Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1845: Strange death

Ye Shikai spent several years in the underground world abroad. He thought that he had also seen what is "the world's sinister" and "human purgatory", and had seen the darkest side of human nature, but compared to the hawk moth, he was still a little witch, and he would live alive. The human beings were transformed into monsters with no emotions and ugly faces. It was difficult to imagine that this was what humans did, so at that time, whether it was the Hades, the Longya, or the National Security Bureau, all the bases of the hawk moths were eradicated for the purpose of No one knows whether we really did it in the end, but at least all the research bases surveyed are already "not in the grass."

Tian Jing suddenly mentioned what it means now. Ye Shikai has already guessed. One of the key points of the HST project is to experiment with living people. How to obtain these test bodies must be a headache for the organization behind the scenes. In the current society In the middle, once there are fewer people and there are still a group of people, it will inevitably attract attention, which is tantamount to setting fire to the body, so the safest and most effective way is to kidnap these beggars and scavengers, who are among the most inconspicuous in society. Ye Shikai was able to determine the location of the missing person, not only the more than 30 people who reported it, but even hundreds of people ...

"HST project has been eliminated by us, isn't it." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Actually, this may not be the case." Tian Jing hesitated for a while, and finally said "It was originally a secret in the game, but I think you should know, not only because you hate those bastards, but because of us 'S position is the same, isn't it. "

"You keep talking." Ye Shikai's face was cold, and the most annoying thing in the world was to watch his opponent's resurgence. Ye Shikai thought it had been cleared, but Tian Jing thought he hadn't finished the matter.

"Actually, I knew very early that the HST project was not over. You should know that Boss Xing was still not caught."

Boss Xing really hasn't heard from him for a long time, so that Ye Shikai even forgot him. He knows that Boss Xing should be behind the HST project. Behind, there may be a larger organization.

Or this matter, he should go and ask about wind chimes, he already knows that there is a connection between Xing Boss and the film ...

"Recently, we also got news that this project has begun to resurrect. Last time in Yanjing, we destroyed all their strongholds and sealed all equipment and data, but I suspect that the organization behind the scenes also has backups in the field. Not only has the HST project not ended, but the development is now more than it was then. "

"Why didn't you tell me early." Ye Shikai asked back.

"First of all, this is the secret of the bureau. Secondly, you disappeared for more than two months without a word, and no one can find it. How can I tell you."

"Well, it's my fault." Ye Shikai said helplessly.

"So this time the Bureau also attaches great importance. These kidnapping cases may be related to the HST project. If this is the case, then the opponent we have to face is too strong."

The next day, the Hong Kong City Security Office.

"The deceased died of poisoning. The initial judgment was that the poison spread in the stomach. In addition, his various organs also had problems, and the performance was failure." Forensic reported to Tianjinghui.

"Will the failed organ be caused by poisoning?" Tian Jing asked rhetorically.

"It should not be that these failures should have occurred before the death of the dead. The toxins in the stomach are very limited and should not be sufficient to spread to every organ."

"It seems that this fat body was unhealthy before death." Ye Shikai ridiculed, and he knew very well that Howard was a cultivator, and it was impossible for a cultivator to suffer from organ failure. In addition, although Howard was fat , But it does n’t look like a person with organ failure, which is really suspicious.

Ye Shikai took this autopsy report and was confused, but he could only accept it. Tianjing was also dignified. In this report, almost no value of Howard was normal, even if it was poisoned. As for this.

"Look at this," Tian Jing said suddenly, raising Howard's arm, and on his shoulder, there were some "scales".

"What is this." Tian Jing asked the forensic.

"Well, I didn't know very well. At the time, I thought it was a kind of ringworm, but later I found out that it was not." Ye Shikai explained, Ye Shikai touched it with his hands. This is not ringworm. Hard, he could even imagine that if such scales were all over his body, wouldn't it be invulnerable.

"This is by no means ringworm, we need to investigate clearly." Ye Shikai said firmly.

It was already afternoon to leave the forensic office. Ye Shikai and Tian Jing both looked cold and silent. What was on Howard's shoulder?

"The HST project is not only a hawk moth. In fact, they have researched the second generation, or even the third generation." Ye Shikai sat in the car and said suddenly, for example, the Ade he met before, he committed a crime in Yanjing Several homicides, and most importantly, he is also a test specimen of the HST project. To be precise, it is a failed test specimen. He has eight claws, like an octopus.

"I boldly speculate that ~ ~ this Howard, will it also be a tester of the HST project."

"This possibility is not ruled out." Tianjing agrees.

Ye Shikai recalled carefully that day, he did n’t find the abnormality of Howard, and there were no such "scales" on his shoulders, but they only grew out after his death, but what is this?



"Homeowner, this is the case. The subordinates can't persuade my aunt, and he doesn't want to listen to me." There was a hint of timidness on the wind chime's face. Chen Yuxin now looked "gentle", but she didn't dare.

"Since that's the case, you go down first." Chen Yuxin waved her hand, she seemed to have expected it already.

"It's incompetent, **** it."

"I know his temper, the more I do not allow him to act, the more he will resist, but this case is not something he should investigate."

"Homeowner, what shall we do next."

"Since he is determined to investigate, let him investigate, as long as he is fine, wind chime, you and Xueming take some close friends to Hong Kong City, be sure to protect him personally." Chen Yuxin ordered.


"Homeowner, there is one thing, the subordinates don't know if they should say." Wind Bell said hesitantly.

"You say it."

"Miss Su of Tianya Group has also arrived in Hong Kong City."

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