspected, our goal is to go to Hong Kong City to catch him." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Well, I will listen to you this time."

According to Ye Shikai's previous arrangements, they took a plane to Hong Kong City in the afternoon. Huang Hai originally wanted to send some people to help, but they were rejected by Ye Shikai. Hong Kong City is different from Zhongyuan City. "Brainhead", not to mention, want to seize the old fox of Howard, relying on how useless people alone, but easy to expose themselves.

Port city.

"Why is it so hot here? I already wear short sleeves before I know it." Zhang Ting complained.

"I think you are anxious, rest assured, this case already has clues, but patience is more important, you have been investigating the case for so long, the reason for long-line fishing is always clear." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Yeah, but if I don't close the rod again, I'm afraid I won't even have a fish."

"Relax, it's easy to find this Howard." Ye Shikai said with relief.

"What, since it's simple, you don't have to lead the way yet."

"It's still afternoon, and if you want to catch him, you have to wait until late at night. Let's go to eat something, add strength, and then change our head."

"What does it mean."


Late at night ~ ~ What are we doing here. "Ye Shikai took Zhang Ting to a place with poker, mahjong, dice, and chips all over the place. How could Zhang Ting not know this place."

"Hey, how did you bring me here." Zhang Ting instinctively resisted this kind of place, and Ye Shikai behaved naturally.

"According to the information, Huo Hua often appears here, do you still want to catch him." Ye Shikai said softly, worried about being heard by the people next to him.

"So it turns out, I didn't think you planned it already."

"I tell you in advance, I will act in my eyes, don't act rashly, if the grass is scared, if the terrain here, if he escapes, we might not be able to catch it." Ye Shikai told him.

"Relax, I am very decent."

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